It does look like they are capable of some run/swim locomotion, but it certainly falls short of the amazing prowess of the basilisk.
The largest animal capable of walking upon the surface of water is the Indonesian giant sailfin dragon (Hydrosaurus microlophus).
They are semi-aquatic and live along the east coast of Australia around creeks, rivers or lakes. They can remain submerged for up to 30 minutes and will rise to the surface where they need to breathe. Fast Facts: Eastern Water Dragons grab their food with short, thick tongues.
Chinese Water Dragons require a large arboreal enclosure so that they can run and jump around as they would in the wild. They require high humidity so a forest style, humidity holding substrate like forest floor or repti-bark would be ideal.
Water dragons can lift themselves up on their back legs and run short distances if threatened. They can hold their breath under water for up to an hour to escape predators. Females can lay up to two clutches of 10–20 eggs each season, which are buried.
The Water Dragon is more often heard than seen as it dives into the water when disturbed. It can remain submerged for around one hour. This species has a much lower preferred body temperature than other large dragons and can remain in the water or in shade on hot days.
Eastern water dragons are subaquatic which means they live partly on land, and partly in water. They live in areas of native vegetation around creeks, lakes and rivers with clean water. They prefer areas with plenty of trees and large rocks close to the water's edge.
Water dragons eat both plants and animals, especially fruits, flowers, insects, frogs, yabbies and other aquatic organisms. If you see a water dragon, please respect their space and habitat and never try to touch or feed them.
Australian water dragons are omnivorous meaning that they can eat a varied diet of vegetation, insects and meat. Though they can eat vegetation we only provide a small dish of leafy greens as this species is normally far more focussed on insects and meat.
They are good climbers and can drop from branches into the water if threatened or startled. Water dragons live in areas with an average humidity level ranging from 80 percent in the morning to 60 percent in the evening and average temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (23.8 to 29.4 degrees Celsius).
Water Dragons can sleep in the water, with just their nostrils protruding. In cold weather before they go into their winter dormancy (hibernation), sleeping in the water overnight, is actually warmer than sleeping in the open.
As adults Water Dragons will require as big an enclosure as possible. 2700mm x 750mm as a minmum would be recommended. They can also be kept outdoors in aviary style enclosures once adults. As juveniles you can keep them in smaller enclosure and upsize as you dragon gets larger.
Water dragons should be regularly fed large insects such as woodies, crickets and mealworms.
Water Dragons are preyed on in the wild by various snakes, such as Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis), the Common Death Adder (Acanthophis antarcticus), the Lowlands Copperhead (Austrelaps superbus), the Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) and the Eastern Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis).
This lizard is found around creeks, watercourses and backyard ponds and is more often heard than seen plopping into water from its basking position. Don't approach water dragons as they have sharp claws and can deliver a serious bite.
If you want to bring your water dragon outside, there are a few things to consider. Make sure the temperature will be comfortable (70-90 degrees). Remember that your dragon cannot regulate his own body temperature. The only way he can warm or cool himself is by moving to a warmer or cooler location.
Feeding. Feeding frequency is daily for juveniles and every 2-3 days for adults. Remember — if the enclosure temperature is not right your dragon may refuse to eat, or not be able to digest its food properly. All dragons are insect-eaters and should be offered a selection of live crickets, silkworms and mealworms.
Live plants and substrates that hold moisture also help increase cage humidity, as does misting the cage once or twice a day with a spray bottle. As arboreal creatures, water dragons need some high basking areas in the cage to rest in.
Australian water dragons have powerful limbs and claws, allowing them to climb trees and grip branches. They can also run bipedally on their back legs to avoid predators.
The female Water Dragons lack the bright colourations on the chest and throat, and have narrower, more delicate heads. The male Water Dragon's head is much larger and angular. In the Botanic Gardens we have Gippsland Water Dragons, lacking the dark stripe from ear to eye. This is a male.
Live fish can carry parasites, so avoid feeding these to your water dragon unless you know the source. Goldfish and minnows aren't good choices because they can cause a vitamin B1 deficiency. Chinese water dragons like to swim, so their enclosures should have 10 to 20 gallons of water.
Water dragons are diurnal lizards, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night. The lights, therefore, need to go off at night. For this reason, a lightless heat source, such as a ceramic heat emitter for day and night heating might also prove beneficial.
Including their tails, which comprise about two-thirds of their total length, adult females grow to about 60 cm (2 feet) long, and adult males can grow slightly longer than one metre (39 inches) and weigh about 1 kg. Males show bolder colouration and have larger heads than females.
Like other reptiles, water dragons can carry Salmonella. Always wash your hands after handling reptiles or items from their enclosure. Chinese water dragons are known for rubbing their faces against glass and causing damage to their nose and face.
Water dragons enjoy climbing and their enclosure should have several branches in it. A unique behavior of water dragons is jumping off branches when approached by the owner. A thick substrate will help prevent injury during this activity.