In contrast, Vader sensed his connection to Luke Skywalker almost immediately. How did Vader detect his relationship with one of his offspring but not the other? The short answer is that creator George Lucas had no idea Leia would end up becoming Darth Vader's daughter.
He only senses Luke when he actually using the Force, Leia is not actively aware or using the Force and therefore he does not sense her. He is also not looking for a daughter either until Luke spills the psychic beans on her later on.
Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence.
Alderaan's princess knew she had been adopted by Bail and Breha Organa after the Clone Wars, but she had no idea who her parents were. That was until Luke Skywalker told her the truth - that he was the son of Darth Vader, and that she was his sister.
He either didn't realize it was the same protocol droid or figured he'd been memory-wiped so FUNCTIONALLY wasn't the same droid and didn't care.
Late in the film, Darth Vader does not recognize C-3PO who is in Cloud City with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia. Although C-3PO is not completely assembled in the scene, he is definitely visible to Vader.
However, Leia's strong-mindedness during Vader's probe denied him the opportunity to discover she was his daughter. That serves to justify Vader's lack of awareness of his connection to Leia, although, perhaps, not as satisfyingly as if Lucas had planned for the relationship from the beginning.
Yes. In the book 'Tatooine Ghost', Leia learns of Anakin's life prior to his evolution into the Darth Vader personae. This revelation leads her to forgive him. She even named her third child in memory of her father.
Reva knows that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader because she was one of his targets—a child—during the Order 66 killings that took place during the events of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Anakin, who has since become the Sith Lord Darth Vader, is unaware of his children's birth. The twins soon became part of the Rebel Alliance following the deaths of their adoptive families at the hands of the Empire.
While their affection had to remain hidden, the two kept in frequent contact, even throughout the Clone Wars. But despite this, Anakin found out that Padme was pregnant only a couple of weeks before the twins were born. So, why did it take so long for her to tell him?
In this comic issue, Darth Vader is informed by Boba Fett that the Rebel pilot who destroyed the battle station (and briefly battled Vader on Cymoon 1 in issue 2) is named Luke Skywalker, who Vader immediately recognizes as his son.
Star Wars Just Confirmed Darth Vader's Undying Love for Padme Amidala. Star Wars: Darth Vader #23 revealed just how much Anakin Skywalker loved Padme Amidala even after his transformation into the Sith Lord.
Throughout her encounters with Kenobi in the series, he refers to himself as Ben. The most straightforward explanation would be that Leia knows the person who rescued her is Ben, and never connected the dots that Ben is actually Obi-Wan.
The Third Sister was at the Jedi Temple during Order 66. She either saw Anakin kill her fellow Jedi or saw the recording of his crimes. That's why she has such hatred for Obi-Wan. She was a Padawan who escaped Order 66.
Leia doesn't get to reunite with Obi-Wan, and instead, just before escaping with Han and Luke, she sees his murder. Of course, Leia doesn't know Darth Vader is her father yet, either in A New Hope and certainly not in Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Arguably, most Star Wars plot points revolve around characters simply not knowing something, very often about their family history. But, on top of all of that, the biggest reason Obi-Wan doesn't know Anakin is alive is that the last time he saw Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith, Ben literally left him for dead.
Haunted by the trauma from her past, the Third Sister sought to exact revenge on the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader for his slaughter of the Jedi during Order 66, which had taken away the only family she had ever known.
Did Vader know Padme gave birth? - Quora. No. The mortician who worked on Padme's body made her appear as if she died pregnant, on Yoda's (passed down) request. This was to ensure that Vader and Sidious could never find out about Luke and Leia.
Over the years since the Youngling massacre, and even sometime before, Darth Vader has regretted killing the Younglings, recognizing that it was the most terrible thing he had ever done.
She later made use of a pale blue weapon and dueled and killed the fallen Hutt Jedi Beldorion with it on Nam Chorios. The third lightsaber Luke gifted her in 18 ABY had a ruby-red blade. Her fourth weapon was a blue-bladed lightsaber that she used throughout the Swarm War and thereafter.
Leia Organa never knew her mother, Padmé Amidala. She thought she could remember Padmé - describing her to her brother Luke as "kind but...sad." But in truth Leia seems to have been confused, instead remembering Padmé's former handmaiden (and doppelgänger) Sabé.
It's well known that Star Wars lead characters Luke Skywalker and Princess (now General) Leia are brother and sister. The estranged siblings didn't know about their familial relationship until "Return of the Jedi." They even shared a passionate kiss in the previous movie, "The Empire Strikes Back."
Assuming that the Empire would try to find the child of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan and Yoda decided that Luke was a prime candidate to be a lure for the Empire, and Leia would be the one trained to fight Vader and the Emperor. At the end of Revenge of the Sith, both children were placed into hiding.
No. As Tarkin explains, it was Vader's idea to let Leia escape, so the bugged Millennium Falcon could lead them to the rebel base. If he had stopped Leia from escaping, he would have foiled his own plan.