Overall, the enneagram type 9 is incredibly intuitive and energetic in all social situations. They also value life and feel a sense of belonging to the world. They were able to successfully bring about major change as a result.
They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness.
Nines are gentle and wise but under stress, they may become unhealthy as well. They will repress their feelings and may become people pleasers just to avoid conflicts and confrontations. Sometimes, the unhealthy nine can also appear distant and elusive. They are also prone to mood swings when under stress.
An Enneagram Type 9 thrives in careers where there is a promise of stability and consistency. Peacemakers like to be in positions where they are able to help others, which is why they are most successful in careers where they are able to accomplish this.
They get drained from externally maintaining peace and internally avoiding reality. This leaves them too tired and depleted to pursue their own priorities. Their extreme conflict avoidance cuts them off from their power, leaving them slothlike. They can literally sleep walk through their entire lives.
Nines get into the habit of forgetting themselves and going along with the wants and needs of other people. They fear that making things about them will lead to conflict or discomfort. But by repressing your desires, you're limiting your potential for growth.
Type Nine: The Peacemaker
Nines value harmony, comfort and peace. They are motivated by a need to always keep the peace and avoid conflict at all costs. They go with the flow and tend to let others take control so that they can make other people happy.
The basic fear of the Type 9 is that they may lose or be separated from others. They may attempt to prevent this by remaining peaceful and avoiding conflict, potentially adapting to others preferences, rather than stating their own.
Anger is an emotionally draining experience for Nines, who often take a while to notice that they are upset. They, therefore, don't allow themselves to experience anger too often or too intensely. Nines "tune in" to the feelings and emotions of the people around them.
They detest not having the space to live their lives as they see fit. Being out of control or without authority over their own lives is maddening to them, even though it might not be obvious to others. As Nines grow and develop it's important for them to express their anger rather than smother it.
Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos.
Reassuring and harmonious, Nines are supportive to a fault, their conflict-averse nature may cause them to minimize and simplify problems.
In Stress: Nines take on qualities of Sixes, becoming overcommitted, worried, rigid, and anxious.
Healthy Nines offer safe space to others. They are easy-going and accepting, so that others feel safe with them. There is almost no tendency in Nines to manipulate others or to make them feel guilty for not responding as they would like.
In general, 8s, 9s, and 1s — the body type — tend to get angry when they see injustice, and when they feel like people are trying to control them, but this is expressed in different ways.
First, it can be hard for them to get a partner. Type 9s tend to be wallflowers, and potential romantic prospects may be drawn to flashier, more gregarious types initially. However, once people get to know Type 9s, they're attracted to their calm, caring personalities.
Enneagram Ones at Work
Enneagram Type Ones are referred to as The Reformer. This personality type values hard work, self-control, and setting high standards.
Enneagram Twos at Their Best:
Empathic and kind-hearted, they genuinely care for people without worrying about what they will get in return.
Sloth is the passion that drives Type Nine. As the core emotional motivation of this type, sloth is a kind of laziness—not in the usual sense of not wanting to do things, but rather a reluctance to take important actions for themselves that are needed in the moment.
I, along with my guests, are all Enneagram 8's, The Challenger (aka: Leader/Challenger). Not only are 8's the rarest personality type, but they are also the most misunderstood, in my opinion.
Type Fives don't pair as well with Nines
It can be challenging for the two types to build a close relationship with their different focuses. Both types tend to go into their imaginary worlds to stay safe, making it difficult for them to connect.
Many Nines are introverts, in truth. They need to be, to keep themselves insulated from a world where chaos is ever present. Even when they're social and active, a part of them are kept in reserve. They are likeable, steady, tolerant and optimistic, but don't ask a Nine about their real feelings.
Type Six
Sixes are one of the most anxiety-prone types of the Enneagram and tend to overreact when under stress.
Type 7 - The Enthusiast
They tend to be optimistic and upbeat, and their positive energy can be infectious and uplifting to others. This positivity, along with their inclusive attitude, can make them seem like one of the “nicest” types on the Enneagram.
Type 4, Individualist
But at their worst, everything around them becomes a reminder of their self-loathing and their sense of failure. Driving away those who wish to help, feelings of despair take over, and they may become self-destructive with this behavior manifesting as mental, emotional or physical breakdowns.
Fives are often kind, wise, open-minded, autonomous, and trustworthy in relationships. They have strong analytical skills and are excellent problem-solvers. Fives typically prefer to work alone to exercise independent thinking and draw conclusions.