“I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really,” Rowling says in the interview. “For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.”
The reason why Harry didn't marry Hermione in the books was so that they could both marry into the Weasley family, and all of their kids would be cousins.
'It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility,' Rowling admits of Ron and Hermione's romance.
According to J.K. Rowling in early interviews, Fred Weasley was going to live while Arthur was going to die in Order of the Pheonix and Ron was going to be killed out of "sheer spite". She admitted that if this plan was to be put in order Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger would have ended up in a relationship.
If they had ended up together, it wouldn't be that much different from the world we saw in Cursed Child. It'd just be a lot more Hermione and Harry talking about their kids instead of the two just talking to each other about the wizarding world at large and how they could help.
The Rowling Library on Twitter: "Without Hermione, Harry would have died in book one.
In fact, without Hermione Granger, maybe there wouldn't even be a Harry Potter series at all; Harry and Ron would have probably died tangled up in some Devil's Snare in their first year. Thankfully, Harry happened to make best friends with the smartest, most dexterous and logical witch of his year.
But Britain's Sunday Times published excerpts of the interview in a front-page story, “JK admits Hermione should have wed Harry.” “I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really,” Rowling says in the interview.
Shortly before the third and final task, Viktor heard the rumors of Hermione and Harry having a romantic relationship, especially after reading about it in the tabloids. However, Harry had to clarify that his and Hermione's relationship was strictly platonic, showing his support for Viktor and Hermione's relationship.
Harry and Hermione have a deep friendship within the group that transcends that of Harry and Ron's – the boys' friendship is built on loyalty and trust, but Harry and Hermione have built a relationship based on respect and a deep caring for each other.
Hermione probably liked the way Ron looks for starters. She was big on looks (Lockhart). She likes bickering, which Harry doesn't. She needs people who make cups to tea and remind her to have fun as well as study.
According to Mental Floss, Rowling said that Hermione and Ron are equally matched and good for each other because of their personalities. She said, “[They] are drawn to each other because they balance each other out.
The explanation is very simple - Harry has a very strong sexual desire for Ginny. He has no such feelings for Hermione. Sex is a fundamental aspect of adult relations. Sex is, in fact, the characteristic that defines the difference between a platonic relationship and a romantic one.
Though Harry encountered many opportunities that deemed Avada Kedavra necessary, it remains as one of the Unforgivable Curses Harry Potter never cast. For one, he viewed the spell as an immoral practice commonly used by users of the Dark Arts.
And this is why Hermione does not fit into Ravenclaw, since she lacks their creativity of thought. When you also add in her fearlessness and her strong convictions about right and wrong, which are inherently Gryffindor traits, then there was even less of a chance she'd end up wearing blue and bronze.
Hermione and Draco have zero time together outside of Hogwarts and that time at Malfoy Manor. They aren't in love, they don't like other and can't even get along! They aren't canon, no matter how much shippers might wish they are.
In a recent interview, J.K. Rowling said that Draco had strong positive feelings for Hermoine, and would always have "lingering" feelings. However, due to his upbringing, he was unable to act on those feelings, and instead made fun of her, gaining some attention that way.
Hermione and Viktor Krum
From even the earlier films, we all knew Hermione Granger was meant for Ron Weasley. But before their ultimate expression of love in the final film, Hermione went to the Yule Ball with one of the Triwizard Tournament's champions, Viktor Krum (Stanislav Ianevski), in Goblet of Fire.
Well, in case it skipped your mind, Harry and Hermione shared a kiss – not cause they were in love or dating each other but a manifestation of a Horcrux, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1.
Harry and Hermione never had anything romantic to do with each other.
She wasnt madam Pomfrey. Meaning, while she had a general knowledge of various spells, she did not have the expertise in healing specific spells to be able to heal a death wound on a house elf. Their physiology is very different from wizards.
Hermione and Ron were beginning to have romantic feelings for each other, and they held off because hugging would have given conflicting signals.
Dumbledore knew that Hermione would be hesitant to take a hasty step. He knew that Hermione would constantly take precaution and would like a less risky choice, thus slowing Harry down and not let him take any rash decision.
Originally Answered: In Deathly Hallows why didn't Hermione leave with Ron even though they loved each other? Harry and Hermione were trying to find the remaining Horcruxes and Hermione knew that Harry isn't that good to find them on his own and needs her help.
If anything, Hermione and Ron would have difficulty being friends without Harry. Hermione and Harry complement each other extremely well (as friends). They have genuine concern and care for one another, check in and take notice when the other is stressed or upset about something, and keep each other in check.