In Star Wars, Padawan's cut off their braids when they become official Jedi Knights, so we can also see Auggie's decision to cut off his braid as symbolic of him coming into his own. He is ready to find his place in the world.
After the first day of school, Auggie cuts off his Padawan braid. His dad doesn't care, but his sister is pretty outraged. She has a different understanding of what that braid represents.
When a Padawan was declared a Jedi Knight after passing the trials, the braid was shed. If a Padawan was expelled from the Jedi Order, the braid was ripped off, as happened to Ahsoka Tano after she was framed for treason.
Auggie likes star wars because the characters wear masks and they look different like him.
Why did Via get angry with Auggie after the first day of school? He cut off his Padawan braid. What happened after Auggie changed his mind about his Halloween costume? He overheard Jack saying he'd been forced to hang out with Auggie.
Auggie's love and knowledge of science plays a critical role in the film, proving his intelligence but also revealing his desire to be elsewhere.
Before August Went to School
Via would always love to spend time with Auggie and deeply cared for him just like her parents. She would spend time having conversations or playing games together . However, when Auggie had to go the hospital for surgeries, she had to stay with relatives.
The Padawan braid represents Auggie's younger childhood interests and fantasies. His friend Christopher has moved away, their friendship has drifted into the past.
Jack later spent more time with Julian in hopes August would leave him alone. However Jack began to regret leaving Auggie and betrayed Julian by punching his mouth. Jack later apologized, but Julian and Melissa planned to get revenge on August, Jack, and Mr. Tushman.
Auggie (August) Pullman is ten years old. He loves Xbox, his dog, Daisy, and he really loves Star Wars. His favorite character is Jango Fett, and he used to have a small braid in the back of his head like a Padawan Jedi apprentice.
Rey's hair is hiding a Padawan braid.
The Force Awakens leaves off with Rey offering a lightsaber to Luke Skywalker.
As a mentor, Kenobi was responsible for training two members of the Skywalker family, Anakin and Luke Skywalker, both of whom served in turn as his Padawan in the ways of the Force.
Since she doesn't have hair, she can't have a traditional Padawan braid. Instead, a strand of silka beads is attached to her headdress.
Auggie was born with a genetic facial deformity (mandibulo-facial dysostosis) and he has had 27 surgeries to help him breathe, see hear and look “better”. He describes himself as an ordinary kid with extraordinary looks, does ordinary things as others do.
At the end of the school year, Auggie wins the Henry Ward Beecher medal for being the student "whose quiet strength has carried up the most hearts" (8. Awards.
For those who don't know what a Padawan braid is, it's essentially a rat tail haircut. A rat tail, however, that in George Lucas' sci-fi lore, is worn solely by Padawans (apprentice Jedi) before officially becoming Jedi Knights — at which point it's cut off with a lightsaber.
We're all Wonders book cover is really iconic – in a world where people are represented with two eye, a nose, a mouth and two normal sized ears, Auggie only is represented with one eye and an irregular shaped ear.
Auggie is crying because he feels ugly. He asks her why he is ugly and she says he is not. He does not feel better.
Through Facebook messages, Jack apologizes to Auggie, and the boys are friends again. Julian's mother tells Mr. Tushman that Auggie doesn't belong at Beecher Prep, but Mr. Tushman disagrees.
The braid was a symbol among the Jedi Order that the individual is ranked as a Padawan, the first level in becoming a Jedi. Non-human Padawans that did not have hair or fur in their heads to braid were given a silka bead braid to show their Padawan status instead.
Always a canny foe, Ventress baited Anakin by threatening to kill Padme Amidala, before striking him across the face. The scar became another symbol of Anakin's journey to the dark side when he punishes Ventress by binding her in cables and flinging her from the top of a skyscraper.
In the Star Wars universe, Jedi Padawans wear a rattail called a Padawan Braid until they are given the rank of Jedi Knight. In the "Cool Guy Clarence" episode of Clarence, Clarence gets a rattail after admiring the one his new friend has.
Summer, Jack, and August go to the graduation ceremony together, at which Auggie realizes that Jack has a crush on Summer.
This summer, Miranda told people that she was Via. She made up facts about herself, telling others in the camp that August was her brother, and she had a dog named Daisy. This made her realize her romantic feelings towards Via.
Nate Pullman is a parent in Wonder. He is a very rich business man who is head of the school board. He is the husband of Isabel Pullman and the father of their children, August and Olivia. He is portrayed by Owen Wilson in Wonder.