The real Merlin, Myrddin Wyllt, was born in about 540 and had a twin sister called Gwendydd. He served as a bard to Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, a Brythonic or British king who ruled Arfderydd, a kingdom including parts of what are now Scotland and England in the area around Carlisle.
The novel is the second in The Lost Queen trilogy that follows the story of Lailoken—who through legend becomes “Merlin” —and, more importantly, his twin sister, Languoreth, who was erased by patriarchal history but is resurrected by Pike.
Elyan was the elder child and only son of the blacksmith Tom and his late wife. Little is known about Elyan's early life, only that he left home a year before Merlin arrived in Camelot and did not keep in contact with his family.
Mordred as a young boy keeps calling Merlin "Emrys", which is actually Merlin's name as a Celtic druid and sorcerer. In Welsh, Merlin's full real name is actually Myrddin Wynn Emrys. Myrddin is his first name, Wynn is his family name and Emrys is his druid name.
The French Vulgate texts establish the idea that Viviane is Merlin's student as well as the woman that he is in love with. We also learn that Merlin is the son of the devil. Viviane and Merlin are in love, and Viviane wishes to preserve the state of happiness that they are in.
She loves Merlin because when she is with him she doesn't feel alone.
Emrys, pronounced em-riss, is a boy's name of Welsh origin, meaning “immortal.” This beautiful title is the Welsh counterpart of the Greek name Ambrose.
Old Merlin, otherwise known as Emrys, is Merlin's alter ego. The young warlock uses an aging spell to transform himself into an old man and must take a potion to transform back to his young self. Gaius is the only one to know Old Merlin's true identity.
When Nimue and Merlin meet in the fifth episode, she asks the wizard why her mother instructed her to bring him the sword. By the end, viewers learn that not only did he and her mother have a relationship, but Nimue is actually Merlin's daughter.
With the help of her half-sister, Morgana, she sacrificed her life to the depths of the Other World. The resulting chaos proved that even in death, she was a formidable enemy to Camelot.
Gaius acted as a surrogate father and teacher to Merlin.
Kyduan was not the only child of Arthur according to Welsh Arthurian tradition – he is also ascribed sons called Amr (Amhar), Gwydre, Llacheu and Duran. (See the Offspring section for further information about Arthur's children.)
Morgana later becomes deeply attached to Mordred, a young druid boy whose life Merlin saved, risking Uther's wrath should their actions be discovered (The Beginning of the End).
Despite her mysterious nature, according to Escanor, Merlin is a very kind and cheerful woman.
Merlin (also called Emrys) was born to Hunith and Balinor in Ealdor , a small outlying village in the kingdom of Essetir .
Considered by many the first wizard ever, Merlin is both a Harry Pottercharacter, albeit one the fans didn't get to see in the series, and the first mythological sorcerer of all time.
Merlin's magic was so powerful he was able to achieve immortality as shown in The Diamond of the Day as he was capable of living forever as he was still alive even in modern times. His immortality may be because of his powerful magic or his destiny that ties him with the return of Arthur.
Merlin's age was never stated. Logic dictates that he is at least a year Arthur's junior but beyond that, we cannot make any assumptions.
The name Merlin is both a boy's name and a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "sea fortress". This name of the famous fifth-century sorcerer and mentor of King Arthur may or may not be a bit wizardy for a real-life modern child.
In Welsh Baby Names the meaning of the name Emyr is: Ruler.
The Bloody Knife: Attributed to Saint Emrys as his chief sigil of pacts and oaths. The bloody knife was used by he and his Brotherhood of the Damned to swear revenge and rebellion on all those who oppressed his kind, thus it is heralded as the symbol of an unbreakable oath.
The finale was “a love story between two men”
Most notably, the showrunner confirms that Merlin and Arthur did indeed grow to love each other by the end of the series, calling it a “pure” love.
Morgana Pendragon, 607 - 621
Morgana married Merlin. Merlin was born in 603. They had one son: Arian Pendragon. Morgana passed away in 621, at age 14.
After developing a friendship with Merlin, she quickly becomes smitten with him (The Dragon's Call). Although Merlin is unaware of Gwen's feelings for him until she kisses him when she finds out he is alive, despite being poisoned (The Poisoned Chalice).