"Breads require salt for both taste and texture, so low-sodium breads are not very popular," she explains. A better strategy is to choose lower-salt versions of what you put between or on the bread (or buns, pizza dough, or tortillas) — and to choose whole-grain versions whenever possible.
Sprouted-Grain Bread
It tends to be lower in sodium, and it usually doesn't have added sugar. A 2021 review in Food Science & Nutrition suggests that sprouting grains increases available nutrition in them, including certain vitamins and minerals, and increases their antioxidant properties.
Even Whole Food's white sandwich bread rivaled a bag of potato chips, with 1.37g salt per 100g. Overall, the researchers discovered flatbreads and whole-wheat breads tended to be saltier than other types, and mixed-grain breads had the lowest average salt content.
You can lower your sodium intake more by choosing unsalted butter and using low-sodium baking powder or low-sodium baking soda when making biscuits or muffins at home. You can find these at most health food stores, online, or in some grocery stores.
Sodium in Bread
One slice of most types of bread contains 100 to 172 milligrams of sodium. At the lower end, that means you'll get 7 percent of the recommended daily intake from one slice of bread. A slice that has 172 milligrams of sodium supplies almost 12 percent of your daily intake.
The data excluded fresh bread, however, and found that of the pre-packaged breads, sourdough had the highest average salt content at 0.96 grams per 100 grams, compared to the lowest, seeded bread at 0.86 grams per 100 grams.
Drinking lots of water help in clearing excess sodium through urine. If you have eaten high-salt food, you should drink at least 12 glasses of water at regular intervals in a 24-hour cycle.
Tip. Toasting bread doesn't change its nutritional value, but it may decrease the glycemic index.
Replace deli meats with fresh-cooked turkey or chicken breast (90 mg sodium), fresh roasted beef or pork, and avoid ham, hot dogs and sausage products. Go for natural cheeses such as Swiss, cheddar or mozzarella (50-180 mg sodium) instead of processed cheese slices, and limit to 1 ounce.
If you love bread and want to be kind to your gut we've got you. The goodness of Helga's Prebiotic comes from a special blend of soluble and insoluble dietary fibres that support good gut health and is important for your overall health and wellbeing.
They are cholesterol-free and sodium-free, with only 110 calories per 5.3oz serving. Based on the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), potatoes can help Americans of all ages follow a healthy eating pattern.
Eggs and omelets are the tenth leading source of sodium.
Plain yogurt is naturally low in sodium, but flavored varieties can sometimes sneak in added sugars and salt so be sure to check the nutrition label. Opt for plain yogurt when you can and sweeten it naturally with fruit. Greek yogurt packs in even more protein and can be a great heart-healthy diet option too.
Breads and rolls.
As noted above, this category tops the list not because bread is especially salty (a slice contains about 100 to 200 mg of sodium) but because we eat so much of it.
[9] The saltiest culprit was Hovis White Loaf with starter dough, containing 1.48g/100g - nearly THREE times more salt than the lowest, Waitrose Rye and Wheat Dark Sourdough Bread (0.51g/100g).
Scientists, nutritionists, and health experts all agree that naturally-fermented sourdough bread is healthier than 'regular' white or whole wheat bread – for a multitude of reasons! Sourdough is more nutritious, easier to digest, and has a lower glycemic index. Sourdough also contains less gluten than other bread.