Force Crush was possibly the darkest Force ability known to both the Sith and the Jedi. It was a more advanced form of the Force Grip ability. This ability lifted the opponent into the air, and as they were floating, their body literally imploded as it was crushed from within by the Force.
However, despite their strict adherence to the light side of the Force, several Jedi were known to use this power, as although it was considered a dark side ability, it was also a technique of telekinesis. Its use, however, was forbidden by the Jedi.
Luke Skywalker was able to immobilize and crush them with relative ease. The amount of pressure and raw energy to accomplish something like this (immobilizing and crushing something so durable) would probably be found somewhere at the bottom of ocean, like the Mariana Trench.
Force Crush was possibly the most evil power of the Dark Side . It was used by some Sith and even some Jedi like Mace Windu.
Force choke is just an application of telekinesis. The reason they don't use it is entirely philosophical. The force is life, using life to end life is a perversion in the eyes of the Jedi. The funny thing is, force choke would actually be incredibly useful as a non-lethal application of telekinesis.
Description. If a Dark Jedi or Sith Lord was being beaten and frustrated by his foe, he might let out an enraged scream (amplified through the Force) that triggered shock waves that rippled through the Force. This caused devastation to any that were unfortunate enough to be in proximity.
Force lightning ability was not restricted to dark-siders. Jedi and other light-siders who were strong of will and character could learn this power without falling to the dark side—but its use was viewed as inherently corrupting, and most Jedi Councils forbade its use.
Force Crush was possibly the darkest Force ability known to both the Sith and the Jedi. It was a more advanced form of the Force Grip ability. This ability lifted the opponent into the air, and as they were floating, their body literally imploded as it was crushed from within by the Force.
Billaba became Windu's Padawan and trained under the Jedi Master in the ways of the Force. During her training, Windu allowed her to study Form VII variant known as Vaapad. She eventually became a Jedi Knight, renowned for her skills with a lightsaber and favored Form III when teaching other Jedi.
Rey is highly Force-sensitive, which is revealed when she is presented with the lightsaber first owned by Anakin Skywalker, then his son Luke. Without training, she is able to use the Force and defeat the powerful (albeit injured) Kylo Ren in a duel.
Maul was a Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male who established himself as a crime lord during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was once known as Darth Maul when he was the apprentice of Darth Sidious, and therefore, a Dark Lord of the Sith.
During his brief apprenticeship under the reborn Palpatine, Luke was forced to replace his green crystal with a red Sith gem. He ultimately wielded this red blade in rebellion against Palpatine, who had a blue-bladed lightsaber and overcame the Sith Lord. Luke afterwards changed back to his crystal.
Jedi were forbidden from taking a political appointment. They were taught that their loyalty was to be to the Force, the Jedi Order, the Republic and to themselves, in that order. Nor they allowed to accept gifts - the latter did not include the traditional Padawan gift, given to the students by their Masters.
The Force choke is another tool employed by Sith to intimidate and even kill their opponents. Sith usually visualize the ability with a claw-like or crushing hand gesture, and strangle a victim through the power of the dark side. The result is an often painful, slow death.
Conference with Darth Vader
Vader Force chokes Motti for his lack of faith. By 0 BBY, Motti served as Admiral of the Navy, and held the position of Chief of the Imperial Navy.
Yoda held the title of Grand Master of the Jedi Order since the days of the High Republic Era. At some point, Yoda took on a human named Kantam Sy as his Padawan. The two were stationed at the Jedi Temple on the planet Endovar.
Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta female, was the Padawan learner to Anakin Skywalker and a hero of the Clone Wars. Alongside Anakin, she grew from headstrong student into a mature leader.
Born on Coruscant circa 80 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), Qui-Gon trained as a Padawan under Jedi Master Count Dooku.
Without question, the most powerful force ability present in Star Wars is the thought bomb. It is created through an ancient Sith ritual where the Sith combine their dark side powers.
The definition of a Gray Jedi as an apostate of the Jedi Order who played both sides of the Force and was aligned evenly between the two was added with the self-described Gray Jedi Jolee Bindo in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game.
Powers and Abilities
The Force: Mace Windu was a powerful Force user proficient in various forms of telekinesis, which he could utilize as both attacks and defenses. He was capable of summoning his Lightsaber, as shown on Geonosis when he reclaimed his Jedi weapon by way of the Force before Fett could prevent this.
Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
Trained Jedi could sense high levels of the Force in individuals. The presence of Force-sensitives in a vicinity could also be sensed. On rare occasion, such Force-sensitivity could be detected emanating from a powerful "vergence in the Force".
The cost of rebellion was a high one for the proud planet, turning the sight of Mandalorian armor into a rarity in the years following the fall of the Empire. In the first-season finale, Moff Gideon, former officer of the Empire, emerges from the wreckage of his fallen TIE fighter. And he wields the Darksaber...