Since bed rest is common for women pregnant with twins after 30 weeks—or 7.5 months—be prepared to go on maternity leave earlier than you'd think, just in case. “Having twins is not twice as hard—it's exponentially more difficult.”
Moms of multiples will tell you that the first three to four months is a stage of pure survival mode and sleep deprivation. The babies are colicky, gassy, and don't even offer a smile in return. Tandem breastfeeding is awkward, and you still have to cradle their heads.
Twins are easier to handle as they have company of each other at home. Each child is not alone and he or she doesn't always need a friend to play with. Whether they play or fight, at least they are busy with each other.
After all, most new parents have their hands full with just one baby! The reality is that raising multiples is hard. You have double or triple the feeding, diapering, and laundry and, as a result, less time to spend cuddling and getting to know each baby.
Depending on where they implant, one twin may get a smaller share of the placenta than the other, resulting in less blood flow and nutrition to one fetus, and more to the other. This is called unequal placental sharing. As a result, the twins may grow differently.
Monoamniotic-monochorionic Twins
These types of twins share a chorion, placenta, and an amniotic sac. This is the rarest type of twin, and it means a riskier pregnancy as the babies can get tangled in their own umbilical cords.
At age 7, the mean IQ score of twins was 5.3 points lower than that of singletons in the same family, and at age 9, the score was 6.0 points lower. The lower intelligence of twins in childhood may partly be a consequence of the reduced fetal growth and shorter gestations of twins, say the authors.
Being a twin has its benefits—tricking people, having a lifelong companion, sharing clothes—but it also has downsides. Many twins struggle to cultivate their own identities, while being so similar to one another. And that struggle lasts a lifetime, according to a recent study.
Physically recovering from a multiple birth, whether it was vaginal or via C-section, is much like recovering from a singleton birth — only more so. Indeed, the postpartum period can be worse with twins or triplets, as everything you experience will feel just a little bit more painful and last a while longer.
Beyond the usual rivalry and spats between brothers and sisters, there's the additional pressure and frustration that comes with always being lumped in with, and compared to, another person. From an early age, twins often feel intense competition as they struggle to forge their own identities beyond one half of a duo.
It's equally unsurprising that a Danish study found that twins are less likely to get married than non-twins. As twins have a partner from birth, the study suggests that they may not have the same desire for marriage as singletons.
A:Twins are not slow learners. It has been observed that they become a self-sufficient pair, communicating between themselves very effectively, through gesture and speech.
Twins not only have a bestie from birth — they also live longer than singletons. And those two factors may be related, according to new University of Washington research.
For women born 1870-1899, moms of twins averaged reproductive spans of 14 years 11 months versus 14 years for singleton moms. Both results were statistically significant. Moms of twins also were older at the time of their last birth.
Age. According to the Office on Women's Health , women who are aged 30 years or older are more likely to conceive twins. The reason for this is that women of this age are more likely than younger women to release more than one egg during their reproductive cycle.
Twins share the same genes but their environments become more different as they age. This unique aspect of twins makes them an excellent model for understanding how genes and the environment contribute to certain traits, especially complex behaviors and diseases.
Parents Of Twins Run Higher Risk Of Depression Than Other New Parents : Shots - Health News Expectant parents of twins and other multiples may be ready for the joy and extra physical demands of caring for more than one baby. But few know the risk of depression and anxiety runs higher, too.
Having two babies at a time is associated with a longer life, according to a new study. But that's not because doubling up on dirty diapers increases life span; instead, moms of twins are physically stronger in the first place.
Try some baby-soothing tactics
Try singing or reading to them, giving them a little massage, doing a funny dance to entertain them or even taking them outside for some fresh air. Just remember that what works for one baby may not work for the other, so you may have to try something totally different for each infant.
This is why fraternal twins run in families. However, only women ovulate. So, the mother's genes control this and the fathers don't. This is why having a background of twins in the family matters only if it is on the mother's side.
Fraternal twins tend to live longer than singletons. But identical twins generally outlive fraternal ones.
It is estimated that 1 in 250 natural pregnancies will naturally result in twins. While twin pregnancies can happen by chance, there are some factors that may increase your odds of having two babies at the same time. Let's learn about twins!
It's a common misconception that twins skip a generation in families. There is absolutely no evidence, other than circumstantial, that twins are more likely to occur every other generation.