To begin with, Dobby admires / loves Harry because he defeated Lord Voldemort. And then when Dobby meets Harry for the first time, Harry is kind to him and treates him as an equal. For a creature that is usually treated as worse than dirt, that's a powerful thing.
And this inspired the House Elves, especially as their treatment during his reign was far below sub-par. But once Harry defeated him, things got much better for them. As a result, Dobby felt incredibly grateful for what Harry did, even if he was too young to remember it.
Dobby was easily the truest friend in the Harry Potter series, both to Harry and to anyone else he met. He risked, and ultimately gave, his life to save Harry and his friends from the Malfoy Manor simply because they were his friends.
Dobby and Harry Potter had a very strong relationship. Dobby loved and respected him very much to the point where he considered Harry to be his best friend.
9 Dobby the House Elf
When Harry helped him escape from the Malfoy family and the cruel torture he was subject to, Dobby became forever more loyal to the Boy Who Lived. Saving his life more than once, Dobby was always there for Harry when he needed him.
Dobby dies moments later, his final words being "Harry Potter". Harry is deeply grieved and decides to dig Dobby's grave by hand without using magic. Ron and Dean join Harry and labor with him. They place Dobby's body in the grave and give him socks, shoes and a hat.
All this while, all Dobby has wanted was to warn Harry about Lucius Malfoy's involvement in the opening of the Chamber of Secrets. He wanted Harry to be safe and thus tried his best to dissuade him from going back to school.
In the book, it's primarily because: Hermione didn't disapparate with Harry and Dobby from Malfoy manner. So it's possible she wasn't close by them. Ron apparated with her based on the description of the scene and not knowing Dobby's injury, he probably took her right back to Shell Cottage without thinking.
Dobby (28 June (year unknown) - March, 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family.
When Dobby's last words before dying in Harry's arms are "Such a beautiful place, to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter."
Dobby had tried to save his llfe, but done so in n unacceptable way, ie by keeping him away from Hogwarts and his friends there, and intercepting his mail. Harry was telling Dobby that such interference with Harry's freedom of choice was wrong, however honourable the motives.
Dobby earned his freedom by getting a sock, and they always held a special place in his heart. During his time as a free elf, Dobby took up collecting socks, trying to find all the interesting pairs that he could. He even shared his love with Harry, knitting him a personalized set of socks for Christmas.
In 1997, Dobby helped Harry spy on Draco Malfoy with Kreacher. In 1998, he went on Aberforth Dumbledore's orders to save the lives of Harry and his companions Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Mr.
Dobby praises Harry for being famous, polite, good-hearted, and modest. Harry denies the praise until Dobby makes reference to Voldemort (calling him "He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"). We learn that Dobby wants to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts, as danger awaits him there.
Why did Dobby save Harry? Dobby answers this question clearly in the book. Harry Potter is a symbol of hope for the House Elves since most of their life's improved after Voldemort was defeated. He also knows that Harry will be in danger of the weaponized diary Horcrux and did not want him to die.
Socks are an important symbol for Dobby, as it represents his freedom from slavery. In the Harry Potter series, house elves are immediately freed from enslavement if their master gives them clothing.
Dobby spent at least a year searching for a family who would pay him wages to be their House-Elf, something which is unheard of in the wizarding world. Eventually, Professor Dumbledore agreed to pay Dobby one Galleon per week to work at Hogwarts – he had offered more, but Dobby bargained him down.
Kreacher is the exact opposite of Dobby, in that he is incredibly abrasive, bigoted, and rude. This is understandable considering his past and assigned family. Kreacher was the house-elf of the Black family, first serving Sirus' mother Walburga, who Kreacher remained devoted to after her death.
According to the WOMBAT test, it is possible that house-elves have an average life expectancy of 200 years, cannot be ordered to kill themselves, breed infrequently and only with their master's permission, can override wizard enchantments, and have an allegiance to their home rather than its inhabitants.
Dobby dies at Bellatrix's hands, his last act being rescuing Harry and his friends from the deranged Death Eater's clutches. Dobby's gentle nature made him an easy target for the dark forces in the wizarding world, but his death was gut-wrenching nonetheless.
After being on the run from a bunch of Snatchers, the gang were taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix proceeded to torture Hermione using the Cruciatus Curse. It was a testament to Hermione's toughness that she was able to walk away without lasting damage.
Hermione sees Harry as only a friend so she has no trouble hugging him. The same is not true of Ron who she has stronger, unacknowledged feelings for. She doesn't want to hug him for fear it will become immediately and plainly obvious to him and even Harry how she feels about Ron.
Attempts to save Dobby include applying Essence of Dittany, a potion known for accelerating wound healing. However, Hermione, who is responsible for administering the potion, lacks the knowledge and resources at the time to address the severity of Dobby's injury.
Dobby will have to punish himself most grievously for coming to see you, sir. Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven door for this. Every time Dobby does not live up to the expectations of his masters (the family he serves), he injures himself.
So Harry could trick Lucius to free him and the plot can move forward. There is absolutely no other reason under the sun for a master to drag his house elf to Hogwarts. Some suggested that he used Dobby for transportation (elf apparation).