Kind people always respect the feelings and needs of others. They are careful not to offend or hurt anyone. They know that sometimes being kind means just listening without giving advice or judging someone's situation.
They found that young adults who have higher expression of the CD38 gene as well as differences in CD157 gene sequence are friendlier and more socially adept than others. They have more close friends and show greater social skills.
' A nice person feels like things are meant to be shared, especially when someone is in need. They gladly give their time, energy, and belongings. Not only are they generous, but they do so without expecting anything in return.
People who are always nice tend to hold in negative emotions, often resulting in depression, anxiety, and addiction. Those who are always nice may periodically act out or even collapse from exhaustion.
As well as making others feel good, there is evidence that people who spread a little kindness are happier, healthier and more attractive than their mean-spirited peers.
fastidious. finicky. genteel. goody-goody. goody-two-shoes.
If you describe someone as sweet, you mean that they are pleasant, kind, and gentle toward other people.
The people who seem to make friends easily tend to be naturally curious, empowerment speaker and author Suzanne Brown tells us. It's easy for them to ask questions, and they actively look for things they may have in common. “The questions they ask seem to have a natural flow,” Brown says.
Agreeableness. Those who rank high in agreeableness are trustworthy, kind, and affectionate toward others. They're known for their pro-social behavior and they're often committed to volunteer work and altruistic activities.
Researchers estimate that about 30 to 60 percent of kindness is genetically determined, while the rest depends on life experiences and individual choices.
A sense of humor? While those qualities certainly don't hurt, it turns out the most alluring thing about a person is a bit different. According to recent research, kindness is the number one most attractive trait people look for in a partner.
Kindness is being generous with others, giving your time, money, and talent to support those who are in need. Kindness is being compassionate, which means to really be there for someone, listening intently to their suffering or just sitting with them and silently supporting them.
Sometimes, too nice really is a red flag. Someone who seems too nice could actually be love bombing you, an early warning sign of abuse, for instance. "Although on the surface, you may feel someone is too nice, it's actually your intuition trying to give you a subtle warning that something is off," Nikhade says.
phoney. adjective. informal someone who is phoney pretends to be friendly, clever, kind etc.
Watch for Their Eye Gaze
Like touch, eye contact triggers the release of oxytocin. When someone is attracted to you, they subconsciously will try engaging in lots of mutual eye contact. They do this to feel closer to you, and because they are interested in you and what you are saying.
In fact, the experts found that intelligent people who tend to be less nice to co-workers are likely to have the greatest career success in the long term. While kind and generous individuals do good for others, the benefits are short-lived, according to the study.
Participants high in the self-reported traits of agreeableness or extraversion, the two Big 5 traits most relevant to interpersonal behavior, were rated more attractive.
Research shows that for both men and women, being nice markedly increases the appeal of a potential romantic partner. In fact, evolution may have dictated it to be so.