Not the lazy country: Australians among the world's earliest risers... but among the first to have an early night. Australians are among the world's earliest risers, with nearly half of all Aussies getting out of bed before 7am, according to a new study.
half of Australians (50%) are now getting up earlier, with 59% waking up before 7am; 43% of Australians changed their morning routines due to COVID; the top three things Australians do before 9am now include: eating breakfast with the family (28%); starting work early (27%); and cleaning the house (24%);
Australians may see themselves as a hard-partying bunch but new research has shown they go to bed earlier than any other country. The University of Michigan study found a typical Australian adult goes to bed around 10.45pm – a full hour earlier than the Spanish, who have the world's latest bedtime.
The average Aussie goes to bed just after 10:45pm, which is more than an hour earlier than the late night Spaniards, the University of Michigan's global sleep pattern research found. As well as the early nights, Australians are the first to rise along with Americans who both get up just after 6:45am.
One of the latest average bedtimes is in Russia. Most people go to bed at 1:05 am. It follows then in order to get a good night's rest, most people wake up after 8:00 am, so they have enough energy to start the new day.
Spring and autumn are among the best times to travel the entire country. International flights to Australia are more affordable than in summer; the weather is warming up (or cooling down from summer highs); and the north, from Broome to Cairns, experiences the dry season, offering perfect travel conditions.
Most Australian Shepherds should begin calming down at two years of age. At this point, they're considered mature dogs who can better regulate their energy. That said, not all Aussies will tone it down at this age. It may take them reaching seniority for their energy to drop off.
At 2-3 years of age, Mini Aussies are considered mentally developed and will be better at regulating their energy levels. In other words, they will start to calm down! That said, Aussies are naturally active dogs and will remain so into old age.
Gold Coast and Wollongong are our most rested cities with Perth burning the midnight oil as Australia's least rested, surviving on an average of 5.79 hours of sleep a night. Men tend to get slightly more sleep than women, as do those aged 16-24, who nod off for 6.87 hours each night.
In addition to that, some studies recommend that early bedtimes are preferable for a healthy body clock and some argue that 8 am is the best time to wake up.
Nearly half (48%) of all Australian adults report at least 2 sleep-related problems.
The best time to wake up in the morning is between 6:30 am to 7. Waking up early is considered to be one of the healthiest morning habits that shape the rest of your day.
The LSA 2019 report also concluded that 6 to 11 year olds in Australia go to bed on average between 8 and 8.30pm, 12-15 year olds go to bed between 9 and 9.30pm and 16-17 year olds go to bed between 10 and 10.30pm.
Waking up at 5 AM gives you time to yourself, making it an excellent opportunity to plan out your day and identify your goals. Merely waking up at this time will provide you with a significant productivity boost and leave you more motivated to get stuff done.
Our biology influences what times of the day we are most productive. The overwhelming majority of all people are not built to consistently wake up at 5 AM. Unless you are a Lion, built for waking up early, don't force yourself. You may be able to do it for a short time, but it is not sustainable.
As they get closer to being 1 year old they finally get a long, slightly more dense and coarse adult coat (see pics below). Right now at 1 year old Indie's coat is long, but not very thick. I hear it takes two to three years for the coat to really get to full thickness.
Australian Shepherds are highly energetic and maintain their energy levels through their adult life and sometimes into their senior years. As a result, consistent exercise and mental stimulation is a must for this breed. Without an outlet for their energy, the Australian Shepherd may develop destructive behaviors.
If you're wondering how your Aussie is showing you his love, cuddler or not, here are some signs to watch for. Bringing you toys. If your dog is bringing you his favorite things, he wants to play with you and make you happy. Since he feels happy with his toys, he assumes you will, too.
Female Australian Shepherds
It is suggested that females are also more sensitive and laid back. Because of this, they are said to have an easier personality to deal with. They've often got their agendas and will let you know what they want.
Most Australian Shepherds will need 16 months to reach their full adult size, although many will already be at their adult height around a year old.
The hottest months in Australia are therefore December, January and February. In these months, you might like to head south to escape the heat. The coldest months are June, July and August - a perfect time to explore up north.
In most parts of Australia, the coldest night and day typically occur during July, several weeks after the June winter solstice. However, every year is different and in most areas we can get the coldest temperatures at any time from autumn to spring.
The city of Perth has the best weather/climate in Australia. The city enjoys a temperate Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild but wet winters. Perth is also the sunniest capital city in Australia and is considered one of the hottest experiencing over 250+ days of sunny blue skies.