Why was Gatsby obsessed with Daisy?

To Gatsby, the innocent and naive Daisy comes to embody the American dream, in other words wealth and social status, a goal he will have reached by winning her hand.

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Was Gatsby in love with Daisy or obsessed with her?

He clearly loves her with all his heart, moreover, he is obsessed with Daisy and unable to imagine his life without her in it. Daisy's real feelings remain confused and unclear. But if we think a bit more about it, we'll see the other side of Gatsby and Daisy relationship. He is obsessed with her, he idolizes her.

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Was Gatsby too obsessed with Daisy?

He has gone too far into the obsession of having Daisy; she is his world now. His mind will not develop any further, he wants to freeze this moment forever. With losing her, he would lose all he has, his symbol of wealth, his hope, his future, and finally, as we will see later, his will to live.

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Why is Gatsby's obsession with Daisy bad?

Despite Gatsby's “romantic readiness” (2), as narrator Nick Carraway puts it, he subtly shows that his love for Daisy is never genuine. Gatsby, in fact, is never capable of loving her at all; he was born with a life and status too drastically different from hers to ever really connect with her in a true, romantic way.

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Did Gatsby cheat on Daisy?

Examples Of Greed And Love In The Great Gatsby

Daisy shows this by the fact that she knows that tom is cheating on her but still stays with him under the false fact that she is catholic purely for the reason that he has money.

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Why do so many people hate daisy so much? (The Great Gatsby) + Character Analysis

40 related questions found

What quotes show Gatsby's obsession with Daisy?

And Gatsby describes his love for Daisy himself in this quote: “And what's more, I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time.”

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What was the only compliment Nick ever gave Gatsby?

“You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.” I've always been glad I said that. It was the only compliment I ever gave him, because I disapproved of him from beginning to end.” Nick addresses these words to Gatsby the last time he sees his neighbor alive, in Chapter 8.

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Why does Tom not love Daisy?

Answer: In The Great Gatsby, Daisy and Tom Buchanan's relationship is based on wealth and material possessions, and lacks a passionate love that only offers them an empty, materialised version of happiness which imperfectly binds them together.

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Did Daisy ever truly love Tom?

"I did love him once—but I loved you too." Gatsby's eyes opened and closed. Here we finally get a glimpse at Daisy's real feelings—she loved Gatsby, but also Tom, and to her those were equal loves.

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Why didn't Daisy go to Gatsby's funeral?

Daisy does not want to be seen attending Gatsby's funeral because she does care about her reputation, despite the fact that she has never loved Tom. As a result, she makes the decision to abstain out of concern that she will damage both her connection with Tom and her standing in the eyes of the general public.

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Why couldn t Daisy divorce Tom?

Myrtle believes that the only reason Tom will not divorce Daisy is because Daisy is Catholic. But we learn that Tom's feelings for Myrtle are far less intense than he has led her to believe and that social pressure prevents him from ever leaving Daisy, who comes from a similar upper-class background.

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Did Daisy attend Gatsby's funeral?

The only people who came to pay their respects were Nick, Gatsby's father, Owl Eyes, and a few servants. Even Daisy, Gatsby's beloved, did not attend the funeral, which shows the superficial nature of their relationship.

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What was the last thing Nick said to Gatsby Why is it important?

“You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.” Nick addresses these words to Gatsby the last time he sees his neighbor alive, in Chapter 8. This moment nicely captures Nick's ambivalent feelings about Gatsby.

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Why did Nick say they're a rotten crowd?

Tom, Daisy, Jordan, they belong to the 'rotten crowd' because they are selfish, materialistic, and cruel. They do not have any spiritual values or compassion for themselves or others. Nick realizes that Gatsby is better than them because of his complete and total dedication to a dream.

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Why does Daisy cry about the shirts?

Daisy cries because she has never seen such beautiful shirts, and their appearance makes her emotional. The scene solidifies her character and her treatment of Gatsby. She is vain and self-serving, only concerned with material goods.

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Why is Daisy's voice important?

Daisy's voice has an enticing mystique that captures the listener's attention and compels them to follow the musicality of her speech. In this sense, Daisy recalls the Sirens of Greek myth, who use their enchanting voices to lure sailors into shipwrecks.

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Did Gatsby throw his parties for Daisy?

But Gatsby plots a plan of attracting Daisy's attention in the least suspicious way. He decides to throw grand parties, hoping that she might once attend. While his plan does not work, Gatsby meets Daisy during lunch when invited by Daisy's cousin and Gatsby's neighbor, Nick.

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What was it that Gatsby really loved about Daisy?

In Gatsby's eyes Daisy represents the American Dream, wealth, power, fame, and beauty which is the reason why Gatsby is attracted to her.

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What is the message at the end of The Great Gatsby?

In this way, the last line is simply saying that through our continuing efforts to move forward through new obstacles, we will be constantly reminded and confronted with our past because we can't help but repeat our own history, both individually and collectively.

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Why does Nick leave after Gatsby's death?

A while after the funeral, Nick saw Tom. Tom said that he told Wilson, the man who killed Gatsby, that it was Gatsby's car that hit Wilson's wife, Myrtle. Nick did not like living in the East anymore, and he decided to leave the city and move back west.

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What is the irony of Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's funeral is ironic because only three people attend, while enormous crowds attended his parties. Despite being a popular figure in the social scene, once Gatsby passes, neither Daisy, his business partner Henry Wolfsheim, nor any of his partygoers seem to remember him or care.

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How did Tom react to Gatsby's death?

He thinks it was unfortunate but inevitable. He thinks Gatsby deserved it. He wishes he would have been the one to die.

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Who refused to attend Gatsby's funeral?

Nick is left to organise Gatsby's funeral. Daisy and Tom have left town. Wolfshiem refuses to come. Hundreds of people attended Gatsby's parties but no-one comes to his funeral apart from Nick, Gatsby's father, and some servants.

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Who is the true love in The Great Gatsby?

Their love affair makes Gatsby optimistic that Daisy is his true love, but he really only sees and loves an idealized version of her that he has carried for years. In the end, Daisy chooses to stay with her husband even when knowing he had also had an affair.

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Why did Myrtle marry George if she didn't love him?

Myrtle confesses in The Great Gatsby that she did not marry George out of love. She married him because she thought he was a gentleman. She thought that he would be able to lift him out of her current life and give her a better future.

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