Could we survive a black hole?

Death by black hole
Of course, no matter what type of black hole you plunge into, you're ultimately going to get torn apart by its extreme gravity and die a horrible death. No material that falls inside a black hole could survive intact.

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What would happen if we survive a black hole?

Assuming you wouldn't be shredded by the unimaginable gravity of a black hole and somehow make it to the other side, you might end up in a Farscape type of situation where you're suddenly dropped into another galaxy or even universe.

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What will happen if a human enters a black hole?

Spaghettification: A black hole would stretch an astronaut's body into a thin ribbon, since the gravity pulling on their feet is so much stronger than on their head. One-way door: A black hole's event horizon is the “point of no return”. Nothing can escape from within, not even light.

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Will we eventually fall into a black hole?

Despite their abundance, there is no reason to panic: black holes will not devour Earth nor the Universe. It is incredibly unlikely that Earth would ever fall into a black hole. This is because, at a distance, their gravitational pull is no more compelling than a star of the same mass.

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Has someone gone in a black hole?

No human has ever been inside of a black hole. Humans are not yet capable of interstellar travel. Even if a human was able to travel to a black hole, he or she would not be able to survive entering it. Black holes condense all the matter that falls into it into one point called a quantum singularity.

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How to Survive a Black Hole

15 related questions found

Has anything escaped a black hole?

Nothing that falls into a black hole can come back out again -- at least not in its original form. But a black hole may lose some of its mass. Quantum theory says that "virtual pairs" of particles sometimes wink into existence from the fabric of space itself.

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Who has survived a black hole?

A star has survived a close encounter with a black hole, but the black hole has been able to sneak a second bite. A captured star has experienced multiple close encounters with a supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy — and possibly even survived having material ripped away by immense gravitational tidal forces.

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What can destroy a black hole?

Since nothing can escape from the gravitational force of a black hole, it was long thought that black holes are impossible to destroy. But we now know that black holes actually evaporate, slowly returning their energy to the Universe.

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Will a black hole ever hit Earth?

Although the odds of Earth getting swallowed by a black hole, or any Solar System planet, for that matter, are low, it's definitely a real possibility.

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What is stronger than a black hole?

The most powerful supernova yet recorded (ASSASN-15lh) was 22 trillion times more explosive than a black hole will be in its final moments. It doesn't matter how small or how massive a black hole is, their closing fireworks are exactly the same. The only difference is how long it will take a black hole to explode.

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How long is 1 minute in a black hole?

Black hole news: Standing on edge of black hole would cause 700 years to pass in 1 minute.

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Has anyone fallen into a black hole before?

Fortunately, this has never happened to anyone — black holes are too far away to pull in any matter from our solar system. But scientists have observed black holes ripping stars apart, a process that releases a tremendous amount of energy.

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How long do black holes last?

It's not exactly fast. A good size black hole — say, a few times more massive than the sun — will take about 10^100 years to eventually evaporate through this process, known as Hawking Radiation.

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What's beyond a black hole?

Beyond the event horizon lies a truly minuscule point called a singularity, where gravity is so intense that it infinitely curves space-time itself. This is where the laws of physics, as we know them, break down, meaning all theories about what lies beyond are just speculation.

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What is the closest black hole to Earth?

The nearest known black hole is Gaia BH1, which was discovered in September 2022 by a team led by Kareem El-Badry. Gaia BH1 is 1,560 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus.

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How long would it take for a black hole to destroy Earth?

For a black hole with twice the mass, it would take 10 minutes to fall into the hole. So the more accurate general relativity answer may be slightly different, but the time for the surface to fall in will be something close to 10 to 15 minutes.

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How will the universe end?

The ultimate fate of an open universe is either universal heat death, a "Big Freeze" (not to be confused with heat death, despite seemingly similar name interpretation ⁠; see §Theories about the end of the universe below), or a "Big Rip" – in particular dark energy, quintessence, and the Big Rip scenario – where the ...

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How many black holes are in the Milky Way?

Since the Milky Way contains over 100 billion stats, our home galaxy must harbor some 100 million black holes. Though detecting black holes is a difficult task and estimates from NASA suggest there could be as many as 10 million to a billion stellar black holes in the Milky Way.

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Where do black holes take you?

The resulting uninhabitable black hole would have such a powerful gravitational pull that not even light could avoid it. So, should you then find yourself at the event horizon — the point at which light and matter can only pass inward, as proposed by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild — there is no escape.

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Do wormholes exist?

While researchers have never found a wormhole in our universe, scientists often see wormholes described in the solutions to important physics equations. Most prominently, the solutions to the equations behind Einstein's theory of space-time and general relativity include wormholes.

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Do black holes make sound?

Black holes are absolutely silent, as they are creatures of pure gravity. But while black holes produce no sound of their own, they can generate sound waves in their environment.

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What is inside a black hole?

Black holes have two parts. There is the event horizon, which you can think of as the surface, though it's simply the point where the gravity gets too strong for anything to escape. And then, at the center, is the singularity. That's the word we use to describe a point that is infinitely small and infinitely dense.

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When the last black hole dies?

Black Hole Era

A black hole with a mass of around 1 M will vanish in around 2×1064 years. As the lifetime of a black hole is proportional to the cube of its mass, more massive black holes take longer to decay. A supermassive black hole with a mass of 1011 (100 billion) M will evaporate in around 2×1093 years.

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How many black holes are left in the world?

And it's astonishing: 40,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 40 quintillion, stellar-mass black holes populate the observable universe, making up approximately 1% of all normal matter, according to the new estimate.

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Is black hole speed faster than light?

Many black holes, from their measured spins, are spinning at more than 90% the speed of light. This might seem like a puzzle, but physics not only has an explanation for why, but shows us that it's very difficult to create black holes that spin slowly relative to the speed of light.

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