Sometimes people do not have a totally flat abdomen after tummy tuck even though the excess skin and fat is removed due to the fact that the intra-abdominal contents still remain intact and are still behind the tightened abdominal muscles.
Most swelling should have been resolved between 8 and 10 months after the tummy tuck. Yet, fluid retention due to diet and salt intake might be the reason behind a still swollen belly.
Swelling is a normal part of tummy tuck recovery. Most of it will go away within the first two months, but some residual swelling can last for up to a year. There are steps you can take during your initial recovery to help minimize swelling and speed up the healing process.
The majority of swelling resolves after approximately two months. About 80% of the swelling should subside, but many patients have minor swelling that can persist up to one year after surgery.
The tissues, especially of the lower abdomen, flanks, and pubic area are very swollen after surgery. It may take up to six months after surgery for this “fullness” to resolve.
Pseudobursa are conspicuous bulges that form under the abdominal soft tissue following surgery due to a pocket of thick scar tissue. Often part of the body's natural healing process, pseudobursa commonly form above the waistline incision or above the belly button.
With the removal of this excess skin and fat the abdomen is flatter, thinner, and more sculpted. With this smaller abdomen, the gas bloating is now more visible and can be seen at times. This is normal and you should not worry about it. It improves over time and is not a medical problem.
Within the first two months following surgery, the initial swelling of the abdomen tends to resolve. But, some swelling will persist anywhere from 6 months to a year with most patients. This longer term, minor swelling tends to be affected by gravity.
Another important reason why you have a FUPA after the tummy tuck procedure is mainly due to the swelling and bleeding that normally occur during the tummy tuck procedure. Please remember that whenever an incision is made, the existing fat is injured by the surgical dissection. This will result in swelling.
Tummy tuck results aren't immediate:
Most of the swelling will resolve after the first month. But it takes quite a while to completely go away. I tell patients to expect 90% of the swelling will be gone after three months. But it may be six months before the swelling completely resolves, and you see your final results.
The purpose of a compression garment is to support the surgical site, the incisions, and the affected skin. If your compression garment is too tight, it will affect circulation and hinder healing. A compression garment should only exert gentle, supportive pressure, so it should lay flat and smooth on the skin.
You will notice a change immediately following surgery, but if you still have a small belly in the weeks after surgery, do not worry. Swelling can take several weeks and up to one year to fully resolve.
You may be wondering, does walking reduce swelling after surgery? Walking can help improve your circulation and help fluids drain from the site of the swelling.
Swollen Mons Pubis during Recovery
Because your tummy tuck will result in some swelling around the site of the incision, it's completely normal for your upper pubic region to seem larger than normal immediately following your surgery. Try to be patient as your body heals and you anticipate your final results.
However, in other situations, a tummy tuck may make your pubic region more prominent. If your pubic region is sagging, a tummy tuck won't provide enough of a pubic lift. Removing the excess skin and fat tissues from your belly may make your mons pubis (the fleshy part above the vaginal cleft) more visible.
Hydration is essential following a tummy tuck. The human body is made from 70% water, so it cannot function properly if it is dehydrated. You may think that drinking more fluid will worsen swelling, but it can help by flushing out your system.
A compression garment should support the body with gentle (but not excessive) pressure. It should flatly lay smooth on the skin, not bunched-up or bulky. However, compression garments should be comfortable and any tightness should not hinder circulation or cause fluid buildup.
Not only will a lack of compression garments reduce the quality of your results, but it can also cause unnecessary pain, swelling, and bruising as your body heals. While holding the incision and other areas of the surgery tightly, compression garments serve as pain relief and side-effect reduction.
If there is pain, you should stop wearing the garment immediately. For example, a good way to tell if the garment is too tight is if sliding your hand underneath it requires force. Another is if the garment starts to roll down; the garment should lay flat over your skin. If not, you know you need a larger size.
By removing excess fat and skin, and tightening abdominal muscles, you will see a smoother surface and a smaller waistline. Your clothes will fit better. However, it's important to understand that your surgery results may take some time to reveal themselves.
It's recommended that patients who underwent surgeries like liposuction or tummy tucks start with three to five massage sessions beginning two weeks after the procedure. “The timing is ideal because the bruising will be gone, so it won't be painful,” Dr. Doft shares.