A very irritated mouth, which may result from brushing your tongue too much or too hard, using abrasive toothpastes, overusing mouthwashes, or having too many acidic foods or drinks. Dentures that don't fit well may cause irritation that can make symptoms worse.
Most tongue problems aren't serious. But sometimes, changes in your tongue signal a more serious condition. See a healthcare provider to get your tongue checked out if you're having severe symptoms that last longer than a few weeks.
A red tongue may indicate heat in the body like a fever or a hormonal imbalance. A reddish purple tongue is a sign that there may be inflammation or an infection in the body. A pale pink tongue may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, a weak immune system or a lack of energy.
Hormonal imbalances, nerve damage and allergies are just some of the medical issues that can cause this condition. But you can take steps to curb or quell this curious fire. Take good care of your oral and overall health with good oral hygiene habits, a healthy diet and regular dental appointments.
Allergies to dental products, dental materials (usually metals), or foods. Dry mouth, which can be caused by certain disorders (such as Sjögren's syndrome) and treatments (such as certain drugs and radiation therapy). Certain medicines, such as those that reduce blood pressure.
Iron deficiency anaemia, deficiencies of Vitamin B2, folic acid, Vitamin B12 and zinc can cause burning sensation of the tongue.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Deficiencies of vitamin B and minerals, such as iron and zinc, can contribute to a burnt tongue sensation. Ensure you're eating a well-balanced diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, and healthy proteins.
Stomatodynia. Patients with BMS often report intense burning that localizes to specific regions of the oral cavity bilaterally. While the burning sensation can manifest in any oral region, the tongue is affected most commonly.
This sensation doesn't cause any physical change or harm to your tongue or mouth. The sensation may occur as a response to feeling anxious or stressed, or may occur for no apparent reason. This sensation can be mildly noticeable, moderately bothersome, or greatly problematic.
Other diseases like oral lichen planus and Sjogren's disease, which are autoimmune diseases, may be confused with burning mouth syndrome. Uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid problems, and reflux may also worsen burning mouth sensations. It can also be caused by Ill-fitting dentures or teeth grinding.
A: There is no cure for BMS. Some, if not most, of the discomfort can be alleviated using a variety of medications, many of which are used to treat anxiety, depression, and other neurologic disorders although at lower doses. The medications help to reduce the activity of nerve fibers.
Burning tongue syndrome is rarely caused by MS. This is more often caused by nutritional deficiencies, viral or fungal infections or medications. When MS causes a burning sensation in this region it is usually a burning mouth syndrome with involvement of tongue, buccal mucosa (inside mouth lining and gums) and lips.
The quickest way to remedy this situation is to change to toothpaste with only fluoride added and stop using oral rinses.
Our study demonstrates that burning mouth syndrome is caused by a trigeminal small-fiber sensory neuropathy and that superficial biopsy of the tongue can be helpful in assessing the diagnosis.
You can opt for cold water: Sip some cold water when you feel burning sensations. It will numb your tongue nerves and help you to get rid of that irritating pain by soothing it. You will be able to ease your feeling of dry mouth if you sip some cold water. As a dry mouth can worsen the condition.
There are several reports of chronic oral pain arising from tumors in the craniofacial region. We have limited experience with oral burning caused by brain tumors.
Varicella zoster virus (VZV), as well as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), can cause burning mouth syndrome, with or without rash. Diagnosis can be confirmed by either the presence of elevated serum anti-VZV or anti-HSV-11 IgM antibodies, or positive PCR for VZV or HSV-1 DNA in saliva or oral swabs.
Psychological factors are directly associated with BMS, and anxiety is the most important of these factor. Keywords: burning mouth syndrome; oral manifestations; psychoanalytic therapy; psychophysiologic disorders.
Oral Lichen Planus: This oral autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks the mucous membranes inside your mouth, according to The Mayo Clinic. It will appear as lacy white patches, sometimes accompanied by painful sores on the lining of the cheeks, tongue, and gums.
The cause of burning mouth syndrome can be attributed in some cases to compression or stretching of the vagus nerve along its winding path from neck to stomach.
Learning points. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), with and without rash, can cause burning mouth syndrome. Diagnosis can be confirmed by the presence of high copy numbers of HSV-1 DNA in saliva. Treatment with valacyclovir rapidly alleviates pain.