“They don't want to waste time with frivolous things,” Bond says. “They're working, doing something important to them. Texting is usually for functional purposes for them.” Work always comes before socializing in a Capricorn's world.
Wait for him to respond.
Send one text and let him respond before sending another. If it's been more than a day, feel free to follow up, but otherwise, take a step back and give him time to text you. Capricorn guys are especially unlikely to respond during work hours because they're so driven and focused.
Capricorns tend to view texting as a practical necessity in the modern world, but not the ideal way to communicate. Most of the time, they really want to wait to have an old-fashioned face-to-face conversation before making their full evaluation of you.
Capricorns are known for their reserved nature and tendency to bottle up their emotions. When they're upset, they often choose silence as a means of self-preservation. They may withdraw into their work or personal projects, using their energy as a distraction.
When a Capricorn man stops calling, texting, or contacting you and doesn't respond when you try to contact him, it's a good indication that he's done. The best way to handle a breakup with a Capricorn man is quietly to move on.
They are extremely scared of letting out their feelings in front of a person. They prefer to stay guarded and hide their feelings, unless someone who really cares about them, comes to make them understand the meaning of expressing one's emotions.
Making small talk and expressing deep feelings are not part of what a Capricorn man does through text. He prefers to have his space when he's busy or at work. So if you text him when he's otherwise occupied with important matters, he won't respond right away.
Capricorns tend to believe that there is another much better opportunity waiting for them. They believe that the other opportunity has more value than the one where they face rejection.
If he seems more attentive, considerate, or interested when around you, it could be a sign that he misses you. Look for changes in his social media activity. For example, if he starts liking or commenting on your posts, it might mean that he's thinking about you and wants to keep in touch.
Capricorns may be incredibly organized and responsive, but they're much more likely to promptly reply to an email from their professor or boss than a text message from you. “They don't want to waste time with frivolous things,” Bond says.
Showing his affection
Ways that a Capricorn man may be trying to be affectionate is with physical contact or little gestures. He may also try to win you over with gifts. Capricorn men often show subtle signs of their love for someone even if they're not ready to approach them yet.
Should You Text a Capricorn Man? The answer is usually, yes. You don't need to wait around for him to text you first. If that's your mindset, you might find yourself disappointed when he doesn't rush to message you.
Capricorns do not like being rushed. They like to take things at their own pace. So patience is what you need with them.
It's not that Capricorn plays hard to get, it's that they are hard to get. Focused on the future and not one for wasting time, Cappy needs to make sure their crush is in it for the long haul before they even think about trying to flirt.
Capricorn: Too Much Planning, Not Enough Action
They love to plan, so their first move would definitely be one that's calculated. However, all that caution can come back to haunt Capricorn, as they might miss their prime opportunity because of the time it takes to perfect their slick moves.
The no-contact rule states that after a breakup, you must stop communicating with your ex. This is undoubtedly the finest way to make your Capricorn ex miss you and regret losing you. The lack of action and stillness will bother your Capricorn man, even though he will pretend it really doesn't.
Dark sides of Capricorn; being Arrogant or Self-Critical
This is the reason others may think that the Capricorns are arrogant. But very few people will know about the dark hidden truth of Capricorn, that they are very cautious and do not want to hurt anyone with their actions.
As a Capricorn, you have a tendency to shield your emotional side by erecting a metaphorical wall around your heart. And that, too, can take a toll on things. They often enjoy their alone time and don't need anyone to complete it, which can make their partner feel distant.
Capricorn has a hard time opening up and being vulnerable. If a partner gives them any reason to distrust them, they're even more guarded. It can be nearly impossible to regain a Capricorn's trust when they know they've been lied to.