The most common causes are trapped gas or eating too much in a short time. The sensation of bloating can cause abdominal distention, which is a visible swelling or extension of your belly.
You could have a condition called Diastasis Recti Abdominus, or DRA. DRA is caused by an increase in abdominal pressure and occurs when the rectus abdominus, the abdominal muscle that runs down the center of your stomach, separates.
Some causes may be related to stress, alcohol consumption, or medications. Other causes can be a result of health conditions like hypothyroidism or PCOS. Many causes of stomach swelling and weight gain can be treated with lifestyle changes and medications. However, others, such as ascites, can be serious.
The most common reason for bloating is having a lot of gas in your gut. This can be caused by some food and drinks, such as some vegetables and fizzy drinks, or by swallowing air when you eat. It can also be caused by a problem with your digestion, such as: constipation.
Diastasis Recti
Diastasis recti can leave your abs and core unsupported with a 'gap' at the front of your tummy. As a result your stomach and the organs of your abdominal cavity can protrude or bulge, giving the appearance of a pregnant belly. You can find out more about diastasis recti, or abdominal separation here.
“In cases where the stomach cancer spreads to the lining of the abdomen, it can cause an accumulation of fluid within your abdominal cavity.” It can lead to excessive bloating to the point where you might look like you're nine months pregnant.
If you eat too much and exercise too little, you're likely to carry excess weight — including belly fat. Also, your muscle mass might diminish slightly with age, while fat increases.
Abdominal swelling, or distention, is more often caused by overeating than by a serious illness. This problem also can be caused by: Air swallowing (a nervous habit) Buildup of fluid in the abdomen (this can be a sign of a serious medical problem)
Sometimes, excess fat around the belly is due to hormones. Hormones help regulate many bodily functions, including metabolism, stress, hunger, and sex drive. If a person has a deficiency in certain hormones, it may result in weight gain around the abdomen, which is known as a hormonal belly.
Some people may find it hard to tell the difference between being bloated or pregnant as they can share similar symptoms. If a person is unsure whether they are pregnant, they may wish to take a pregnancy test. Bloating is the feeling of fullness in the stomach, which sometimes includes abdominal distention.
Stress belly is the extra abdominal fat that accumulates as the result of chronic or prolonged stress. Although stress belly is not a medical diagnosis, it is a term used to describe the way that stress and stress hormones impact your midsection.
The list of organic disorders that can cause bloating and distension also includes celiac disease, pancreatic insufficiency, prior gastroesophageal surgery (such as fundoplication or bariatric procedures), gastric outlet obstruction, gastroparesis, ascites, gastrointestinal or gynecologic malignancy, hypothyroidism, ...
It's unlikely that your swollen abdomen is the result of any serious illness, but there are a few things you should look out for. Call your doctor if your abdomen is getting bigger, or if you have other symptoms that accompany the swelling, such as fever or nausea.
Gaining weight solely in your stomach may be the result of specific lifestyle choices. The two S's — stress and sugar — play a significant role in the size of your midsection. Certain medical conditions and hormonal changes can contribute to abdominal weight gain.
There are many reasons you can gain weight that have nothing to do with food. Sometimes weight gain is easy to figure out. If you've changed your eating habits, added more dessert or processed foods, or have been spending more time on the couch than usual, you can typically blame those reasons if you gain a few pounds.
Bloating can also be a sign of other cancers, like breast, pancreatic, colon, and stomach cancer if cancer appears along the lining of the abdominal cavity, said Dr. Cobb.
Symptoms of stomach cancer
trapped wind and frequent burping. heartburn. feeling full very quickly when eating. feeling bloated after eating.
Short women or women with shorter torsos may show earlier or have a larger-looking bump, because they have less space for the baby to fill, lengthwise. Your baby is positioned in your uterus in a way that maximizes your bump. You're having twins or multiples. You've gained extra weight during pregnancy.
Diastasis recti can come with visible bulging or doming at the center of the abdomen that appears with certain movements, with some women saying they still look pregnant long after giving birth.
You should see a doctor if you have gas and bloating along with any of these symptoms: Blood or mucus in your stool. Changing your eating habits didn't help. Chronic or frequent diarrhea, constipation, or vomiting.
Before you rush to your doctor to get a prescription for your hormonal belly, there are natural ways to readjust your levels. Reducing sugar intake, eliminating processed foods from your diet, and avoiding things like dairy, alcohol, and caffeine can all help reset your blood sugar and insulin levels.