If sweating is excessive, it can cause smelly armpits even if a person washes regularly and uses deodorant or antiperspirant. The first thing that a doctor will recommend is usually a prescription strength antiperspirant. Sometimes, these might burn or irritate the skin.
In addition to bacteria, oftentimes there is deodorant residue and other impurities that are trapped in the underarm pores and within the hair if you have armpit hair.
Most of the time body odor isn't a problem and a shower will quickly wash it away. But if you notice a change in body odor or you're sweating much more than usual, it could be a sign of a medical condition that needs treatment.
While in the shower fill your hand with hydrogen peroxide and splash and rub it into each of your underarms. At the end of the shower you may rinse it off with water only (This will kill some of the bacteria and is effective) Shave or remove your underarm hair (this decreases sweat production)
If sweating is excessive, it can cause smelly armpits even if a person washes regularly and uses deodorant or antiperspirant. The first thing that a doctor will recommend is usually a prescription strength antiperspirant. Sometimes, these might burn or irritate the skin.
Body odor is caused by a mix of bacteria and sweat on your skin. Your body odor can change due to hormones, the food you eat, infection, medications or underlying conditions like diabetes. Prescription-strength antiperspirants or medications may help.
When the sweat from your glands meets the bacteria on your skin, it breaks down into products called thioalcohols. The thioalcohols give off a strong, often sulfurous scent that can also be comparable to onions or meat. Genetics plays a role in how many thioalcohols your body produces.
Research has found that the salts in antiperspirants can cause an imbalance of bacteria. The aluminum compounds kill off the less smelly bacteria, giving the smellier bacteria more opportunity to thrive, causing more body odour.
Hair is another place where bacteria like to hide. If you still smell a strong body odor after a shower, consider shaving the hair in your armpits, groin, and chest. The hair's surface is a perfect place for bacteria to call home, and it's harder to eliminate them from the hair than your bare skin.
If your deodorant is no longer effective, you may need to re-evaluate your deodorant routine. Several external and internal factors can affect your deodorant's effectiveness. These include humidity, altitude, and the microbiome of your skin. Also, certain foods, can affect the performance of deodorant.
Expect to Detox
If you've been using conventional deodorant or antiperspirant for years, it can take 2-4 weeks to detox and release all of the aluminum in your pits that's been preventing you from sweating. During this time, you might notice that you're a little more stinky than usual.
The medical term for chronic, excessive armpit odor is bromhidrosis. Body odor is sometimes the result of a medical condition that should be addressed by a doctor — but for many people, simple lifestyle changes and home remedies can help cure smelly pits.
Your genes can also play a big role in how good or bad you smell. In fact some people, no matter how much they shower, still smell bad. Callewaert has found these individuals have a larger amount of “bad” bacteria. His approach is to replace the “bad” bacteria that produce the smell with “good” bacteria.
Hormone imbalances and body odor often go together. Dips in estrogen can trigger hot flashes and night sweats, meaning you simply sweat more, which in turn can result in more odor.
A drop in oestrogen levels in the menopause can leave some women with relatively more male hormone (testosterone). This can cause them to have more bacteria in their sweat, and that sweat may smell more.
Trimethylaminuria is a disorder in which the body is unable to break down trimethylamine, a chemical compound that has a pungent odor. Trimethylamine has been described as smelling like rotten or decaying fish.