Holding hands while sleeping is common for couples with strong relationships. They hold their sweetheart's hand to show their partner that they will always be by their side. The relationship is so strong that their trust is unbreakable.
A guy might be holding your hand when those emotions are surging through his body. He probably feels afresh in the relationship, and holding your hands might be his way of communicating this. Also, another holding hands meaning could be he wants to feel closer to you.
Generally speaking, this type of behavior points to a sign of attraction. If a guy is holding your hand, it means he likes you in some way, shape, or form. This can range from him having simple friendly feelings toward you, to strong romantic interest.
Hand-holding is also known to produce high amounts of the so-called “cuddle hormone” oxytocin, which makes us feel more content and bonded to our significant others. Hand holding is linked to emotional intimacy while sex can be purely physical.
Interlocked fingers: When couples interlock their fingers, it shows a deeper connection, and that the person is more vulnerable and emotionally and physically connected at that moment. Non-interlocked fingers suggest a more casual relationship.
It's more committed than a kiss. It's more intimate than sitting on someone's knee. It's not just affectionate, it's the sign of a bond.
“Holding hands invokes a positive feeling about one another, so you both feel sexy and wanted. It's almost like foreplay." Cue all the feels: Just like massage, kissing, and hugging, “research shows that touch, like holding hands, releases oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that gives you that feel-good buzz,” says Coleman.
7. Holding hands. Like the leg hug and the cheek to cheek, this cuddle position respects the individual comfort of each partner, while still valuing touch. Holding hands signifies support and partnership.
Oxytocin is often called “the love hormone” because it is released during an orgasm. Hand holding offers a smaller release of the hormone and can help strengthen feelings of closeness and connection outside the bedroom.
If a man kisses your hand, he is sort of a flirt. Someone who is confident enough to grab your hand and kiss it, only to woo you into their web of charm. It is a gesture of sophistication, so might just do the trick for them sometimes.
For those of you who don't know, the thumb thing is a phenomenon where a male will place his hand on a person and subsequently start grazing his thumb back and forth on said person in an absentminded fashion.
He's showing his affection for you.
Being affectionate could mean holding your hand when you are walking together or when you are having something to eat. A guy will often do this to reassure you that he likes or even loves you. If he interlaces his finger it means he is really into you.
Cuddling and getting cozy typically indicates that a partner feels more comfortable being intimate and close with you. Some couples enjoy cuddling at night before they sleep or after they make love. Cuddling could also indicate they have deep feelings for you and want to be near you.
"Cuddling, especially with someone you like, gives you a sense of closeness and relaxed intimacy that's difficult to find in other activities. If you feel comfortable with the other person, it kind of just let's you relax and not have to do much physically.
“If he wants to spend the night, that is actually a very good sign. Obviously, this is assuming you have slept together–but if he stays over, it means he likes you. He likes spending time with you and doesn't want the night to end. This could be a sign that he wants to see you again—and soon!”
While some guys may cuddle with just any girl without any romantic interest, others may only cuddle with someone they have feelings for. Cuddling can be a way of expressing affection in both romantic and platonic relationships.
Of course someone who tries to hold your hand is into you. It's on the bolder side of flirting, but it still definitely counts. They ask you out. It can seem like a “no duh,” but for many people, being asked out directly is so rare that it can feel confusing when it actually happens.
Holding Hands Is a Sign of Friendship Around the World
In many other parts of the world, however, there's nothing unusual about it at all. Friends and family in many cultures hold hands for no other reason than to feel comfortable with one another.
Holding hands is a way of showing our affection
Obviously, we hold hands with partners to show them we love them. And research shows that couples who often hold hands express less anger and more satisfaction with their relationship than those who do not.
In terms of romance, handholding is often used in the early stages of dating or courtship to express romantic interest in a partner. Handholding is also common in advanced stages of a romantic relationship where it may be used to signify or seek solace and reassurance.
She lets you touch her. Physical contact is a huge step and if she doesn't pull away when you touch her waist or hand, she's into you.
A man who is starting to fall for you is likely to become far more touchy-feely than before. He will often make physical contact while talking to you and is always looking for an excuse to get close. This is a sign that he is comfortable enough with himself and with you to express his feelings physically.
Guys that are into you often use lots of emojis, text first, or even double text. Watch for in-person signs, like holding eye contact, respectful little touches, or leaning in close. A follow-up text after a date or hangout, or a raincheck when he can't make it are sure signs that he wants to spend more time with you.