Weight Loss or Weight Gain: As a person gains or loses weight it can lead to early facial jowls. When a person gains weight, the skin stretches to cover the increased body mass. However, if a client loses the weight, the stretched skin may begin to sag and develop into jowls.
An effective treatment for jowls does not include weight loss. No, losing weight cannot get rid of saggy jowls for some people. Even extreme weight loss does not work for a majority of patients, especially those with aging skin. It's because weight loss makes jowls more prominent in the first place.
Almost everyone eventually gets jowls, but several factors can contribute to their development. Factors include damage, poor diet, repetitive facial motions, and sudden weight loss. While jowls are harmless, some people may feel uncomfortable about how they look.
Laser Treatment for Jowls
The jowl lift procedure uses a 1064 YAG laser to heat the skin and fat from the outside to a target temperature, which causes fat destruction as well as skin retraction.
Saggy jowls, simply put, are caused by a loss of elasticity in the skin of the lower face. This is typically caused by a decrease in the body's own collagen production, which typically starts to develop in patients who are in their late 30's or early 40's, though it can develop earlier.
Best procedure for sagging jowls in 2023
Considered one of the best non surgical facelift options, NovaThreads use absorbable sutures to lift and tighten the skin to improve facial aging concerns, like sagging jowls and droopy skin, resulting in a noticeably younger appearance.
The jowl is actually a fat pad and will enlarge with weight gain; it also becomes more prominent with aging partly because facial volume in adjacent areas of the cheek can diminish relative to the jowl.
The biggest changes typically occur when people are in their 40s and 50s, but they can begin as early as the mid-30s and continue into old age. Even when your muscles are in top working order, they contribute to facial aging with repetitive motions that etch lines in your skin.
How vitamin D deficiency leads to accelerated skin aging isn't fully understood. However, some experts suspect it has something to do with vitamin D's protective and antioxidant properties on the skin.
When you lose body fat your face will automatically look more chiselled and your jawline will look more defined. Everything tightens up, and you will have a great looking chiselled jawline.
What are Face Jowls? Face jowls are the bags of skin along the jawline that sag or droop lower than the jaw. As the lower cheek muscles lose strength and volume, the skin gravitates down which gives the jawline an undefined, loose appearance.
Ultherapy is the number one treatment for jowls and is FDA approved meaning it is clinically proven to lift the face. Ultherapy uses micro-focused ultrasound to create micro-wounds into the deep tissues (SMAS) of skin.
Exercising the neck, chin, jaw, and other facial muscles can lead to subtle changes in your face, including sharper cheekbones and a more prominent jawline. One study found that performing regular facial exercises over the course of 20 weeks led to fuller cheeks and a more youthful appearance.
Try these facial exercises to help improve jowls:
Hold a smile shape with the lips wrapping your teeth. Place your index finger on the chin for resistance. Now scoop the jaw backwards. Take 2 fingers and a thumb and pinch all the way up the jaw area to release tension.
While some claim chewing gum can help shape your jawline, no scientific evidence supports this idea. Chewing gum doesn't help define your jawline because your jawline is determined by genetics. So even if you chew gum all day long, it will not make a difference in how your jawline looks.
For a more efficient and proven way to tighten jowls and neck without surgery, there are several noninvasive cosmetic treatments available. Some of these treatments include injectable fillers, botox, Kybella, and radiotherapy.
Botox reduces sagging jowls by tightening and lifting the jaw area. This pulls back the excess sagging skin that creates jowls in the first place.
So what can we do to prevent jowls? Prescribe a topical Retinol cream to stimulate your collagen production to give support and structure back into your skin.
Extreme weight loss creates sagging jowls earlier or more drastically than typical. As you lose weight, you also lose fat from your face. Hence, the skin will be looser and you're more likely to see the jowls sag.
Ageing. As we age, our skin's most vital proteins, collagen and elastin, break down, which over time can lead to sagging. Once we hit 20, we produce about 1% less collagen a year, causing our skin to become thinner and more fragile. That's the perfect recipe for saggy skin and jowls.
Facial Expressions: Frequent common facial expressions like puckering of the lips or yawning can result in stretching of the skin along the jaw and chin.
“Turkey neck” happens when the neck muscles begin to weaken and the skin loses elasticity. The loose skin can become droopy and wrinkled, drawing unflattering comparisons to the neck of a turkey. Age and sun exposure are the main culprits of sagging skin.