We know Achilles wasn't much of a family man. He spent much of his life out in the battlefields, and he never married or settled in any one place. Some stories even suggest he might have been gay. However, we do know that Achilles had one son, a boy named
Years have passed, the war has ended, Achilles is dead, and Briseis is pregnant with his child. Before his last battle Achilles gave Briseis to Alcimus, a trusted general, to prevent her being auctioned off with his other possessions.
Thetis is the maternal influence over Achilles. As Thetis' son, he is protected by her divine nature, but with his impulsive behaviors and choices, even his immortal mother can't defend him forever. Since Achilles is her only child, she is desperate to protect him, but her efforts are in vain.
Thetis Gives Birth to Achilles
His mother wanted him to strong, so they dipped him in a legendary pool that was said to have special properties. She loved her son and was only trying to make him stronger and in a way, she did achieve her goal.
When Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix visit Achilles to negotiate her return in book 9, Achilles refers to Briseis as his wife or his bride. He professes to have loved her as much as any man loves his wife, at one point using Menelaus and Helen to complain about the injustice of his "wife" being taken from him.
Deidama was heartbroken and jealous of Achilles's love for Patroclus, Deidameia summons Patroclus to have sex with her, which he does; he notes that she seemed to want something more from him, which he was unable to provide. .
The Greek warrior Achilles is never portrayed in the Greek histories as a married man. He had a close relationship with Patroclus of Phthia that ended when Patroclus fought in his place in the Trojan War and died.
In Homer's Iliad, Achilles describes Patroclus as 'the man I loved beyond all other comrades, loved as my own life'.
Centuries later, various Greek texts presented Achilles and Patroclus as pederastic lovers (a common practice in Greek society where an older male and younger male form a sexual relationship).
“The Song of Achilles” takes place around the 12th century BCE in Homer's “The Iliad.” Patroclus, the main protagonist and Achilles's soulmate, narrates a tale of star-crossed lovers bound by a god-spoken prophecy.
With Lycomedes' daughter Deidamia, whom in the account of Statius he raped, Achilles there fathered two sons, Neoptolemus (also called Pyrrhus, after his father's possible alias) and Oneiros.
Achilles' Son Was the Child of a Princess
So, when one of King Lycomedes' daughters, Princess Deidamia, discovered that Achilles was in fact a boy, she and Achilles embarked on a brief, but passionate love affair. The result of this affair was Achilles' son, who they named Pyrrhus Neoptolemus.
What did Thetis do after Achilles died? Thetis left her husband Peleus after Achilles died.
While she is his war prize, Achilles loves Briseis, and is very angry when she is taken away.
Even though she was a war prize, Achilles and Briseis fell in love with each other, and Achilles may have gone to Troy intending to spend much time in his tent with her, as was portrayed in the movie.
When Achilles's son, Pyrrhus, arrives in Troy, he attempts to rape Briseis, thinking she belonged to Achilles. She tries to kill him and swims into the ocean, but he hits her with his spear, and she drowns.
King Lycomedes inquires what Achilles, disguised as Pyrrha, is doing. Achilles responds by saying that Patroclus is his husband. Deidameia retorts that it isn't true, before threatening to unveil Achilles' true identity. Thetis soon appears, enraged as she tells Deidameia that she will not reveal the truth.
Family. Patroclus was the son of Menoetius by either Philomela or Polymele, Sthenele, Periopis, or lastly Damocrateia. His only sibling was Myrto, mother of Eucleia by Heracles.
Achilles was cremated and his ashes buried in the same urn as those of his friend Patroclus. This was well, because it was said that Achilles and Patroclus shared the love that dares not speak its name.
It is clear that Achilles and Patroclus had an incredibly deep, intimate bond. But nothing between them in the Iliad is explicitly romantic or sexual.
Paris himself, soon after, received a fatal wound from an arrow shot by the rival archer Philoctetes.
Is Achilles a top or bottom? - Quora. According to Aeschylus, a top.
Neoptolemus, in Greek legend, the son of Achilles, the hero of the Greek army at Troy, and of Deïdamia, daughter of King Lycomedes of Scyros; he was sometimes called Pyrrhus, meaning “Red-haired.” In the last year of the Trojan War the Greek hero Odysseus brought him to Troy after the Trojan seer Helenus had declared ...
His sorrowful lament is heard by his mother, Thetis, and she comes to comfort him. She points out that if Achilles avenges Patroklos, he himself will be killed. Despite his mother's warning, however, Achilles chooses to undertake this risk, so great is his love for Patroklos.
We learn that Agamemnon has sent for his daughter, Iphigeneia, telling her she will marry the Greek hero Achilles. But the real reason he has invited her is to kill her as a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, who is preventing the wind from filling the sails of the Greek ships.