It was her injury that enabled first Stoler, and then Fred, to see Jasmine as she truly was; they both had injuries and came in direct contact with Jasmine's blood.
Jasmine (also known as the Blessed Devourer, the Beast Master, and Cordelia Chase, true name unpronounceable by human tongues) was a rogue member of the Powers That Be. Jasmine was the "Big Bad" that Angel Investigations had to deal with in 2003.
After Angel Investigations took over Wolfram & Hart in 2003, Fred met her end when one of her coworkers, Knox, brought in an ancient sarcophagus which infected her with the essence of the Old One Illyria, and, despite her friends' best efforts, Fred perished and her body was taken over by Illyria itself.
Cordelia fell into a coma giving birth to Jasmine, and a season later she died offscreen in a hospital bed, the events leading up to her death erased from history.
While the princess in the original tale is named Badroulbadour, the studio decided to rename the character the more familiar "Jasmine" after actress Jasmine Guy.
Yasmine is the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin. She is a lesser know background charcter constantly seen through out the episodes. She has a middle Eastern look. And a tanned face and short brown hair.
While some claim Jasmine is Arab because the movie opens with a song called Arabian Nights, others believe that the architecture in Agrabah is clearly based on the Taj Mahal, making Jasmine Indian.
In a life or death situation with Buffy, Cordelia privately confessed to her to that unless it was some temporary insanity, she genuinely fell in love with Xander.
Cordelia loves her father as much as any child loves their parent but does not feel she can flatter her father by making him feel there is no room in her heart for any other love.
In total, Cordelia is the victim of mystical pregnancy three times during the series: from a Haxil beast in this episode, as host of an unborn Skilosh demon in "Epiphany," and from Connor while possessed by Jasmine, as first revealed in "Salvage."
The film casts Siobhan Fallon Hogan and John Cena as Fred's parents and pop singer and actress Pixie Lott as Fred's crush Judy.
In an interview with assignment x, the Fred star opened up about Fred and June's relationship, revealing why how his character named to be so infatuated by June.
It transpires that, when magic was restored, many aspects of the supernatural were "reset", resulting in the resurrection of both Fred and Illyria, sharing the same body. Fred and Illyria thereafter remain with Angel for the remainder of Season 10 and throughout Angel Season 11.
Jasmine's possession of Cordelia became apparent as she used Cordelia's body to have sex with Connor, and she set terrible things in motion in order to hide the fact she had become pregnant in order to give birth to herself.
She is soft-spoken, empathetic, and caring. But that's only one part of Jasmine's personality. When her authority is questioned she can become vicious, vengeful, and bloodthirsty. She has immense powers including a healing touch, super strength, and magic.
Burgundy rejects Cordelia when he discovers that she will bring him no dowry or inheritance. Burgundy, who cannot love Cordelia without her wealth, is guilty of selfish motivations.
Later, in Angel's perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out "Buffy!" as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.
When Cordelia is in danger, as in the greenhouse of Chiswick manor, her first thought is not towards her, as Parabatai should be. She forgets to heal her, which is not fitting with the norm of parabatai, i.e. to have each other's backs in battle.
It is mentioned in the game that he was also in love with Cordelia and fought with his brother for her but lost. Despite that they end up having an affair. When the triplets killed Cordelia, just before she died, she asked Richter to take out her heart and transplanted it into another body.
As The Beast causes fire to rain from the sky in an apparent apocalypse, Cordelia sleeps with Connor to give him some happiness before the end.
Cordelia was always Lear's favourite daughter. After Lear is rejected by Cordelia's sisters, Goneril and Regan, he goes mad. Cordelia returns at the end of the play with the intentions of helping Lear, ultimately reversing her role as daughter to that of mother.
Probably not, depending on the time frame. While Jasmine is depicted as a Middle Eastern princess, there is no indication she is Muslim other than the naming structure for some characters and her father using Allah's name.
1. The original Aladdin was actually Chinese. While the true origins of the tale of Aladdin cannot be completely verified, the story is often attributed to French writer Antoine Galland, who claimed a Syrian told him about a boy and a genie in China.
Disney Princesses is the fastest-growing brand for the company's Consumer Products division. Disney introduced its first non-white animated heroine in 1992's “Aladdin”: a Middle Eastern character named Jasmine.