Vader and Tarkin were often at odds with each other and only worked together because it was in the interests of the Galactic Empire. However, Vader's animosity towards him caused Tarkin to later suspect that the Sith Lord and the Jedi Knight who once saved his life were one and the same.
Although Tarkin didn't believe in the Force, he respected Vader a lot, as he was the Emperor's enforcer, and he even grew to admire Vader's way of inducing fear within others.
Darth Vader was a Dark Lord of the Sith who only answered to the Emperor and wasn't technically in the Imperial chain of command at all. The only reason he does what Tarkin says is because he respects him as a military leader and was working with him.
the novel tarkin, written by James Lucino, confirmed that Grand Moff Tarkin. knew the true identity of Darth Vader. having identified anakin's lightsaber skills, military strategy, and interactions with his stormtroopers and the Sith, he was smart enough to not.
"More evil" isn't really something you can objectively measure. His evil is different. Whereas Vader is driven by rage and secret guilt at what he's become, Tarkin is cold and efficient. He is a consummate Imperial officer, devoted to his work.
1. Emperor Palpatine. Darth Sidious infiltrated the heart of the Republic and twisted it into the Empire, sparked a terrible war that engulfed the entire galaxy in fire and ash, corrupted once-noble Jedi to his cause, and executed Order 66 to erase the Jedi Order from existence.
This is confirmed later in the movie when Obi-Wan informs Padme that Anakin killed them. Both are torn apart with hurt and confusion, trying to make sense of something so terrible.
Leia was not prepared to give up the Rebels, but she also did not want to lose her homeworld and the millions of people who lived there. As a result, she lied to Tarkin and told him that the Rebel base was located on Dantooine.
During the Clone Wars, officers such as Captain Tarkin served under the Jedi Generals appointed to lead the Republic military. But Tarkin thought the Jedi's traditional role as peacekeepers made them a poor choice for prosecuting the war against the Separatists.
Honoring his agreement with Vader, Governor Tarkin contacts his personal starship Carrion Spike to request a pick-up. Having learned about Tarkin's past as a hunter on Eriadu, Vader had asked him to hunt him in order to test whether he could still be challenged.
Regardless, Vader reported to Tarkin as Tarkin officially outranked him, as designed by the Emperor to limit his power within the Empire.
Even after his brutal scorching in the fires of Mustafar, sand remained the only natural phenomenon that Vader feared. To him, sand was a reminder that he'd failed to save his mother or Padme from death.
Introduced in the first film in the original Star Wars trilogy, Governor Tarkin is the Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire and commander of the Death Star.
Tarkin used the Death Star to destroy Bail Organa's home planet of Alderaan as a display of the empire's might. When Luke Skywalker fired the proton torpedo that destroyed the space station, Tarkin was killed in the explosion.
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Timothy Zahn's novels have strongly suggested Thrawn - like Tarkin - swiftly deduced Palpatine's true identity as a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Close To: Grand Moff Tarkin
Even when the Galactic Republic still existed, Palpatine was already grooming the leaders of what would one day become his precious Galactic Empire. Palpatine recognized that Wilhuff Tarkin was a brilliant strategist and he was not afraid to be ruthless.
Yes he did. And the saddest thing is that there was nothing he could do about it. He was broken. The first case is shortly after ROTS when Vader was making his Sith lightsaber.
Again, the answer is no. Padme did not cheat on Anakin with Clovis. The two were madly in love with each other. The Clone Wars had an episode called “The Rise of Clovis.” Here, Rush Clovis – Padme's past love interest – has returned and tried to rekindle his relationship with Padme.
“The tear [on Anakin's face] says that he knows what he's done, but he has now committed himself to a path that he may not agree with… but he is going to go on anyway. It's the one moment that says he's self-aware that he's rationalizing all his behavior.
The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
Lack of emotional intelligence – As you might have gathered, Lord Vader has a temper problem, and his employees bear the brunt of his frustrations. The man loves to Force-choke folks who don't fall in line, usually right in front of their peers.
Killing Their Own
This is most famously introduced by Darth Vader in A New Hope when he uses his force choke abilities to silence a criticizing Admiral Motti (Richard LeParmentier). In Empire Strikes Back, Vader would choke his Imperial victim to the end.