Can vampires get hard?

Either way, we know you've been wondering—how the hell does Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen
Edward is described in the book as being charming, polite, determined, and very stubborn. He is very protective over Bella and puts her safety, humanity and welfare before anything else. He often over-analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact, especially in situations where Bella's safety is at risk. › wiki › Edward_Cullen
get it up? Vampires have blood, which is what's used to fill those erections generally required for sex, in their system only after they've hunted and sucked their victims dry. Everybody knows that.

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Why are vampires sexualized?

Vampires were first sexualized to strike fear into people of the taboo and sinfulness of sexual behavior, but later, this sexualization became a metaphor for repressed desires, until finally their sexualization caused them to be humanized.

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How could Bella get pregnant?

The explanation then goes on to inform readers that between the cells is a liquid moving throughout the body similar to how blood moves through humans. But this liquid comes in the form of venom. The venom, Stephenie writes, is what helps Edward impregnate Bella in the fictional book.

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How old was Bella when she got pregnant?

At the end of Eclipse, she becomes engaged to Edward Cullen, and they marry in Breaking Dawn, one month prior to her 19th birthday. On their honeymoon, she becomes pregnant, and, due to the peculiar nature of her baby, Bella nearly dies giving birth to their daughter, Renesmee.

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Do vampires get periods?

No, Vampires do not get periods because they are practically dead but not dead… You know what I mean? They're undead which means that they are also sterile. Think of them as a dead body which behaves alive….

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Vampire Life is Hard

24 related questions found

Can a vampire mate with a human?

In Balkans folklore, dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are creatures that are the result of a union between a vampire and a mortal human. This union was usually between male vampires and female mortal humans, with stories of female vampires mating with male mortal humans being rare.

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What is the average age of a vampire?

They live immortal lifespans, despite these weaknesses, and it is fairly common for a vampire to be centuries old, although they still slowly age; a vampire who is six hundred years old may appear as a middle-aged breather would. They are naturally nocturnal beings, and will typically sleep by dawn.

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Can a vampire take a shower?

Can vampires have showers? A: Vampires do shower, but they don't get dirty the same way we do. Outside dirt, yes–blood and mud and whatnot (though most vampires don't get a spot on themselves when they eat–its all a matter of practice), but not sweat or body oils.

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What are vampires most afraid of?

Vampires are often depicted as being repelled by garlic, running water, or Christian implements such as crucifixes and holy water.

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Can vampires smell well?

Heightened senses

Vampires are often depicted with heightened senses such as vision and hearing. But many animals have also evolved super senses far exceeding those of both humans and vampires. Vampires, for example, seem to have a particularly keen sense of smell.

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Are vampire bodies cold?

Because a vampire's body essentially "dies", it no longer conducts heat the way a normal human body does. Therefore, as you said, its body temperature would rise or fall to match its surrounding environment. The reason they seem so cold is in comparison to what you would expect from a normal human being.

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What do vampires hate?

Garlic: The traditional belief that garlic's odor deters vampires may have originated with the disease rabies. “In 1998,” writes Mark, “Spanish neurologist Dr.

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Can a female vampire get pregnant?

Can a female vampire get pregnant? Can female vampires become pregnant ? No, they cannot as their egg cells are frozen and can't be fertilized by a sperm cell.

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How long can a vampire go without blood?

How long would the vamp need for a decent feed before it could retreat to the safety of the night? According to physics students at the University of Leicester, around 6.4 minutes.

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Who was the first vampire ever turned?

Jure Grando Alilović or Giure Grando (1579–1656) was a villager from the region of Istria (in modern-day Croatia) who may have been the first real person described as a vampire in historical records. He was referred to as a strigoi, štrigon, or štrigun, a local word for something resembling a vampire and a warlock.

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Can a half vampire get pregnant?

It is currently unknown whether hybrids can reproduce or not. It may be possible that they are able to, since the primary limitation for female vampires is their inability to change—not the case with hybrids.

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Who was the first turned vampire?

The first vampire started out as not a vampire at all, but as a human man named Ambrogio. He was an Italian-born adventurer who fate brought to Delphi, in Greece. You can read the full story here, but in a nutshell a series of blessings and curses transformed this young man into history's first vampire.

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How long does a vampire stay a newborn?

Newborn or newborn vampire is the term for a vampire that has been transformed for less than one year.

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Do vampires only have one mate?

Some vampires do mate again, though this is rare. Vampire mates may be other vampires, or they may be humans.

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What happens if a vampire and werewolf have a baby?

Werewolf-Vampire Hybrids, also called Were-pires or Vaewolfves, are the mixture of both a vampire and a werewolf. They possess the powers of both species, making them twice as powerful.

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What is harmful to vampires?

Garlic, specifically the chemical compound allicin inside garlic, is a powerful antibiotic. Some European beliefs around vampires stated they were created by a disease of the blood, so a powerful antibiotic would “kill” a vampire.

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Why can't vampires look in mirrors?

And if vampires avoid mirrors, it is because they do not exist (vampires, not mirrors), it is because the specular reflection, servile reproduction of reality, throws them in the face the tangible proof of their non-existence.

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What kind of bullet kills a vampire?

The meaning behind the silver bullet

Many people today are familiar with the idea of silver bullets being used to kill vampires, but a generation ago this was not widely understood.

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Can a vampire be born?

Born vampires are a subspecies of vampire, who unlike most other vampires, were born as vampires, rather than being a human who was turned into one. They are similar to ordinary vampires, but have a number of biological differences. Born vampires that do not become full vampires turn into wraiths.

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Can a vampire be paralyzed?

Vampires are immune to paralyze. That part of the spell has no effect on them. The vampire is not affected(paralyzed) by the chains of light because he is immune to being paralyzed.

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