Even candy that is soft in the middle with a hard shell can also be bad for your braces. Skittles® Runts®, Sweettarts, and M&Ms® should be avoided if you have braces, as the shell could get wedged under your wire or pop off your brackets.
For example, chewy treats such as M&Ms and Skittles can break the brackets of one's braces. Additionally, caramels are prone to getting stuck in your braces. Hard candies are fine to suck on but should not be bitten.
Skittles and M Ms: These candies are too hard to be chewing when you have braces. You'll likely end up with broken brackets and damaged wires if you eat too many. It's best to stay away. Sour Patch Kids and Mike Ike's: These candies are very sticky and chewy, making them one of the worst candies to eat with braces.
Anything with nougat or caramel will be incredibly hard to eat and will cause problems with braces. Babe Ruth bars, Charleston Chews, Butterfingers, Smarties, Tootsie Rolls, and other chewy candies are a bad idea. Also avoid anything with a hard shell, such as Skittles and M&Ms.
If you have braces, you will want to avoid candy that is hard, crunchy, sticky, and chewy. That means avoiding candy such as: Starbursts. Jolly Ranchers.
DON'T chew hard candies. While peppermints and similar types of sweets are safe to suck on, biting them can cause serious damage. So lollipops are okay for your child with braces as long as he or she is old enough to understand that it's limited to licking. DO look for “braces-friendly” recipes.
M&Ms (without nuts) and Reese's Pieces are usually fine if not chomped down on. Skittles, however, are both hard and chewy, so they should be left alone. Nestle Crunch bars are not too crunchy, and the caramel in Milky Way and Twix are soft enough to be safe as long as the patient is careful.
While inhalation of titanium dioxide may increase the risk of cancer in some individuals, there is no evidence that eating Skittles is associated with cancer development in humans.
Soft Caramel
For example, 'Milky Ways' or 'Kisses with Caramel' are appropriate to eat if you have dental braces. But brush your teeth as soon as your candy-eating session is complete.
You want to avoid anything crunchy or hard, which means no nuts, potato chips, or popcorn. Instead, opt for Cheetos or Pirate Booty. Soft cookies (without nuts) are good, but avoid hard cookies like Oreos and Chips Ahoy unless you're a milk dunker. Ice cream is fine, but skip the nuts and hard candy toppings.
Hard Candies – Hard candies are any candy that could potentially bend wires, break off brackets, or stain elastics. These include jolly ranchers, Lifesavers, jawbreakers, Nerds, Tic Tacs, and butterscotch candies, to name a few.
If you've been paying attention to nutrition headlines lately, you may have noticed a recent lawsuit that claimed that Skittles — the colorful candies of “taste the rainbow” fame — were “unfit for human consumption” because of the presence of a “known toxin” called titanium dioxide.
Skittles are made of ingredients that can dissolve in water. They also do it quickly, so you have neat science right away. Dissolving candy is fun to test out with a variety of liquids and candies.
The safest candy to eat is by far chocolate, as the soft texture of chocolate is unlikely to do any damage. So thankfully this well desired food is not off limits and means you can gobble up all your favourites like Cadbury giant buttons, Aero bar, Flake and Maltesers.
Hard and crunchies: tortilla chips or hard shell tortilla, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos, Kettle Chips, Cheez-Its, pretzels, popcorn, crust of the bread or pizza, crispy french fries, well-toasted bread, fried chicken and sandwiches/hamburgers should be avoided during braces.
Be very careful not to bump your braces against the inside of your lips, which could scratch them. If you start open mouth kissing, don't rush! Keep you and your partner's tongues away from your braces to protect them from damage, and don't let your braces touch your partner's teeth.
Make sure that you and your partner keep your tongues away from your braces. Like lips, the tongue can be cut or caught by your dental appliance, and that will definitely ruin the moment.
Yes! You certainly can, as long as you avoid crusts and toppings that are too tough and hard, sticky, or stringy, and eat in small, careful bites. Of course, it's also essential to clean your teeth and the metal wires after eating for optimum dental health.
Most regular potato chips, like Lays or Pringles, are actually just fine. However, some chips are made with extra crunch, such as Kettle Chips or Ruffles. You'll want to avoid these chips while you have braces since they will be too hard on the brackets and wires.
The adhesive we use to secure the brackets to your teeth will dry very quickly but can take up to 24 hours to fully set. It is fine to eat right after you leave our office. However, we recommend that you stick with softer foods for the first few days as you get used to eating with your new braces.