Religiously observant Orthodox Jews may not use electrical devices on the Sabbath, and included in this, is the use of a lift.
Permitted, but discouraged
Usage of a Shabbat elevator by those who are otherwise capable is considered by some rabbinical authorities as a "violation" of Shabbat; therefore, many Orthodox Jews might prefer to walk up or down the stairs instead of taking an elevator.
We already know of the use of Shabbat elevators is considered by many to be halachically okay. Thus, using an escalator would fall under the same territory. So long as the rider doesn't have control to change the direction or speed of the mechanical device or otherwise force a change in the power used, no problem.
Observances. The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath, while never clearly defined, includes activities such as baking and cooking, travelling, kindling fire, gathering wood, buying and selling, and bearing burdens from one domain into another.
It goes without saying that flushing a toilet is permitted on Shabbat. There is some discussion, however, whether it is permissible to flush a toilet that is equipped with a disinfectant device that colors the water as it is flushed.
Answer: The Torah forbids us from tattooing our bodies. Nonetheless, one who has had tattoos can still be buried in a Jewish cemetery. The source of this prohibition is Leviticus 19:28: “You shall not etch a tattoo on yourselves. I am the Lord.”
37 But only bathing or showering whole or most of the body, even one limb at a time, is forbidden. Partial body washing, i.e., less than half of the body, is permitted with hot water that was heated before Shabbos38.
Television and radio
Most rabbinical authorities have prohibited watching television during Shabbat, even if the TV is turned on before the start of Shabbat, and its settings are not changed.
The Aish Rabbi Replies
Actually, if a person is exercising for enjoyment, it is permitted to exercise on Shabbat. This is because there is a special mitzvah called "Oneg Shabbat" -- which means a person should do what is enjoyable on Shabbat.
So in some buildings, elevators are programmed to stop automatically on every floor during the Sabbath. That way, observant Jews can hop right in and, eventually, get where they are going.
Swimming in a river is prohibited on Shabbos since you may come to make a raft (בונה). The mechaber rules that swimming in a private pool is prohibited for the same reason. The Mishna Brurah writes that if the water doesn't reach the top of the pool, it's permitted.
You must not travel during any part of Shabbat if you are flying for pleasure. You must therefore leave with enough time to land and get to an accommodation before local Shabbat starts at your destination.
During shiva, many Jewish mourners refrain from haircuts, shaving, laundry, washing/grooming and wearing leather shoes. They may cover the mirrors in their homes as a reminder that the focus is on their mourning and not their appearance.
Two Sinks? Pronounced: kahsh-ROOT, Origin: Hebrew, the Jewish dietary laws. preference, for both Conservative and Orthodox rules, is to have two separate sinks, one for meat and one for dairy, because a sink can so easily become treif.
You may not use a knocker on a door on Shabbat. You may knock on a door using your fist or knuckles. Doing so will not inevitably (psik reisha) make a furrow.
Summary: It is forbidden to open or close a refrigerator on Shabbat when opening and closing the door activates or deactivates lights, fans, displays, and the like. If such a refrigerator was mistakenly opened on Shabbat and cannot be left open, it may be closed with one's elbow or by asking a young child to do so.
Shabbat clothing need not be terribly costly. In fact, obviously expensive garments are in bad taste. So, too, are pants on women, plunging necklines, backless or sleeveless tops, and skirts above the knee. For men, jeans, shorts, and jogging suits are totally inappropriate for Shabbat.
In Conclusion. It's true that napping on Shabbat is certainly considered a delight, but unlike food and drink, it's not a requirement. On the contrary, we should weigh our priorities and make sure that we don't snooze our way through the spiritual opportunities that Shabbat presents us with.
Discussion: The consensus of contemporary poskim is that it is forbidden to use toothpaste on Shabbos. 66 Their main concern is that applying toothpaste to the teeth or the brush could result in a transgression of the prohibited Shabbos Labor of Memareiach, smoothing.
As long as it is applied prior to sundown, wearing regular makeup on Shabbat and holidays isn't off-limits, even to those who strictly observe. But taking products off and reapplying again is a problem, according to Jewish law — a hot topic among Shabbat-observant women keen on looking their best for all 25 hours.
It is best to take a haircut on Friday (Magen Avraham 260:1). It is also a mitzvah to cut one's nails on erev Shabbos (ibid.). One should specifically try to cut their nails on Friday to make it clear that it is being done in honor of Shabbos.
A 1986 report by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards states that cremation is against Jewish tradition and should be advised so by the Rabbi. The report goes on to say that if your family ignores the Rabbi's advice, the Rabbi may still choose to officiate the service at a funeral parlor before the cremation.
Animals that live in water can only be eaten if they have fins and scales. This means that shrimps, prawns and squid are not fish in the true sense, and so they are just as non-kosher as the eel which has lost its fins through evolution.
Prohibition in Jewish law
The Torah (Pentateuch) contains passages in Leviticus that lists the animals people are permitted to eat. According to Leviticus 11:3, animals like cows, sheep, and deer that have divided hooves and chew their cud may be consumed. Pigs should not be eaten because they don't chew their cud.