Newlywed weight gain can be due to changes in stress levels after marriage, a change in workout plans, post-pregnancy weight gain, and so on. Weight gain during the first year of marriage isn't a problem unique to just women, by the way!
Increased comfort also increase weight
Couples often add to their comfort after marriage. Facilities increase comfort and couples live a relaxed life in the first few days. This comfort and over-resting and enjoying the starting days of the married life is another common cause of weight gain after marriage.
The real reason for this weight gain is that your eating habits are more to likely change after marriage and because you eat more than what you did when you were single. Another reason for this weight gain is caused by the sense of security.
As you explore the joys of shared intimacy, your body will adapt to your new status of womanhood. The female body changes in many ways after marriage, and you will notice these changes in things like irregular periods, increased secretions and others.
When all girls have sexual relations with their husbands after marriage, it causes hormonal changes in their body. It also affects other organs like their waist and hips. After marriage, women's hips gradually begin to grow. Age – Women's hip size changes dramatically with age.
In general, women tend to be more agreeable than men. This data suggests that these wives were learning to assert themselves more during the early years of marriage. Neuroticism. Husbands showed a slight (but not statistically significant) increase in emotional stability.
After marriage, you are accountable not just for your husband but if you live with in-laws, they too. Your father does not take care of your finances anymore, nor is the major onus of household chores on your mother. Your priorities change, from being your favourite others somehow crowd that space!
Here are few of the reasons you might be gaining weight: All those invitations from parties where you go as newly-weds make you binge on not so healthy food in a very short period of time. You suddenly lose your fitness routine as you get involved in a new relationship. You stop hitting the gym.
A woman's body often changes as she faces rising and falling hormones, pregnancy and childbirth, and the natural aging process – and these are changes that only women experience.
Research has shown that losing weight does help to increase testosterone production, which can resolve erectile dysfunction or impotence. Some men who lose weight often gain lean muscle and find that their testosterone levels return to normal, which allows them to enjoy normal sexual stamina and performance again.
Numerous scientific studies have revealed that men burn more fat during exercise and even while at rest, while women have a moderately slower fat metabolism. This leads to women gaining weight faster than men, although proper dieting and exercise help maintain healthy body weight.
A study by the University of Glasgow found that newlyweds each gained an average of 4lb to 5lb in the first year of marriage, while people who cohabit get fat even faster — gaining 3lb to 4lb in three months.
Factors such as stress, overwork or eating on the run can be at the root of weight gain, and so can some serious physical or psychological health issues. Affirm your love for her, and reframe your desire to help her regain a healthy body as loving concern.
The largest study performed investigating does size matter to women found that 84% of women were satisfied with the size of their partner and an additional 2% desired smaller partner penis size6.
Weight gain is mediated by lack of knowledge and skills around food and nutrition, depression, anxiety, stress, satiety, neural responses, and possibly sleep patterns and premenstrual cravings.
After surveying over 16,000 individuals across eight different countries who were all asked at what ages they think men and women are most beautiful, the data found that the overall average age where women are found to be most attractive is 28.
After age 30, people tend to lose lean tissue. Your muscles, liver, kidney, and other organs may lose some of their cells. This process of muscle loss is called atrophy. Bones may lose some of their minerals and become less dense (a condition called osteopenia in the early stages and osteoporosis in the later stages).
It is normal for changes to start as early as age 8 or as late as 13. Puberty starts when your brain sends signals to certain parts of the body to start growing and changing. These signals are called hormones. Hormones are chemicals that control body functions.
Once you're married, you're sharing bank accounts, you don't have alone time, and you have to figure out how to compromise. While some of these changes are minor, others can have huge effects on your physical and mental health, and even on your personality.
Many people accept it as fact that half of all marriages end in divorce, but as mentioned above, this applies only to first marriages. Those who wed multiple times face a far higher rate of divorce. In fact, 67% of second marriages end, and 73% of third marriages are dissolved.
"Nobody ever forgets their first love, but I like to say this about any loves or flings that you want to return to: you broke up for a reason," Dr. Jory said. "Maybe you've forgotten the reason, but more often than not, that reason is still there."
Whether accepted or not, there is one fact that cannot be disputed. And that is that women initiate divorce more often than men on average. Numerous studies have shown this. In fact, nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by women.