Can ignoring someone be a sign of attraction? Yes, it absolutely can. But it usually depends on how much he is ignoring you. There's a chance that he doesn't want to be too obvious about how he feels, but has misjudged it and now it just looks like he's ignoring you.
Short answer: it might have something to do with what they perceive you want from them. Dealing with standoffish neighbors and coworkers might be easy to understand as part of the territory or job. Sometimes, however, a person who seems aloof might perceive, correctly or not, that you harbor romantic interest.
First, it's possible that he's simply not aware that you're interested in him. Sometimes, what feels like overt romantic cues to one person may not even be noticed by another. If your crush seems to be ignoring you, it could be that he just doesn't realize you like him.
Some men ignore women because love is just too scary. Commitment and emotional vulnerability are staples of lasting relationships, but they can be terrifying for guys because they: Are not comfortable expressing emotion. Might love you more than you love him.
They may be preoccupied with work, or dealing with a health issue. Or maybe they just don't have the time to devote to the relationship right now. The good news is that they're still there – in your mind and heart – so they'll get back to you when they're ready.
They Want Space
You might notice yourself assuming the worst when someone ignores you. However, this behavior could be a sign that someone is craving time alone or doesn't want to be pressured into discussing something they're not ready to address yet.
Can ignoring someone be a sign of attraction? Yes, it absolutely can. But it usually depends on how much he is ignoring you. There's a chance that he doesn't want to be too obvious about how he feels, but has misjudged it and now it just looks like he's ignoring you.
A guy might be avoiding looking directly into your eyes because he has a major crush on you, or in fact, might as well be in love with you. It's one of the signs he finds you irresistible. As we are aware, men are not the best at expressing their feelings. And so, the easiest way out is to hide them.
Do guys ever avoid a girl they like? Not usually, but if they do, it may be because they're uncomfortable in their presence. This could be because they have relationship anxiety and scared of ruining their chance.
He feels intimidated by you.
This is especially true in the workplace: if he thinks that you might talk down to him or get him in trouble (even if that's not true), he'll likely do his best to avoid eye contact. On the flip side, it could mean that he feels superior to you.
As soon as he realizes you are ignoring him, he might start questioning himself. “What if I hurt her?” “Could I have been a better boyfriend?” One of the most common things he thinks when you ignore him is that he should have shown you a little more love and affection. He may start chasing you more.
He needs some time to be sure of his feelings. Sometimes, guys withdraw from a situation and act uninvolved to be able to see it from a different perspective. By keeping a distance from you, he is trying to see the relationship differently and understand if he really wants to keep this going.
Ignoring a guy could make him want you more and it is the oldest trick in the book. It may sound counterintuitive, but it can be an effective way to get his attention and make him take notice of you. But there is a catch it can backfire resulting in him pulling away if you did not do it the right way.
The psychology behind the silent treatment is that it can be a mind game for some people and, in some cases, can be used as a form of manipulation. Along with the emotional roller-coaster, it tears down your sense of self-esteem and sense of self-worth.
Perhaps he stares at you and smiles; that could mean he likes you, too. Cosmopolitan's list of body language cues to watch for says he may not leave it to intense eye contact to communicate his feelings to you. Instead, when a guy stares at you, he may spend some time looking at your mouth and nose while you chat.
When he focuses his attention on you and frequently checks in with you to see how you are and if he can help you with anything, it's clear that he likes you but is hoping everyone else doesn't really notice.
They ask you about your plans.
If someone is asking you about your plans for the day (or the week, month, year…), and they show real interest in your answers, that's a strong sign they've been thinking of you. It could also mean they're looking for ways to become a bigger part of your life.
Being ignored creates feelings of self-doubt, feeling a lack of control, and feeling not worthy of attention.
He Is Nervous Around You
You can tell that a shy guy likes you if he gets extremely nervous around you. He may suddenly start behaving awkwardly or clumsily. This kind of nervousness comes from wanting to appear cool and do things right in front of you, but failing miserably at it.
Do guys distance themselves when they like a girl or guy? Yes, if they are not convinced the person loves them as much as they love that person. Some men might like you but don't want to look desperate. They believe you might want to take them for granted.