The king cobra dreads the mongoose the most of any animal on the planet. The mongoose can withstand the lethal bite of the poisonous snake, and in 75 to 80 per cent of fights with cobras, the mongoose invariably wins.
It's not impossible for a mongoose to get sick or even die from a cobra bite, but mongooses make a glycoprotein that binds to the protein in the venom so a moderate amount of snake venom won't hurt them.
The mongoose is known for its ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, especially cobras. Their specialised acetylcholine receptors render them immune to venom, while their thick coats and quick speed also come in handy during conflicts.
Mongooses have mutated cells that block the mambas' neurotoxins from entering their bloodstream. This makes them capable of surviving the venomous snake's deadly bite. (See how a mongoose fends off a lion.)
A mongoose would kill a king cobra in a fight.
The mongoose specifically hunts venomous snakes throughout its range for food. These animals have some resistance to venomous snake bites, which means they come into this battle with an advantage.
Yet, the reticulated python - the world's longest and heaviest snake - remained constricted around the king cobra and killed the cobra while too being dead.
And here is what we found. The most basic answer was that it was their natural survival instinct. They both attack each other on sight because they need to survive. The snake wants to kill the mongoose so that it can live.
Naag Aur Nevle Ki Ladai: The mongoose is a small animal with short legs but it is known as a ferocious snake fighter. The king cobra is one of the most venomous snakes in the world and can kill humans in less than 20 minutes. But, the king cobra fears the mongoose – its arch enemy – the most in the world. Why is that?
Dwarf mongooses are diurnal, and begin and end each day sunbathing and socializing with the pack at their burrows. Dwarf mongooses can reach 18 years of age. Their main predators are large gray mongooses, raptors, snakes, marabou storks, jackals and monitor lizards.
A mongoose would win a fight against an inland taipan, but the mongoose might die shortly after winning. Mongooses have limited resistance to some snake venom. However, these mammals live in Africa; they are not accustomed to the venom of the inland taipan from Australia.
The inland or western taipan, Oxyuranus microlepidotus, is the most venomous snake in the world, according to Britannica. Native to Australia, this snake has the deadliest venom based on median lethal dose, or LD50, tests on mice.
As large and highly venomous snakes, king cobras have very few natural predators. Mongooses are able to hunt and kill these snakes, and they sometimes get picked off by large birds of prey.
A king cobra would win a fight against an Indian cobra. The king cobra and the Indian cobra have a certain measure of immunity against one another's venom as fellow elapids. As a result, size, the amount of venom injected per bite, and the size of fangs would play a larger role in this fight.
A mongoose would kill a snake in most situations. In a fight between the mongoose and the snake, the mongoose would win. This is only based on the average statistics of snakes around the world.
Predators of Mongooses include hawks, snakes, and jackals.
What is the Natural Enemy of the Mongoose? (What Eats a Mongoose?) Snakes, hawks, marabou storks, leopards, and jackals are all predators of the mongoose. Snakes will kill a mongoose to protect themselves, but cobras and black mambas are unlikely to actually eat the mongoose.
Despite their fascinating reputation for attacking venomous snakes, mongooses are non-aggressive towards human beings. However, at times they may bite as in the present case.
The mongoose can withstand the lethal bite of the poisonous snake, and in 75 to 80 per cent of fights with cobras, the mongoose invariably wins.
Mongooses and snakes are born enemies, they cannot tolerate each other. Among snakes, there are non-venomous to venomous whose bites can kill an animal or a person.
Some species of mongoose can be easily domesticated, are fairly intelligent, and can be taught simple tricks, so they are often kept as pets to protect the home from vermin.
Molecular biologist Sara Fuchs and her colleagues found that the acetylcholine receptor in mongooses--like that in the snakes themselves--is slightly mutated so that the venom simply bounces off the muscle cells, causing them no harm.
Wash the bite area with soap and water. If the bite is bleeding, put pressure on it using sterile gauze or a clean cloth. If the bleeding has stopped, put antibiotic ointment on the area. Cover the area with a bandage or sterile gauze.
While some people are extremely scared of a mongoose, some people believe that following the path of the mongoose will bring good luck. This is one of the most common superstition and most of the people believe in it.