Why can Capricorns be so hard to date? Capricorn approaches dating very seriously, and they may be looking for commitment right off the bat. It may be difficult for them to go with the flow and enjoy getting to know someone, because they have to know if the relationship is going somewhere in the long term.
Capricorns are self-critical, which may affect your relationship. Capricorns set high expectations for themselves, often feeling like they work at warp speed only to come up short, over and over again. This can cause a lot of tension and frustration for their partners.
They are extremely scared of letting out their feelings in front of a person. They prefer to stay guarded and hide their feelings, unless someone who really cares about them, comes to make them understand the meaning of expressing one's emotions.
A Capricorn is attracted to a person who brings a bit of adventure, humor, and sunshine into their life. Capricorn can be hilariously sardonic and gloss over everything with a cynical joke. Still, a Capricorn can also be a melancholic workaholic who is sometimes stoic.
The back of the knees is known to be a special erogenous zone for a Capricorn, who can be aroused by a slow and sensual massage.
Capricorns are competitive and love to win, but they also want it to be earned and respected. Likewise, they appreciate excellence wherever they find it and can be among the most supportive in the zodiac.
When a Capricorn has lost interest in you, they'll probably sit you down, take you on a memory ride and will talk about the things that went wrong in the process. They are the type that will not think from their hearts, instead will feed you with logic over romance.
In addition, Capricorns take love very seriously. They are patient and will take time to find a partner who is fit for marriage. Finally, in relationships, they are devoted caretakers who show their love through acts of service. They love helping through listening and offering advice.
Capricorn. Capricorns can cry when they see albums from their youth or when they feel nostalgic.
05/13Capricorn - Lack of merit
A Capricorn's biggest insecurity is a lack of merit. However, they are wise enough to realize that hard work eventually pays off. So, in a way, their insecurity is also their biggest asset.
Capricorn (Kakorrhaphiophobia (Failure)
They have a great strategy for achieving their goals, which can bring great results. However, their biggest phobia is the fear of failure and not achieving their dreams.
Capricorn: They Never Talk About the Future
If they're never talking about the future or where they see themselves in 10 years, that's a major red flag for you. After all, it's a sign that all your careful emotional investment may be misplaced in this person.
For a Capricorn, emotions are irrational. However, while they may believe so, they just can't seem to escape it. They are very guarded about expressing their thoughts and feelings but that's because they feel that their feelings and expressions might come in their way of success.
This sign loves to be the one in control, even though their partner may not like it all the time. What's worse is that they might not even listen to their partner because their nature isn't such at all. Capricorns tend to hold grudges for a long time, even at their partners.
Capricorn – Failure To Make Time For A Relationship
Capricorn's biggest fear in life is failing and they will often work themselves to death until they reach their goal. This often doesn't leave much time for a relationship, especially if their partner's needs get in the way of their life's purpose.
A Capricorn man will pull away from you if he senses you aren't ready for a monogamous relationship. He will pull away rather than risk having his heart broken.
If a Capricorn man is taking interest in what you like to do, wants to know and tries different activities with you and for you, then you know his sentiments. He is into you and when they pay attention to you, it is how they express their true feelings.
Capricorn is an ambitious sign and is most often attracted to ambitious partners over laid-back ones. The signs that seem the most compatible with the Capricorn include a loyal Taurus and a practical Virgo. However, number one on the list of best matches for a Capricorn is ambitious, goal-oriented, enigmatic Scorpio.
Capricorns are more logical and rational about a heartbreak. Although, they might be disappointed but there is no way they'll think about it for long. They'll probably accept it as it is and continue doing what they love to do. No remorse, no hatred, just pure reasoning.
As for looks, according to Alpheratz, “Capricorns love partners who exude elegance, class, and dignity. So, good style, looking well-groomed, and having an eye for beauty is attractive to them.”
Capricorn love language: Luxury Items (Receiving Gifts)
And because you obviously know best, you also enjoy the finer things in life, and you want a lover who appreciates those things too. Nothing is better than someone who knows how to select a piece with the highest quality at the best price point.
You have least interest in gossip and rumours, you care only about the truth. Capricorns have high standards: For your high standards, some people call you fussy or picky but to you it's simply a matter of not settling for second best whether it's your career, love life or pretty much anything else that matter.