Hanging (meat) Meat hanging is a culinary process, commonly used in beef aging, that improves the flavor of meats by allowing the natural enzymes in the meat to break down the tissue through dry aging. The process also allows the water in the meat to evaporate, thus concentrating the flavor.
A: Hanging beef in a cooler (at about 38° F) for at least 10 days is recommended to improve tenderness. This process is called aging. This allows the enzymes in the meat to break down the proteins and improve eating quality. The process would also allow the development of flavors associated with the aging process.
Our sides of beef usually arrive with us having already hung for 21 days at the abattoir. This process of hanging allows some of the actions of aging to begin. For many of the cuts on a carcass, this period of time will increase tenderness and flavour to a sufficient level.
When a carcass is stored in a controlled environment, enzymes in the muscles make the fibres softer and more elastic. This tenderises the meat without letting it spoil. Aging also lets the meat dry slightly, reducing the water content within the muscle. This further enhances the texture and brings out the flavour.
Using a dry-aging chamber, butchers and steakhouses can keep the beef free of harmful bacteria with cold, dry air circulation. Hanging the beef within the chamber, the entire surface of the meat is exposed to dry air that forms a protective crust. The lack of moisture makes it difficult for the beef to spoil.
Basically the moisture expands during cooking and leaches out through the stretched fibres of the meat. Oddly this means that 'wet meat' actually ends up drier after cooking. Nicely hung-meat is tastier and more tender than unhung meat, it is that simple.
Good ventilation prevents bacteria from developing on the meat. The meat is checked on regularly. Meat hanging allows processes to continue in the meat that would normally cease in dead animals. For example, the muscles in the meat continue to use the hemoglobin that is stored in the soft tissue of the animal.
Meat is not ready to be eaten right after slaughter. It needs time to become tender, which happens as connective tissues within the muscle break down. Aging is that breakdown process. The ideal aging period is 21 to 24 days.
Beef should be aged a few days before cutting. The amount of aging will depend on the amount of fat covering, desired flavor and temperature. Carcasses that have only a thin fat covering should be aged three to five days; those with more fat, five to seven days.
So, let's get into the many benefits of hanging meat and answer the question of Why do butchers hang meat. The simple answer is, that enzymes in the meat make the muscle fibres softer and more elastic. Which, ultimately, leads to a more tender cut that is easier to chew and generally more palatable than harder meat.
A lack of vitamin B12 (found naturally only in animal products), which can cause muscle weakness or anemia. A lack of calcium if you're cutting out dairy, which can cause brittle bones. A lack of iron, which can make you feel fatigued. A lack of zinc, which can weaken your immune system.
Dry-aged beef does not spoil because of the amount of environmental control it is put under. Moisture levels and bacteria are carefully watched, ensuring that only “good” bacteria is growing and helping the beef to dry age.
Aging beef requires the meat to be placed in a dry-aging chamber that maintains a specific level of temperature, humidity, and special air flow. When placed in one of these chambers, the beef can be aged from 7 to 21, or even up to 120 days, and it does not spoil during this time.
Cattle chutes gently restrain the animal using a squeeze mechanism. The chute is connected to an alley, forming the animals into a queue that only allows them to go forward.
The slaughter process has two stages: Stunning, when performed correctly, causes an animal to lose consciousness, so the animal can't feel pain. The law states that, with few exceptions, all animals must be stunned before 'sticking' (neck cutting) is carried out.
A firearm or a captive-bolt are both suitable methods for humanely killing adult cattle. The firearm should deliver at least the muzzle energy of a standard 0.22 magnum cartridge.
While it is undeniable that meat gets tougher as an animal ages, Danforth says it is possible to get flavorful and tender meat from an older animal.
As a general rule, most cattle will have an average dressing percentage of 63 percent. This means that a beef animal weighing 1,000lbs will result in a carcass that weighs only 630lbs after slaughter. Although the average dressing percent for beef is 63 percent, several factors may affect the carcass weight.
Blood is removed from beef during slaughter and only a small amount remains within the muscle tissue. Since beef is about 3/4 water, this natural moisture combined with protein is the source of the liquid in the package.
No. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends not eating or tasting raw or undercooked meat. Meat may contain harmful bacteria. Thorough cooking is important to kill any bacteria and viruses that may be present in the food.
Electrical stimulation hastens the onset and resolution of rigor mortis thereby reducing processing time and labor and plays a vital role in improving meat tenderness and other meat quality traits.
Waste materials such as bone, lard or tallow, are sent to a rendering plant. Also, lard and tallow can be used for the production of biodiesel or heating oil.
If you're buying freshly slaughtered meat, always transfer it as fast as possible to the fridge, and use within two-three days. Keeping it covered in cling film has two advantages: it prevents the cold air in the fridge from drying out the surface of the meat, and prevents its smell from spreading to other foods.