Provided a thorough approach to flea treatment using appropriate products has been undertaken then if your pet continues to scratch there are likely to be other factors contributing. These may include allergies or intolerances to food substances, cleaning products and or an underlying medical condition.
After administering flea and tick medication to your dog, expect to see at least some dead fleas within 24 hours of treatment. However, it will probably take a few days for the itching to decrease.
It is also important to remember that the majority of the flea population is in the environment. If you are still seeing a large number of fleas a few days after starting treatment it is possible that there is an infestation somewhere in the home.
There are a few reasons that could be contributing to your dog scratching at their skin that are not fleas. Some of these could include food allergies which will require careful monitoring from your vet, sensitivity to pollens, mites, or other causes.
It's fairly typical after you've applied Itch Flea for there to be a period of hyperactivity amongst the fleas as the product takes effect, and this can cause an increase in itching. It should settle down though after 24 hours. If after 24 hours your pet still continues to scratch, there could be other things going on.
Provided a thorough approach to flea treatment using appropriate products has been undertaken then if your pet continues to scratch there are likely to be other factors contributing. These may include allergies or intolerances to food substances, cleaning products and or an underlying medical condition.
95% are in the environment as flea eggs, larvae and pupae.
Seeing fleas after treatment isn't really about how long it takes for flea treatment to work or for fleas to die. It's about the number of life stages in the pet's environment that develop into new fleas and jump on a pet.
The itch of flea bites may linger up to two weeks.
Dogs who keep itching but don't have fleas or mites are more likely to have a skin infection. These infections may be bacterial or might be fungal.
Your Flea Medication Has Become Ineffective
Always talk to your veterinarian to find the best and most effective flea treatment for your pet. Your vet will know which products work well in your region, as some that may have been effective at one time may no longer be killing fleas the way they used to.
You can reapply flea treatment after 2 weeks, but it's not necessary. Fleas are a common problem for dogs and cats, and there are many treatments available to help you protect your pet from these pesky parasites. However, if you have applied a flea treatment in the past 2 weeks, there is no need to reapply it again.
The known safe answer is to wait the period of time the product is supposed to work, typically 30 days, before reapplying. An alternative is to bathe the pet in a detergent shampoo (meant to strip off skin oils) and reapply after 24 hours.
If you do find that you still have a flea infestation after treatment, the possible causes are: The premises was cleaned or vacuumed prior to 14 days after treatment. It is possible that someone or a pet has picked up fertile fleas from other locations. Your pets were not treated for fleas satisfactorily.
Never use multiple flea medications on your pet, unless directed to do so by your veterinarian. Fleas can be a very frustrating problem, and some medications may not produce immediate effects.
Dogs scratch, lick, or chew for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from allergies to boredom to parasite infestation: Allergies. When dog scratching gets out of hand, it is often the result of allergies to food or environmental triggers, including mold and pollen.
Flea allergy dermatitis, seasonal allergies or atopy, food allergies, contact dermatitis (e.g., soaps and perfumes), and sarcoptic mange (mites) are some of the most common causes of pruritus in dogs. "Pruritus due to skin disease is one of the most common reasons dog owners seek veterinary care."
Clinical signs often indicate that your pet may suffer from FAD. Itching and hair loss in the region from the middle of the back to the tail base and down the rear legs (the flea triangle) is often associated with FAD.
If your dog is constantly being reinfested with fleas after treatment, it is most likely there is an environmental infestation in or around your house. The adult fleas we see on pets represent only 5% of the total population. The other 95% are immature stages in the environment.
Symptoms of a Flea Infestation
Your dog may be itching a lot more than usual. Her skin may be irritated, red, or have scabs. She may bite her skin so often that she develops some hair loss. Since other things can also cause itching, it's a good idea to look for specific signs of fleas, including the ones listed below.
The fleas can cause itchy welts on exposed skin for several weeks or even months. A severe allergic reaction may even lead to secondary infections. If a flea bite is not treated right away, the reaction can become persistent.
The resulting red papules (small, solid bumps) are an allergic reaction to flea saliva. The bites, which are usually but not always felt immediately, become increasingly irritated and may remain sore and/or itchy for as long as a week.
Recovery and Management of Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats. Cats will recover once the fleas are controlled. Itching may take 1-2 weeks to resolve completely.
VET TIP. Nitenpyram kills fleas on dogs quickly. But, be sure to pair it with a complementary preventative product to kill fleas at every life cycle stage (i.e., flea eggs, pupae, and larvae).
Even when treated with a suitable flea control product such a Frontline Plus, Advantage etc it is still possible for your pet to pick up new fleas from the outside environment or other animals. Flea eggs and larvae can also be brought into the home on shoes or clothing.
You shouldn't need to use flea shampoo unless your dog has an active flea infestation. But if that's the case, you can wash your dog 1-2 times a week, but not long term.