Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar delays "gastric emptying," meaning it messes with your body's ability to move food from the stomach into the intestines, which can leave you feeling queasy.
Apple cider vinegar can be used in cooking, taken as a pill, or combined with water. Because it is very acidic, it may cause stomach discomfort or digestive problems. However, this is unlikely to happen unless a person drinks a significant amount of the undiluted vinegar.
Too much use of the apple cider vinegar can also lower your blood pressure drastically. It decreases the potassium levels in the blood and can lead to hypokalemia. Although it decreases appetite and makes you feel full for longer duration, it can also lead to nausea, diarrhea and indigestion.
People with digestive issues, low potassium levels, or diabetes should consider speaking to a doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar. Anyone who experiences severe side effects should consult a medical professional.
ACV is generally safe when consumed in moderation — no more than 1 to 2 tablespoons (tbsp) daily. But drinking excessive amounts of ACV can decrease potassium to hazardous levels. ACV may interact with some medications (including diuretics, laxatives, and certain medications for diabetes and heart disease).
Apple cider vinegar isn't likely to be effective for weight loss. Proponents of apple cider vinegar claim that it has numerous health benefits and that drinking a small amount or taking a supplement before meals helps curb appetite and burn fat. However, there's little scientific support for these claims.
Low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia): Apple cider vinegar might lower potassium levels in the blood. If your potassium is already low, apple cider vinegar might make it too low. Don't use apple cider vinegar if you have this condition.
Alcohol intolerance can cause immediate, uncomfortable reactions after you drink alcohol. The most common signs and symptoms are stuffy nose and skin flushing. Alcohol intolerance is caused by a genetic condition in which the body can't break down alcohol efficiently.
Alcohol can cause gastritis by irritating the lining of your stomach. Gastritis can happen while you are drinking, causing pain and sickness. Gastritis can also be a long-lasting condition.
It can give you acidity
Even though the acetic acid is scientifically proven to accelerate weight-loss and is classified as a weak acid, it can still be quite harsh on your stomach—especially when consumed in a concentrated form.
ACV is also an antimicrobial substance , meaning it may help kill bacteria in the stomach or intestines. Excess bacteria or bacteria in the upper intestines release gases that may lead to bloating, so ACV may help with symptoms.
It's anti-microbial and kills the bacteria which thrive in your mouth overnight and cause that nasty morning breath. Drinking apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning is also thought to have a 'detoxifying' effect on the digestive system when the stomach is empty of food.
A thick, gelatinous layer is formed by the acetic acid bacteria on the surface of the vinegar. This layer is known as 'The Mother' because it is the catalyst that gives rise to the vinegar.
The fermented juice may slow down the emptying of your stomach and prevent spikes in the blood sugar level. ACV consumption has also been proven beneficial in increasing insulin sensitivity. Drinking that concoction particularly at night can be more beneficial than having it any other time of the day.
“Apple cider vinegar is rich with detoxification properties and can promote circulation in the liver detox process,” says Jamie Bacharach, a homeopathic expert and the head of practice at Acupuncture Jerusalem.
In addition to its medicinal properties for digestion, acid reflux, and acne breakouts, apple cider vinegar can also benefit hormonal balance by maintaining a healthy metabolism and blood sugar levels.
'Ideally I get up as soon as I wake up, however, this won't happen if I'm jet lagged, and the first thing I do is have a big drink of water,' she said. This is then followed by a second glass with apple cider vinegar in it and a quick morning beauty routine.