The results from Botox last anywhere between 2-6 months; the average result lasts about 3-4 months. Why does Botox eventually stop working? Your body makes new neurotransmitters all the time, so the “blocking” effect of Botox gradually wears off as these chemicals start circulating in your body again.
It's unlikely that you will require Botox every two months, but you may need a top-up every three months or so if you wish to proceed with further treatments. Your cosmetic treatment provider can create a suitable treatment schedule for you.
Consistently high-stress levels can cause the body to break down Botox more quickly while speeding the aging process. Taking part in meditation, yoga, and other stress-relieving activities can help you maximize the life span of your Botox while reducing any stress-related aging.
You don't want to schedule injections any sooner than three months after your last injection for safety reasons. On average, this anti-aging injectable delivers results for three to four months at a time.
Can I do too much Botox? Theoretically, yes. If you continue to receive treatments every 2-3 months for years on end, the muscle will continue to get weaker and flatter. This may give the appearance that the skin can appear thin and lose.
Medical professionals do not use the same amount of Dysport® for every treatment. Larger treatments may last longer than a treatment that used a relatively small amount of Dysport®. Additionally, Dysport® may degrade over time or if exposed to heat.
The body begins to form antibodies against the product. Eventually the antibodies will block Botox® from working, and the facial muscles will recover very rapidly. At that point, there is little point in getting further injections of Botox®.
Your wrinkles may be too deep for Botox to work on its own.
If you have deep lines that are present at rest when you are not using the muscles then you will not be able to get rid of those wrinkles with Botox alone. Injection of a dermal filler product may be needed to provide further improvement.
If you try Botox and it doesn't seem to work for you, talk to your healthcare provider. They may be willing to inject you again for free if you didn't get results the first time. If it happens again and you are still determined to have a line-free forehead, try seeing a different healthcare provider.
The short answer to how long you should wait between Botox treatments is anywhere from three to four months for the best results. We recommend scheduling around this time frame, which is when most people begin to notice that their results begin to dissipate.
Answer: Botox not lasting long enough
The most common reason for the Botox to not be lasting long enough is that too low a dose is being injected - the dosing depends on your age and strength of your particular muscles, and is best ascertained by a cosmetic expert such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.
Generally speaking, most people get Dysport treatments once every 90 to 120 days, or once every 3 or 4 months. It's encouraged by experts to wait at least 90 days between treatments in order for the neurotoxin to completely work its way out of your body before reintroducing the treatment.
Our recommendation is that as soon as you feel that your Botox is wearing off—when you're getting movement back and seeing those lines reappear, for most people around the 3 month mark—you should come in for another treatment if you'd like to maintain your original result.
Because Botox is a form of a toxin produced by a bacteria, the body can sometimes develop an immune response to the injections. This will cause the body to break down the Botox injections quickly so that they are no longer effective.
Your body continues producing new neurotransmitters, so the Botox injection's “blocking” effects will eventually wear off. Generally speaking, Botox injections in the forehead last for approximately 4 months.
If you decide that a regular injection routine works best for your skincare needs, you should wait about 12 weeks between treatment sessions. This will help you keep a wrinkle-free face so that your results don't wear off enough in between to where the lines and wrinkles come back.
Botox Touch Up After Two Weeks: What You Need to Know
Patients who undergo a Botox treatment should expect to see the full results of treatment after 14 days. However, if a patient notices minimal changes or no changes in their facial appearance within two weeks of treatment, a Botox touch up can be performed.
"If you do too much Botox on your forehead for many, many years, the muscles will get weaker and flatter," cautions Wexler, adding that the skin can also appear thinner and looser. Moreover, as your muscles become weaker, they can start to recruit surrounding muscles when you make facial expressions.
In general, Botox lasts 3-4 months. There will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment.
A study conducted in 2012 shows that Botox duration increases by 30% in Botox patients who took 50mg of zinc daily. This might be due to the fact that the botulinum toxin is a member of a class of enzymes that requires zinc. So, taking zinc regularly after your Botox treatment can extend the anti-aging effects.
Botox wears off gradually and the effects will fade over time—meaning wrinkles and fine lines won't suddenly reappear overnight.
If you have botulinum toxin injections again, you should wait at least 3 months. It might stop working if you have it too often.
The traditional Botox schedule calls for new injections every 3-4 months to treat glabellar lines—the horizontal lines on your forehead. A new study indicates that after two years of treatment, a good result can be achieved with less frequent injections.
Even though Botox takes about 5 to 7 days to give patients real results, after that time period, your fine lines and wrinkles should be softened for another three to four months on average. If they have started to come back, then it's time to schedule your next Botox appointment.
Many people worry that if they stop getting BOTOX injections, their wrinkles will come back faster and worse than before. However, this is not the case. If you stop BOTOX injections, your wrinkles will slowly start to come back, but slower than if you had never used BOTOX to begin with.