Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if you've been doing a lot of strength training lately, it's likely this is the reason that you're looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.
Your activity level: Someone who is very inactive may have a BMI in the normal range and have lots of body fat, though they may not look out of shape. "They have very low levels of muscle and bone -- often elderly people, those in poor shape, sometimes those who are sick.
One easily forgotten reason is that your weight only indicates your body mass index (BMI), not your body composition, which is the amount of muscle versus fat you have on your body. Your body composition makes a huge difference in what you look like even though it can't be measured by the scale.
Basically, it's an imbalance between the amount of muscle and fat you have that can make you appear fat even at your ideal weight. A skinny fat or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) individual can have the same BMI as someone who looks ripped. Yet, the skinny fat person will still have excess fat.
What is this? The width of the lens, as well as your distance from the camera, can make you look larger or smaller in photos than you do in person or in the mirror. But rest assured that most times, this is truly an optical illusion based on the photography equipment you use and the clothes you wear.
A weight under 100–110 pounds (50kg)
Your weight is affected by your hydration levels. This is true. Coincidentally 1 litre of water weighs 1kg (not a coincidence, that's how the metric system works) so drink a litre of water and you'll weigh 1kg more.
“The research demonstrates human observers are often poor at estimating their own body size, and the size of others. "Crucially, body size judgments are not always accurate and can be biased by various factors. Sometimes it's influenced just by the people we stand next to,” Dr Bell said.
A: The short answer is yes — it's possible for you to be both fit and overweight, even obese. What's really important to understand is what “fit” means and what “overweight” means relative to your health.
US size 12–14 is usually considered “Large” and some brands do start “plus sizes” at 12.
New research from Macquarie University, published in the journal PLOS ONE, has found that both genders consider an unhealthily low body fat content for women as most attractive. Whereas the study found that both genders find men with a healthy level of body fat most attractive.
Phantom fat, or body dysmorphic disorder, is when someone's lost weight but they still see themselves as very heavy.
Muscle is denser than fat, and as it is more compact within your body, as you gain muscle mass, you end up looking thinner, no matter your physical weight. So, if you've been doing a lot of strength training lately, it's likely this is the reason that you're looking fantastic but not dropping those numbers.
Why do you weigh yourself? What is it that you're looking to get when you step on the scale? Weighing yourself is a kind of body checking, a way to cope with anxiety stemming from a preoccupation body weight or size, and the behaviors you utilize to attempt to control it.
A person should avoid weighing themselves at gyms, health clubs, and other fitness facilities. Although the scales may be accurate, there are more variables that are hard to control, such as the time of the day, activity level, and clothing choices.
The Cons of Weighing Yourself Daily
Some people may get unhappy or upset when they don't see the numbers on the scale moving the way that they want. Weighing yourself too often and worrying about gains or losses can lead to unhealthy habits, such as disordered eating and skipping meals, just to see the scale move.
A person of 100kg weighs 5kg in the water. This is explained as follows: the 80% of a person's weight is water (80kg), which has no weight in the water, and about 15% is fat (15kg), which is lighter than water.
One litre of water has a mass of almost exactly one kilogram when measured at its maximal density, which occurs at about 4 °C. It follows, therefore, that 1000th of a litre, known as one millilitre (1 mL), of water has a mass of about 1 g; 1000 litres of water has a mass of about 1000 kg (1 tonne or megagram).
Any extra water being held in the body is referred to as “water weight.” When water builds up in the body, it can cause bloating and puffiness, especially in the abdomen, legs, and arms. Water levels can make a person's weight fluctuate by as much as 2 to 4 pounds in a single day.
Example: If a person weighs 68 kg and is 165 cm (1.65 m) tall, BMI is calculated as 68 ÷ (1.65)2 = 24.98 kg/m2, which means that the person has a BMI of 24.98 and is considered to be a healthy weight.
If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the underweight range. If your BMI is 18.5 to <25, it falls within the healthy weight range. If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls within the overweight range. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range.
The approximate height where 45 kg is slightly underweight and 60 kg is slightly overweight is 5′5″ (165 cm). At 5′7″, 45 kg is considered very underweight but 60 kg is normal. At 6′ (183 cm), both are considered underweight.
Mostly it's because you see yourself every day and the incremental changes aren't as noticeable. The best thing to do is take pictures of yourself and check the difference every week or 2 weeks. Try using the same lighting, clothing and camera. You will definitely see the difference then.
When you lose or gain weight, you effectively stretch or shrink your skin. By reducing the fat that keeps skin stretched out, you will also weaken the elasticity of the skin temporarily, so that post weight-loss skin may appear loose and flabby.