Diastasis recti often isn't detectable early in pregnancy. Later on, the uterus may bulge through the abdominal muscles — though you most likely won't notice anything is off until after you give birth. At most, your abdominal wall might feel loose.
You can have diastasis recti during pregnancy, but it's hard to distinguish because your abdomen is stretched. Common signs of diastasis recti during the postpartum period are: A visible bulge or "pooch" that protrudes just above or below the belly button. Softness or jelly-like feeling around your belly button.
While rare, severe cases of diastasis recti may make it more complicated to have a vaginal delivery in the future, since it can be harder to engage the core muscles needed to push. This is especially true when pregnancies are close together. Talk to your midwife or doctor if you think this may be an issue.
How Do I Check Myself for Diastasis Recti? You can assess whether you're a first-time mom or a more seasoned mom. I recommend waiting until you're about two weeks postpartum to do your first assessment.
This can have a direct impact on labour and birth for this and any future pregnancies. The reason for this is because the Linea Alba (Connective tissue) between the muscles is thin and weakened, and there is little or no support for the baby (see picture above).
Both vaginal and c section delivery affect the abdominal muscles and can cause postpartum diastasis recti. Some research has found that the condition is more common in women who have given birth by c section. The nature of c section delivery and recovery can weaken the core, resulting in diastasis recti.
Physical therapy during pregnancy can help in managing certain conditions like diastasis recti, but can also help to improve your pregnancy, labor and delivery, and even your experience and mobility after giving birth.
The main way to tell if you have a hernia or diastasis recti is whether you feel pain. Hernias can cause substantial pain while diastasis recti may increase discomfort and abdominal wall weakness.
Difference between diastasis recti and belly fat
One way to tell if you just have excess weight or an actual muscle gap is by tensing your belly muscles. Try lying flat and then lifting your head like when doing a sit-up. If present, the gap or bulge of diastasis recti will be pronounced in the center of your belly.
Coning is when the Linea alba pushes out further than the rest of the abdominal wall. This could look like a tent or triangle shape of the abdomen.
Those at the greatest risk of diastasis recti include: Women who are expecting more than one baby. Petite women. Women with a visible sway back and those with poor abdominal muscle tone.
If you think you might have diastasis recti, remember: It's not dangerous and is common, especially within the first few weeks after delivery. If you're concerned, talk to your practitioner or check in with a physical therapist.
Diastasis Recti Symptoms
Feelings of “flabbiness” in the abdominal muscles. Pelvic-floor muscle dysfunction that causes urinary or bowel problems (incontinence, leakage, constipation, etc). Low back or pelvic or hip pain. Poor posture.
In conclusion, the ultrasound is a reliable method to evaluate rectus diastasis at the umbilical and at the supraumbilical areas. Ultrasonography is an accurate method to measure rectus diastasis above the umbilicus and at the umbilical level.
Rectus diastasis creates a visible bulge in your abdomen, but it's more than just a cosmetic concern. Untreated rectus diastasis can weaken your abdominal muscles over time, leaving you with chronic lower back pain and reduced mobility.
As the belly expands during pregnancy, the abdominal muscles shift and stretch apart to accommodate the growing baby. When these muscles don't rejoin after childbirth, women have diastasis recti, nicknamed the mommy pooch or mommy tummy.
If you have diastasis recti, you'll notice that your stomach is much flatter and leaner following abdominoplasty. (Some patients report looking like they've lost 20 pounds after having a tummy tuck.)
Weight loss may improve the appearance of the diastasis in patients who are overweight, and exercise may help strengthen the supporting abdominal muscles.
Is Diastasis Recti a Hernia? While diastasis recti and abdominal hernias may look similar, they are not the same. Diastasis recti is not a protrusion of intestines or abdominal tissues like a hernia; it is a bulge of muscle due to the stretched connective tissue.
The science is conclusive that the safest and most effective strategy for preventing diastasis is with consistent physical activity, weight management, and core strengthening exercises (including crunches) throughout a healthy pregnancy and postpartum.
The C-section pooch occurs when the C-section scar is anchored down to your core abdominal muscles. That makes the stretched out skin of your belly and the fat above it more noticeable. When the layer of fat between the skin and the muscle is disrupted during the surgery, the scar is not able to move freely.
This is because a c-section scar creates an effect akin to a tight band being placed at the bottom of the abdomen. This forces the lax abdominal skin and muscles to hang over the tightness of the scar.