Yes. It is common for guys to have slightly different size testicles. Usually, the right testicle is larger than the left. Also, one testicle (usually the left) often hangs lower than the other.
Is it normal to have differently sized testicles? It is entirely normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other. Many people find that the right testicle is slightly larger and the left hangs lower. A difference in size is usually nothing to worry about, though it can occasionally indicate a problem.
How should my testicles look and feel? A healthy testicle has a firm and smooth surface, but doesn't feel hard. You might have one testicle slightly bigger than the other. This is normal.
testicle (or testis) – small, oval-shaped sex gland that produces sex hormones and sperm.
Swollen testicles (also known as scrotal swelling) can be a sign of a variety of things, including injury, infection or a testicular tumor. If you have swollen testicles, they appear larger and may be red or shiny. You may notice a lump, but you may also have swelling with no lump.
Testosterone is the male hormone which is produced in the man s testicles. During puberty, when the production of the hormone increases, young men experience growth in the size of the testicles. But even at a later phase, when the production of testosterone spikes, the testicles can grow.
The testicles should feel smooth, without any lumps or bumps, and firm but not hard. You may feel a soft tube at the back of each testicle, which is called the epididymis. If you notice any changes or anything unusual about your testicles, you should see a GP.
Most men have testicles that are two to three inches long and an inch or so wide, give or take. And there's actually quite a bit of variation in normal testicle size among different ethnic groups. It's also pretty common for the left testicle to hang lower in the scrotum than the right.
An overactive muscle causes a testicle to become a retractile testicle. The cremaster muscle is a thin pouch-like muscle in which a testicle rests. When the cremaster muscle contracts, it pulls the testicle up toward the body.
Lax scrotal skin allows your balls to hang lower, away from your body, when your internal temperature rises, like after the gym. When you're in a cold room, testicles shrink up closer to your body for warmth. With age, skin loses collagen. This causes the dermis to become thin and stretchy.
Calcifications: These are small structures in the testicle or along the main sperm pipeline (vas) can become hard, almost rock like. These are always painless and rarely need to be removed.
Polyorchidism, or more than one testicle in a hemiscrotum, is a relatively rare phenomenon. It is often associated with several other conditions, including inguinal hernia, testicular maldescent, testicular torsion, hydrocele or hypospadias.
If your scrotum looks or feels like it's full of fluid on one or both sides, you may have a hydrocele. A hydrocele may be caused by inflammation or injury but it's not usually painful.
The majority of the time, sagging testicles are a normal part of the aging process. The testicles naturally sag, even at a young age, to protect the sperm inside and keep them viable. Anyone worried about saggy balls or other associated symptoms should contact a doctor for a diagnosis.
Most adult males have two testicles, and each typically measures around 4 x 3 x 2 centimeters (cm). However, testicle size can vary. It is also common to have one testicle that is smaller than the other.
Symptoms and Causes
Severe pain in your scrotum (the sac that holds your testicles). Bruising in your scrotum. Swelling in your scrotum. Pain and discomfort in your lower abdomen.
Without a steady flow of testosterone, the tissues in your penis, scrotum, and testicles can atrophy, or shrivel, says Dr. Ramin. As a result, your penis might lose length and girth. You may notice your balls shrink, too—they often shrivel to half the size and turn squishy instead of firm, he says.
Normal adult testes are ovoid and measure approximately 3 cm (AP) x 2-4 cm (TR) x 3-5 cm (length), with a volume of 12.5-19 mL 2. However, the size of the testes decreases with age. From the mediastinum testis, several radiating septa extend into the testis forming 250-400 lobules.
Hernia or hydrocele.
These are the most common causes of scrotal swelling. They are caused by abnormal openings left behind after the testicles move into the scrotum during growth in the womb. A hernia is a bulge of intestine through the opening. A hydrocele is a buildup of fluid in the scrotum.
Testicular atrophy occurs when the testes shrink. The testes are two male reproductive glands located in the scrotum just behind the penis. These glands are responsible for creating sperm. There are several potential reasons for the testes shrinking, including aging, underlying medical conditions, or infections.