Dr. Boniface says that when kids are in a pool, for example, and they start coughing or spitting out water, it's likely because they have taken a lot of water into their stomach and some has gotten into their lungs.
Swimmers cough because of swimming pool disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that go airborne. These airborne DBPs are commonly referred to generally as chloramines, but include other things like trihalomethane and cyanogen chloride.
What are the most common symptoms? The most common symptoms caused by swimming-related illnesses are diarrhea, skin rashes, ear pain, cough or congestion, and eye pain.
The Notorious “Chlorine Cough”
Experts warn that the cause of such wheezing and respiratory discomfort can stem from two issues. One: poor pool ventilation systems, and two: the mixture of chlorine with sweat, urine and even hair, which leads to the formation of chloramines.
Also, keep in mind that with indoor pools, byproducts of the chlorine disinfection process can irritate the airways and trigger coughing or aggravate asthma.
They may have a thoracentesis. This is when a needle is put into the pleural space to remove extra fluid. Or, they may have a chest tube placed to drain the fluid. If your child has an infection, antibiotics may be given to treat it.
Wet lungs (transient tachypnea of the newborn or TTN) is a respiratory disorder in newborns. It's caused by a delay in the clearing of fluid from the lungs. Soon after birth, your newborn might have fast, labored breathing. Before birth, your baby's lungs are filled with fluid.
In the event that a lot of water gets into the lungs and is not expelled, it can irritate the lining of the lungs and cause fluid buildup ― a condition called pulmonary edema. You'd likely notice your child having trouble breathing right away or it might worsen over time.
To prevent the spread of the cold virus, parents should also ensure that the child does not go into a crowded pool. Instead, choose a timing that has lesser people and ensure that the water is comfortably warm. Swimming in cold water will make the child feel worse when she has a cold or cough.
It's thought that the main culprits behind this annoying phenomenon are: water getting into the nose causing irritation of the delicate membranes in there; and, in some cases, reactions between commonly-used chemicals, like chlorine, and the bacteria, dirt and other things that inevitably gather in a pool releasing ...
Don't swallow water — Swallowing even a little bit of water can make you sick. In pools, it's also important to remember that chlorine doesn't kill germs right away and there are some germs that can survive these chemicals. Shower and wash your hands — It's important to rinse off before and after going swimming.
A wet cough occurs as a result of excess fluid or mucus in the airways. A range of conditions can cause a wet cough, including respiratory infections, chronic lung conditions, and CHF. Once a doctor has diagnosed the underlying cause of a wet cough, a person can begin appropriate treatment.
Swimming-induced pulmonary edema occurs when fluid accumulates in the lungs in the absence of water aspiration during swimming and produces acute shortness of breath and a cough with blood-tinged sputum.
Delayed symptoms of drowning include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, coughing and/or chest discomfort. Extreme fatigue, irritability and behavior changes are also possible. Remain vigilant for about 24 hours, even if your child appears happy and playful with no apparent problem at all.
As pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, the most common symptoms are coughing, trouble breathing and fever. Children with pneumonia usually experience fast breathing, or their lower chest may draw in or retract when they inhale (in a healthy person, the chest expands during inhalation).
A sudden shortness of breath is the primary symptom of wet lung. This generally presents within 12-48 hours from the onset of the lung injury.
There is no cure for wet lung. Instead, the condition is treated by managing symptoms. This may involve breathing support, medications, or other therapies.
"The term 'dry drowning' refers to an acute lung injury caused by water aspiration that would develop over minutes to hours after exposure and could progress to respiratory failure," said Robert.
Dry drowning is when someone takes in a small amount of water through their nose and/or mouth, and it causes a spasm that makes the airway close up. Dry drowning usually happens soon after exiting the water. Note, however, that medical experts simply refer to this as "drowning."
Dry vs, Wet Drowning
There is water in the lungs with wet drowning, and there isn't water in the lungs with dry drowning.
Although swallowing a small amount of pool water is harmless, it's important for parents to realize that ingesting too much can lead to chlorine poisoning or so-called recreational water illness. Kids can also inhale water into their lungs which can lead to a serious condition called secondary drowning.
Your child is at greatest risk of waterborne illness from swimming in a pool, hot tub, water park, lake, river or ocean. Causes of recreational waterborne illnesses include drinking, breathing or simply coming into contact with water that's contaminated with bugs — usually parasites, bacteria or viruses.
Swimmers are at risk for respiratory infections if they breathe in small droplets of water (mist) from a pool or hot tub that contains harmful germs. A respiratory disease caused by the germ Legionella is one of the most common waterborne diseases in the United States.