Venom licked the TV screen in the movie “Venom” because he was fascinated by the movement of the bugs on the screen.
But why does Venom lick the TV with Peter's face on it? Besides communicating the apparent fact that Venom wants to eat brains — and Peter's looks tasty to Venom — Venom's hunger appears to be proof of an intrinsic attraction to Peter Parker.
Venom's Cosmic Purpose Explains His Tragic Obsession with Spider-Man. It turns out that, on a cosmic level, Venom is the total metaphysical opposing archetype of the eternally struggling, selfless hero Spider-Man.
Venom became one of Spider-Man's toughest and merciless foes of all time, often bringing him close to death. Venom's become somewhat of an anti-hero, wrestling with his morals and even fighting for good alongside Spider-Man.
Despite being a symbiote that can bond to any being and exist in any environment, there are still a few external weaknesses that can damage Venom. One of those is sound waves. Extremely loud sounds (or extremely high frequency sound waves) can shock the symbiote, and even cause him to separate from his host.
Symbiotes like Venom are immensely powerful, possessed of great strength and endurance, but they also have two extremely common weaknesses: fire and sound. Numerous foes have used these to best Venom and other symbiotes, and Peter Parker even originally repelled the symbiote suit by exposing it to a tolling bell.
Whether due to the intensity of the memories returning or the weight of this reunion truly being realized, the symbiote does something it's never done before: It cries tears of joy.
Venom later decided to absorb the Carnage symbiote "for good", during which Kasady retained the Carnage persona by costuming himself in red paint and continuing his killing sprees (albeit as a powerless human).
Does Venom forgive Spider-Man? As a result, when Agent Venom returned to Earth and once again encountered Spider-Man, it had no memory of him, and thus no reason to hate him. The symbiote even apologized to Spider-Man and expressed a desire to one day earn his forgiveness. Not sure anyone saw that coming back in 1985.
Venom has endured as one of Spider-Man's most prominent villains, and was initially regarded as one of his three archenemies, alongside the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus.
One of the most tragic and weirdest Venom stories is how the symbiote made Eddie Brock pregnant, and this pregnancy created more chaos than Carange.
During the movie, there's a scene where Anne's oh-so-nice new boyfriend Doctor Dan runs some tests on Eddie and discovers that the parasite living in his body (Venom) is basically eating him alive and will eventually kill him.
Venom (Eddie Brock) In Comics Powers, Villains, History | Marvel.
As fearful as Spidey was, as much as he desired to run away from Venom when push came to shove he did ultimately face his foe and emerged victorious. And as time went by his fear of Venom dwindled enabling him to face his foe proudly.
Venom started out as Peter Parker's new costume. Parker's spider-sense doesn't recognize it as a threat because the symbiote was actually a part of Peter for a while. It filters out the threat because it still doesn't recognize the symbiote or anyone wearing it as a separate entity.
Venom decided that, in order to completely remove the threat of Carnage from the world, he would have to devour and absorb Carnage completely.
Combining with the nearby Brock, the symbiote shared his hatred for Spider-Man, as well as mentally sharing with Brock its former host's secret identity of Peter Parker. From there, the two would be known as Venom, seeking violent retribution against the man who had wronged both of them.
In the comics Venom describes their bond as being like marriage, he tells Eddie he loves him and Eddie calls him “darling” and “my love”. Plus they literally have a child together.
Venom is a villain in Marvel's Spiderman. He also known as Eddie Brock. He hates Spiderman because he thinks he is the cause of all the bad luck in his life. Venom is bigger and stronger then Spiderman.
The reason for this is that Carnage is a "red one," as Venom states, which is apparently quite concerning. Venom refuses to emerge from Eddie's body again, clearly scared of his vermilion enemy.
Carnage barely put up a fight. Pieces of the symbiote were on him, but he didn't fully transform or try to defend himself. Venom simply pulled the symbiote off of him and ate it, becoming stronger.
Venom Eats Carnage - Fight Scene - Venom 2: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
The Venom symbiote has two major weaknesses - sound and fire. Loud noises cause the symbiote to writhe in pain. That's how Peter Parker originally freed himself of the symbiote.
Venom Was Originally a Woman Who Blamed Her Miscarriage on Spider-Man.
Scream has web-slinging and wall-crawling powers, and also uses her prehensile hair tendrils as weapons to ensnare her enemies. She can also manipulate her biomass to construct wings, making her unique among other symbiotes as one who flies.