Do Amish people smoke?

Tobacco use is widely discouraged by leaders in many Amish church districts. However, there is a period of time in the life of an Amish person where some behaviors are more tolerated.

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Do the Amish allow smoking?

Smoking is generally frowned upon in the Old Order Amish church. However, some Amish men do smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. The practice is more common among the more conservative Amish groups. Smoking is generally frowned upon by the Amish community, and there is a growing movement to discourage it.

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Do Amish men chew tobacco?

Some Old Order Amish groups grow and use tobacco. Even though it's not too common, some Amish men chew and smoke tobacco.

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Do Amish people talk to outsiders?

Most Amish people enjoy talking with outsiders, if they don't feel like they are regarded as animals in the zoo. In some Amish communities shops and attractions may not be open on Sundays, so be sure to call ahead and plan accordingly.

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What do the Amish do on Sundays?

The Amish celebrate church, family and friends on Sundays. Every other Sunday will be spent with their church family and the opposite Sundays you will find them visiting other churches, family and friends. Sunday is a true day of rest for the Amish, only doing what is necessary.

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Do Amish Smoke and Drink? You Might Be Surprised!

19 related questions found

What time do Amish go to bed?

Since morning comes early, most Amish families are in bed by 8:30 – 9:00 pm. Rest and getting adequate sleep is imperative for the Amish since much of their day is spent doing manual labor.

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What time do Amish go to bed and wake up?

The Amish stay up after dark, but they go to bed early: typically between 9 and 9.30pm in summer, and more like 8.30-9pm in winter. Most people start work at around 5.30am, so they're often up by 4.45am.

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What is the feminine hygiene of the Amish?

Feminine Hygiene

Female Amish wash their hair and wear it in a bun. As for makeup, Amish women aren't allowed to wear cosmetics or adornments considered worldly. This includes lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, and jewelry.

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What is the Amish bedroom ritual?

The Amish practice a form of bedroom ritual called "bundling." In bundling, a young man and woman spend time together in the same room, usually fully clothed and often with a board or blanket between them. This allows them to get to know each other without the distraction of physical contact.

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How do Amish deal with periods?

I think the level of integration with the modern world varies community to community (some Amish communities are more insular than others) but the most conservative of them will probably use the same methods women used for hundreds of years — wrapping themselves with strips of material, or wrapping their shift/ ...

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Do Amish couples sleep in the same bed?

The Amish bedroom rules contain what is known as bundling. This is the practice of sleeping in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex while fully clothed. Bundling is not considered sexual in nature. Rather, it's seen as a way to get to know someone better before marriage.

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What is forbidden for Amish?

As part of their Ordnung, Old Order Amish forbid owning automobiles; tapping electricity from public utility lines; owning televisions, radios, or personal computers; attending high school or college; joining the military; and initiating divorce. All Amish groups expect men and women to wear prescribed clothing.

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Do Amish men take more than one wife?

Not only do the Amish not actively practice polygamy, they certainly don't believe in it. They view polygamy as adultery. Although the various Amish settlements may interpret certain rules slightly differently, there is no deviation from this law. The Amish believe in traditional marriage between one man and one woman.

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What are the Amish hair rules?

In conclusion, the Amish have strict hair rules that are deeply rooted in their belief system. Amish women keep their hair long and never cut or style it, while men are allowed to keep their hair shorter but still must wear hats when outdoors.

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Can Amish drink coffee?

If you're from a different culture you may be used to having a variety of things to drink with your meal from ice tea to milk to coffee. Its water for the Amish. But don't forget to have a cup of coffee after dessert while you sit around to chat. Meadow tea is also a favorite.

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Can Amish have tattoos?

The very next verse, Leviticus 19:28 cautions against the act of tattooing. Therefore, the Amish do not allow their community members to get tattoos. Piercings and earrings are also not allowed, as these are seen as signs of worldliness and vanity.

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Why do Amish girls cover their hair?

The Amish and Mennonites believe that it is a Biblical command for women to cover their heads while praying. And we must always be ready to pray, therefore they wear a prayer covering all the time. They believe that a woman having her head covered is a sign that she is in submission to her husband.

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Why do Amish wear their hair up?

Amish women pin their hair into buns, and then cover their heads with a prayer kapp, following Paul's instruction to women in 1 Corinthians 11:5 to cover their heads. The idea is that one should always be prepared to pray, and one should be prayerful throughout their days.

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How do the Amish feel about woman?

It is clear that women are valued in Amish culture, and on some levels are even afforded types of equality and freedoms that women outside of Amish society might not be. In Amish weddings, for example, the woman is not “given away” by her father to her future husband, as is often done in non-Amish weddings.

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Do Amish girls have to cover their hair?

Amish women, however, have to wear their head coverings at all times. An Amish bonnet or head covering is called kapp (or prayer cover). It is worn and topped with a black Amish bonnet used by women in Amish communities during certain occasions.

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Do Amish wear undergarments?

Do Amish women wear panties? Well, Amish women must cover their entire bodies, and so women are expected to wear underwear. However, their undergarments are different from what we in the modern world consider panties. The Amish women wear full-length bloomers, usually made of white cotton or muslin fabric.

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Is it possible to date an Amish woman?

The Amish take courtship very seriously. Its intention is to find a life partner and start a family. Marriage is deemed a sacred act in the eyes of God. As marriages between Amish and outsiders are forbidden, instances of Amish dating outsiders are rare but not entirely unheard of.

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Do Amish believe in birth control?

Birth control and abortion are forbidden by religious doctrine, even when pregnancy is life threatening. The Amish church has no rule against immunization, but only 16-26% of Amish children have received immunizations against the common childhood diseases.

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How do the Amish give birth?

Amish Birth Culture

Members of this faith-based community typically practice home births, which are performed without modern medical interventions such as epidurals or pain relief medications.

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What do Amish men wear to bed?

Fascinatingly, Amish women do wear underwear, but Amish men are prohibited from wearing underpants. Instead of conventional pajamas, Amish men generally wear long linen shirts to bed, although they do also wear flannel shirts in the winter to keep warm.

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