Your vet or veterinary nurse may use Q-tips in some situations, but this is because they know how to do it safely. Don't use water to clean your dog's ears.
Cleaning your dog's ears does not require any special equipment, but can be simply done with cotton wall and a dash of warm water (or professional ear cleaner). Check with your vet to see how often you should clean your dog's ears. Depending on breed, this can vary from once a week to once a month.
Your solution should contain less than 25 percent vinegar, so you'll need 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water. Never use hydrogen peroxide and alcohol for ear cleaning; they can damage the ear canal and cause overall discomfort, she warns.
While watching your precious pup play in the waves makes you both happy, there is a downside. Water can lead to ear infections, but the affliction can happen even when they aren't swimmers. Here's what to know about it: This painful condition occurs in part because of the construction of a dog's ear.
Although cleaning the inside of your dog's ears is extremely important and is most likely to take up the most time, you should also clean the outside of their ears. To do this, just use warm water and a little bit of mild dish soap to clean the fur on the shell of the ear.
Dark brown or black—This type of earwax is commonly associated with yeast and/or bacterial ear infections. It's a good idea to consult with a veterinarian if earwax is this color. Brown—Light brown earwax is normal and expected. If the wax is accompanied by odor or inflammation, it can be a sign of infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
If your dog has a yeast or bacterial infection, it helps to alter the pH (acidity) level in his ears. This homemade dog ear cleaner for infections can correct the pH and kill contaminants. Mix 1 cup of lukewarm water and 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Use this to wipe out debris as needed.
If you want to bathe your dog without getting water in their ears, avoid spraying water near the ears and use a washcloth around their head. If your dog goes swimming every day and never has a problem with their ears, there's no need to change your routine.
If your best friend has an ear infection, you might see—or in some cases smell—some of the following symptoms with regard to the affected ear: Unpleasant odor. Hot and painful to the touch. Wet sound when massaged, or the inside may seem abnormally moist.
Tip #1: How to keep water out of dog's ears when bathing
In order to prevent water from getting in his ears, place a cotton ball in each. Ideally, your dog's head won't get wet during the bathing process, but the cotton balls will help prevent water from going where he doesn't want it.
You will need a gentle ear cleaning solution and gauze squares or cotton balls. We do not recommend the use of cotton swabs, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your dog's ears.
Wondering how often your dog's ears need to be cleaned? In general, once per month is a good rule of thumb. Breeds with long, floppy ears or dogs who swim frequently may need to have their ears cleaned every other week, or even weekly. After bathing or swimming, be sure to properly dry your pup's ears.
For dogs that love to get in the water to play and swim, the extra moisture in the ear can mean chronic ear infections that, if left untreated, result in deafness, balance issues and constant pain.
The reason why you want to clean and dry your dog's ears after swimming or bathing is because the water that gets into their ears during these activities is likely to create a warm, moist environment within their ears that will allow for an overgrowth of the yeast and/or bacteria that are normally present on their skin ...
Apply ear wash solution: Using your dog's ear flap as a funnel, fill up the inner ear with an ear wash solution. Make sure you do not insert the tip of the bottle directly into the ear. Use enough ear wash so that the liquid starts to flow out. Massage the ears.
To clean the ears, tilt your dog's head downward with one hand and squirt a gentle cleanser recommended by your veterinarian into the ear, filling the canal. Holding the ear closed, give it a nice massage, really squishing the cleanser around in there. That softens any gunk inside.
Signs of ear mites in dogs include scratching around the ears, head and neck, skin irritation, head shaking, the presence of an ear discharge that is dark and waxy (resembling coffee grounds) and an unpleasant odour from the ears.
If you examine the discharge under a microscope or magnifying glass, you may see tiny white specks moving about in the debris. These are live ear mites. They are very hard to see and also may not appear in the discharge sample you look at, that's why you'll always want your vet to confirm a diagnosis.
If you've noticed your dog scratching their ears or shaking their head more regularly than usual, contact your vet as soon as possible. The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. Let your vet know if you have noticed any other symptoms such as itchy skin or loss of balance.
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common causes of itching in dogs, just behind flea allergy dermatitis. These allergies may also result in ear and body scratching, ear and skin infections and foot licking.
Ear mites are tiny animals and are a fairly common parasite in both cats and dogs. They look like tiny white dots, but can barely be seen with the naked eye. Ear mites live on the skin of the ear canal and feed off ear wax and skin oils. An adult normally lives for around two months, but they can multiply quickly.
A good groomer will bathe your dog and this includes the head; they usually will put cotton balls in the ears to keep water from getting in the ear canal. Occasionally water can get in the ear canal anyway. After the bath, long, floppy ears can be very wet and can take a while to dry.