Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.
While Jedi could create Force lightning, like Sith, they choose not to use that power due to its association with the dark side and immoral nature. Despite being equally as strong in the Force, one innately Sith ability that Jedi in the Star Wars franchise do not wield is Force lightning.
Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
Why couldn't Maul produce Force Lightning? Because he was weak. “Darth” Maul isn't even a Sith, he's an assassin. Voila, for those who wanted this type of answer, enjoy.
It's likely Kylo never learned how to summon Force Lightning
From what we learned from the Marvel Comics story on Kylo Ren and his upbringing, along with the information explained and even alluded to in the sequel trilogy — it's entirely likely that Kylo never completely learned how to harness Force lightning.
Grandmaster Yoda himself was capable of summoning force lightning in the form of Emerald Lightning. Galen Marek was an extremely skilled user of this Force power, even after his conversion to the light side, rivaling Darth Sidious.
Force lightning is a dark side ability used to torture, disfigure, and even kill one's victims. Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings.
Through his duels with Darth Sidious and Count Dooku, it was well known that Yoda could absorb and deflect Force lightning with his palms.
Gray Jedi commonly demonstrated their skills with both Light and Dark side Force capabilities. For example, the capacity to construct a lightsaber from scratch, along with unique Force talents such as Force lightning.
Anakin is supposedly more powerful than other Sith Lords like Dooku yet he can't use force lighting.
Perhaps, the old creature simply forgot. Late in the film, Darth Vader does not recognize C-3PO who is in Cloud City with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia. Although C-3PO is not completely assembled in the scene, he is definitely visible to Vader.
1 Darth Sidious
There has been no Sith, as powerful, meticulous, nor as evil as the Emperor himself, Darth Sidious. As previously mentioned, Sidious trained in the Dark Side by Darth Plagueis before Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep, making Sidious a Sith Master.
He either didn't realize it was the same protocol droid or figured he'd been memory-wiped so FUNCTIONALLY wasn't the same droid and didn't care.
Force lightning, also known as Sith lightning or dark rays, was an offensive power that Force users could conjure through the dark side of the Force.
He may have assumed he would have more time to train Luke before then, or that Luke would be skilled enough to manage. Second it might be that Yoda was so at peace or so one with the force by his death that he either could foresee the outcome of the fight or was willing to accept things as they happened.
Rey's lightsaber was a yellow-bladed lightsaber that was constructed by the Jedi Rey Skywalker following the First Order-Resistance War.
Later during The Book of Boba Fett, she was present for the beginning of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. What's more, Ahsoka died and was resurrected by the light side of the Force, and from that point on, served as one of the franchise's greatest heroes. Ahsoka was not a Gray Jedi, but, in actuality, a true Jedi.
The shading purple speaks to moral uncertainty, reconstruction, and recovery. Therefore, the individuals that used a purple lightsaber generally shared an affinity with both the Light and Dark sides of the Force.
Yoda's Lightsaber Form Hints He Was Vulnerable To The Dark Side - IMDb. With the various forms of lightsaber combat in the Star Wars universe, the form that Master Yoda employs suggests of a possible weakness to the dark side's sway.
Given Rey's lineage as Palpatine's granddaughter, it is also reasonable to assume she is already better attuned to using Force Lightning than the average Force user, with Ben telling Rey that she has all of Palpatine's power within her at the beginning of The Rise of Skywalker.
In both canon and Legends, Jedi will sometimes use red-bladed lightsabers in emergencies where they're missing their lightsabers and a Sith weapon is the only one available. Some Jedi are explicitly shown using red lightsabers in Legends, however.
Sith specifically channel Force lightning using their hands. Seemingly, because Vader's hands are no longer there, he can't channel the dark side of the Force through them, meaning that he can't use Force lightning.
The end of George Lucas' prequel trilogy instead proves that Palpatine's face changes as part of his plan to manipulate Anakin, with Palpatine using the Force to hide his true visage up until that moment.
Either way, while Vader can use most other Force abilities, Force Lightning needs to be channeled, and Vader's limbs are explicitly not connected to the Force. The Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary confirms Darth Vader cannot use Force Lightning, and even suggests this is the reason why.