Why do my rabbits seem to ignore me? Rabbits are a prey species so they instinctively avoid drawing attention to themselves. The mistake many first-time rabbit owners make is to impose themselves on their pets – to a rabbit, even a hand reaching overhead can feel like a predator approaching.
If they are sitting upright and their front paws are 'boxing' at you, they are likely very unhappy. Vocalising. Rabbits don't tend to make much noise and when they do it's a sign they're feeling very threatened. You may hear them grunting or growling and in extreme cases, they can scream.
Rabbits typically run away from people because they are afraid or angry. The rabbit has learned from past experiences that humans will chase them, pick them up, or trap them into a small cage. Naturally, their instincts will see people as dangerous predators that need to be avoided.
Unfortunately many baby rabbits miss out on this socialisation before they go to their new home, or they may have bad experiences later on that make them fear being picked up. When a rabbit kicks out and tries to stop you picking him up, it's because he is frightened.
Sometimes rabbits avoid being pet or touched because of bad past experiences. Maybe they have been handled roughly, or people pet them in a way that made them feel uncomfortable. In this case, the rabbit's avoidance of being touched is based entirely on fear.
Rabbits might nudge, push, or toss things around as a form of play, to solicit attention from you, or as a territorial behavior meaning “mine!” or “get out of the way!” Rabbits can be very territorial and particular.
The best way to gain your rabbits' trust is by simply spending lots of time being near them, while allowing your bunnies to approach you in their own time. By sitting quietly with them in a safe enclosure, you'll show your rabbits that you aren't to be feared and that you can be trusted.
To survive, they have to be constantly wary and use their keen senses of sight, hearing and smell to detect potential predators. Your pet rabbits have the same instincts. Any fast or sudden movements, loud noises, unfamiliar smells or larger creatures – including their owners – can trigger a fear response.
Nudging can either mean one of two things: Your rabbit is trying to get past you or smell something and you're in their way. Or they are trying to get your attention because they want a treat or to be petted. Whether an act of bossiness or attention seeking, your rabbit is trying to get your attention.
They are hardwired to have social needs and can quickly become lonely and even fall into a depression if those needs are not met. The best way to help our rabbits and meet their needs is to bond them with another rabbit. However, this is not always possible.
Don't let it phase you. Treat the rabbit gently and firmly. Make it realize that it has no choice, that you will not hurt it, and that you will reward it with tasty treats. The strange thing is that rabbits actually quite like being petted, and after a while will run up to you and demand attention.
Your rabbit may learn to accept being picked up, but down deep inside, in the most ancient recesses of the rabbit brain, chemicals are being released that cause physical responses to danger. Your rabbit will learn to "ignore" these, but even the calmest bun is indeed having a physiological response to being picked up.
A lonely rabbit may become hyperactive and angry. They may display destructive behaviour such as gnawing at the carpets and other furniture. Lonely rabbits may pull at their fur and overeat.
Signs of stress may include: appearing nervous (freezing, hunched up with ears flat against the body) being excessively jumpy and watchful (bulging eyes) being aggressive to people or other rabbits, particularly if the behaviour is unusual.
Hold rabbits gently but firmly - ensure one hand supports their back and hindquarters at all times. Help them feel secure by holding all four feet against your body. Never pick rabbits up by their ears - this would be extremely stressful and is highly likely to injure them.
Your rabbit will recognize your voice if he is familiar with you. Gently speaking to your rabbit can assist him in understanding that he is not in danger. You should also avoid making any abrupt moves or picking up your rabbit since this may be quite frightening for them. Petting your bunny won't always help him relax.
Rabbits can resist being lifted and carried in a number of ways. Reacting instinctively to a predator-like grasp, they may run away, hide, struggle. When caught, they may kick, or launch into space. A normally affectionate rabbit may express indignation by wriggling, stamping, or nipping you.
What is Floppy Bunny Syndrome? Floppy Bunny Syndrome is a condition that usually presents with acute onset of generalised weakness or flaccid paralysis of the body, resulting in the rabbit's inability to hop around or, in severe cases, not do anything but lie on their sides.
Nose Bonking / Nudging
It may be a greeting or their first line of investigation. But nudging can also indicate a level of bossiness. Your rabbit might be telling you, “You're in my way!” They may also be trying to get your attention because you're not petting them.
Rabbits can live alone, but you'll need to provide your pet with the attention (company, petting, grooming, exercise, playing, and enrichment) that a bonded rabbit partner would provide. It's always advisable to keep rabbits in pairs. If you can find a pair of rabbits that are already bonded, so much the better.