Eggs can be offered to babies as soon as they're ready to start solids, usually around 6 months. It's important to remember that your baby is unique and that rather than going by the calendar, you need to make sure your baby is DEVELOPMENTALLY ready to start solids.
You can give your baby the entire egg (yolk and white), if your pediatrician recommends it. Around 6 months, puree or mash one hard-boiled or scrambled egg and serve it to your baby. For a more liquid consistency, add breast milk or water. Around 8 months, scrambled egg pieces are a fantastic finger food.
Yes, babies who don't yet have teeth can eat scrambled eggs. Toothless babies can eat most things. Babies use their gums to chew food, so they're able to cope perfectly fine without teeth. Over the course of your weaning journey, you might be surprised at just how many foods your baby can manage without teeth!
You can mash it down to a lovely creamy consistency with some of your baby's usual milk. Egg in this form can be given from a spoon like any other purée. Most babies from 6 months onwards can manage finger foods and so omelettes cut into strips or scrambled eggs make easy finger foods.
From six months, your baby could try foods made with milk, such as pancakes, homemade cheese sauce, scrambled eggs, or potatoes mashed with milk. They can have cow's milk with cereals too and you can add it to pureed foods .
Weetabix, Ready brek and Oatibix are not suitable for infants under six months, and are not produced specifically for infants or young children. The Department of Health recommends you use mashed up family foods when possible. Cow's milk is not suitable until 12 months and sugar and salt are not to be added.
The NHS advises that you can feed your baby cereals, like Weetabix, from around six months old onwards. Weetabix themselves say that Weetabix, Ready brek and Oatibix are suitable for babies aged six months or older, but they add that they are not specifically produced for infants or young children.
6 to 8 months old:
Want to serve hard-boiled eggs? Simply mash with water, avocado, breastmilk, formula, or yogurt if dairy has been safely introduced.
6 months – 1 year:
The yolk should be cooked through, meaning you can serve over-hard, boiled, scrambled, or baked eggs to your baby. Runny yolk shouldn't be offered before age 1 due to potential salmonella contamination (technically Health Canada and the CDC say not until age 5.
Scrambled eggs aren't considered a common choking hazard, but you still have to be careful if your child takes bigger bites that they can't swallow properly. The food can get stuck in their throat.
You can introduce yogurt and cheese once your baby is six months old, as long as they continue to eat a variety of iron-rich foods. Let your baby enjoy the taste of plain unsweetened yogurt, or add fresh, canned or frozen fruit.
Toast can be introduced at around 6 months of age, or at the time when it's safe to introduce solids to your baby. The exact age for this will depend on if your baby is showing all the developmental signs of readiness for starting solid foods.
A quick and simple omelette, an ideal early finger food and packed full of nutrition with eggs providing high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Suitable from six months.
There are some foods to avoid until your baby is a certain age: Honey until 12 months – this is to avoid the risk of infant botulism. Raw or runny eggs and foods containing raw eggs like home-made mayonnaise until 12 months – bacteria in raw eggs can be harmful to babies.
When can babies eat bread? Bread may be introduced as soon as a baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. Note: Bread often contains common allergens like dairy, egg, sesame, soy, tree nut, and wheat so introduce with care.
Lightly toast the bread so that it does not fall apart in the baby's hands (too soft), but also does not crack off into pieces (too hard). Once the bread is a light caramel color and still flexible, you know you're good to go!
You can start weaning with single vegetables and fruits – try blended, mashed, or soft cooked sticks of parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple or pear. You could also try baby rice mixed with your baby's usual milk. Make sure any cooked food has cooled right down before offering it to your baby.
6 to 9 months old: Offer full-fat (whole milk), pasteurized, plain yogurt. Greek yogurt is perfect for this age and will be easiest for babies to self-feed. Let baby scoop up the yogurt with their hands and/or eat from a pre-loaded spoon (passing the spoon in the air will make it easier for baby to grab).
The official advice on when babies can eat porridge
According to the NHS, it's fine to give your baby porridge as soon as they start solid food, from about 6 months. This includes regular porridge made with oats, as well as baby porridge.
How much porridge should a 6 month old eat? A 6 month old baby can start with 3-4 tablespoons a day. Once your baby is older and seems to want more, you can double or triple the amount.
How soon can babies have porridge? Porridge oats can be introduced to your baby when you start them on solid foods around six months old. As it's soft and creamy with a mild taste, making it one of the best choices for a weaning baby.