Different countries have different food standards and requirements. In Australia, the standards are high, and the milk is safe. Milk and other dairy products are nutritious food sources. Australian milk does not contain artificial hormones, antibiotics, blood and pus.
“Australian dairy products are well regarded, both domestically and internationally, and that is due to the high-quality milk we produce. It's important that we recognise those in our industry who are producing our best milk.
Hormones such as, estrogen, progesterone, prostaglandin and cortisone are found in low concentrations in milk. These hormones are naturally produced by the cow. When you drink milk, these hormones are digested by enzymes in the gut and as a result, are broken down and not absorbed in their active form.
Cow's milk is a natural source of nutrition. It's the biggest contributor of calcium to the Australian diet and provides a range of other nutrients for good health. Cow's milk has been enjoyed for thousands of years and is used to make some of our favourite foods, including cheese, yoghurt and custard.
So, if you are sensitive to dairy and experiencing hormone imbalance, alternatives such as coconut milk and almond milk are extremely versatile and readily available in most supermarkets. When working to improve hormone balance, try to avoid soy-containing products as they can mimic estrogen in the body.
100% Australian Owned Dairy Company - Riverina Fresh.
New Zealand's grass-fed cows produce some of the world's best quality milk. The quality of the milk cows produce is directly related to their diet and environment. So it's no wonder that New Zealand's pasture-fed cows, feasting on our lush green grass, produce some of the best milk in the world.
Australian Dairies Fresh Milk goes through a unique ceramic filtration process to provide you with milk that's twice as pure. Australian Dairies Finely Filtered Fresh Milk is naturally rich in essential nutrients including calcium and protein.
New Zealand's grass-fed cows produce some of the world's best quality milk. The quality of the milk cows produce is directly related to their diet and environment. So it's no wonder that New Zealand's pasture-fed cows, feasting on our lush green grass, produce some of the best milk in the world.
Other countries have been known to use Recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), a hormone used to increase milk production. These are strictly prohibited in the production of milk in Australia. Was this useful?
In Australia, there are two antibiotics rated of high importance for human health that are registered for use in dairy cattle. These are: Ceftiofur (e.g. Excenel®, Exceed® and Accent®) Virginiamycin (e.g. Eskalin®)
Australia is a small producer of milk but is the world's third largest dairy exporter as 50% of production is exported. The Australia's dairy industry is Australia's third largest rural industry, ranking behind wheat and beef, and has a gross value of $4 billion.
In Australia, most cows have a diet that is made up of grass, which is either grazed or supplied as hay or silage, with a small amount of grain and mineral supplements to fill any nutritional gaps.
The majority of milk production occurs on the south-east seaboard in Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania.
Finnish milk is among the cleanest milk in the world thanks to healthy cows. The superior quality of Valio milk is ensured by expert milk producers supported by first-class advisory services. Valio milk ranks among the cleanest in the world, and we have zero tolerance for antibiotic residue in milk.
India ranks first in milk production in the world contributing 24% of global milk production.
India is the world's largest milk producer, with 22 percent of global production, followed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan and Brazil.
Lite or “light” milk is another name for low fat milk and must contain no more than 1.5% fat content under food law. Reduced fat milk has approximately 2% fat and regular milk has on average 3.5% fat and no less than 3.2% fat.
We get 82% of our dairy products from true blue, Australian dairy farms (we only source from overseas when we can't find the products).
Our milk is collected from dedicated Farmers' Own farmers in most states of Australia. Milk is collected from lots of farms across the states. It is then delivered to our processors and kept separate from other milk where it is bottled into Farmers' Own Bottles.
Which milk is the best for weight loss? According to a study by NIH, unsweetened almond milk has the lowest calories and aids in a low-carb diet. Almonds also contain a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) that are considered helpful in weight loss and weight management.
Low- or non-fat dairy — Skim or 1% milk contains all the protein, vitamins and minerals that whole milk contains, but it has much less saturated fat. This type of milk is typically more heart-healthy than full-fat milk.
Estrogen and progesterone are both found in cow's milk, and levels of both estrogen and progesterone are higher in cows in commercial dairy production, as they are often pregnant shortly after giving birth to a calf.