Around 1.2 billion of these young people are adolescents aged between 10 and 19 years. Adolescence is a critical time of life. It is a time when people become independent individuals, forge new relationships, develop social skills and learn behaviours that will last the rest of their lives.
They can see how others navigated struggles and solved problems. They can brainstorm what might work for them and what might be a bad idea altogether. They can see that growing up may be hard—that it may seem almost intolerable at times—but that they can get through it.
This is where coming-of-age stories come in. These films and series provide a safe place for teens and young adults to witness conflicts and problem-solving solutions. The characters are often relatable, and most importantly, they show what it means to grow as an individual.
A coming of age story, also called a Bildungsroman, is all about the protagonist's journey from being a child to being an adult. It is a journey that takes a young person from naïve to wise, from idealist to realist, and from immature to mature.
Many cultures celebrate the transition from childhood to adolescence with a coming of age ceremony. These celebrations look different, but all celebrate the increased responsibility and rights in their families and communities.
“Coming of age” refers to a young person's transition from childhood to adulthood. The age at which this transition takes place varies among different societies, as does the nature of the transition. It can be a simple legal convention or can be part of a larger ritual.
Coming-of-age stories, also known as Bildungsroman, allow readers to explore universal themes such as self-discovery, identity, and personal growth. Through this exploration, readers might find some resonance with their own life experiences and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of growing up.
Embarrassing or amazing, coming of age traditions are pivotal moments in everyone's life. The transition from childhood to adulthood — the “coming of age” of boys who become young men and girls who become young women — is a significant stepping stone in everyone's life.
Common leaping points into a coming-of-age story include a character suddenly being told they have unique abilities, or being given a powerful weapon, or learning about a mysterious past, or being matched to a prophecy and told they have to save the world…
In genre studies, a coming-of-age story is a genre of literature, theatre, film, and video game that focuses on the growth of a protagonist from childhood to adulthood, or "coming of age". Coming-of-age stories tend to emphasize dialogue or internal monologue over action, and are often set in the past.
It often involves a new understanding of the nature of humanity and its potential for good or evil. The loss of innocence theme has a more negative view of this transformation while a coming of age story focuses more on the positive aspects – what is gained.
Everything, Everything is a coming-of-age story about a teenage girl suffering from a life-threatening immunodeficiency disorder, who, unable to leave her house, dreams of a life outside and of truly being alive.
Challenges of Coming of Age
For parents, parenting a child in the midst of coming of age can be difficult, as teens deal with broken hearts, disappointment, finding their own identities, and the challenges of increased responsibility, all for the first time.
A coming of age movie is centered around the themes of youth, growing up, and maturation with a strong focus on a central character arc. These films follow a singular protagonist as they “come of age,” meaning they progress into the next stage of their life.
Coming-of-age novels – Dodie Smith's I Capture the Castle, Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower – work exceptionally well in first-person narration. A lot of YA books are written in first person, because their intimate, emotional narration chimes with their teenaged readership.
When he comes of age, he would get a large inheritance from his grandfather. Now that you have come of age, you should be more responsible and accountable for your actions. His early films used to be of low quality, but with this film, he has certainly come of age as a director of high repute.
It's a fundamental human need to know our past, how it links to the present and where we fit in. By writing your life story you'll be helping your descendants to understand where they come from and to know themselves better.
When you are prepared to explore your life, and the thinking or impulses behind the decisions you've made in your life, you reveal the values and principles that have shaped your life. It is this—the why behind who you are and what you've done—that will enable you to inspire those who come after you.
Common Themes in Coming-of-Age Stories
A marked loss of childhood innocence, to some degree, in favor of maturity. Inner conflict and turmoil, resulting in personal growth and development. Developing from a self-centered thinking to a more worldly, other-focused thought. Learning where one fits in the larger world.
A coming of age ceremony can help an older child feel connected to their peers, to their parents, and to their community.
Humanist 'Coming of Age' ceremonies are a non-religious alternative to rites of passage for young persons as they prepare to enter adulthood. These ceremonies mark the person's transition into adulthood where Humanist values - social justice, human rights, equality and compassion - are emphasised.
Exploration generates uncertainty and instability. Emerging adults change jobs, relationships, and residences more frequently than other age groups. This is also the age of self-focus. Being self-focused is not the same as being “self- centered.” Adolescents are more self-centered than emerging adults.
One of life's most complicated transitions is moving through the teen years into adulthood. Challenges include: figuring out how to make your own decisions and be your own person, learning to manage your health, and deciding how you want to live and what you want to do as an adult.