Pet attachment, she continues, is related to better mental health in autistic individuals (17:15). The study also found that autistic people use relationships with pets to compensate for social avoidance experienced as a result of social difficulties (16:15).
Many autistic people cite a strong attachment to animals, and some studies suggest they may even show a bias towards animals over people.
People with Asperger's syndrome often tend to bond more easily with animals than they do with people. Medical research has shown that pets can be highly beneficial for children with Asperger's, as an animal gives affection unconditionally, is non-judgmental and provides emotional and physical therapy.
The fleeting way cats make eye contact may explain why some autistic children develop stronger relationships with pet cats than pet dogs.
Autistic people might also become attached to objects (or parts of objects), such as toys, figurines or model cars – or more unusual objects like milk bottle tops, stones or shoes. An interest in collecting is also quite common.
Some kids on the spectrum feel a constant need for affection because they are not sure when or if the attention will be available. Schedule 5 to 10 minutes every day when you can provide your youngster with undivided attention (i.e., no computer, T.V., cell phones, etc.).
They may avoid interactions or eye contact or even resist parental attention, hugs, or cuddling. There has been more research into the reasoning behind this, but many times it results in people with autism being defensive against touch.
Cats' preference for subtle social interactions may make them more appealing to autistic children, a new study has found. To celebrate National Cat Day, we take a look at how the traits that cause some to describe cats as aloof might also make them good pets for children with autism.
Most support and therapy dogs are larger breeds; some of the most popular dogs for children with autism include Golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, Standard poodles, Staffordshire bull terriers, and German shepherds.
Pets can provide a familiar source of comfort and have a calming effect on the children in day to day situations and especially so in social settings. Pets also help children with autism develop a positive sense of self. As mentioned previously, pets are non-judgmental, showing unconditional love and affection.
Dogs. As we've discussed, dogs are a popular pet for autistic kids. They help to improve social skills as they act as a 'social lubricant' - so many people are naturally drawn to dogs and they make for an easy conversation starter. Loyal, loving and playful, a dog can easily become part of the family.
Signs of High-Functioning Autism in Children
May appear more mature for their age and have above-average intelligence. A tendency to avoid eye contact. Trouble deviating from a routine or adapting to changes. Trouble making friends and maintaining social relationships or not “fitting in” with peers.
Many autistic children and adults have a special bond with dogs. Through our experience of training dogs for autistic children we've seen the amazing difference dogs can make.
Summary. While many people with autism may appear to lack empathy and sympathy, it is not the case for all people with autism. For those who struggle with displaying appropriate empathetic responses, the reasons may relate more to social communication issues than a lack of underlying emotional response.
Children with ASD often need a hug, just like other children. Sometimes they need this much more than other children. But some children don't like to be touched. Respect their personal space.
Butterfly. The butterfly symbol is one that signifies change and represents the diversity of people on the autism spectrum. It also symbolizes the full lives of the autistic community, and the beauty of the differences of autistic people.
They make socialising easier
Children with autism, ADHD, or ADD can find socialising difficult, especially if they already feel isolated by their condition. But having a dog with them helps to make social situations easier to deal with, especially as dogs are a natural talking point.
Caring for a cat helps children with ASD learn empathy and compassion as well as teaching responsibility. Petting a cat relieves stress and anxiety not just for the child with ASD, but the whole family. Cats are nonjudgmental, allowing children with ASD to feel relaxed and to connect freely with their cat companion.
Some low-quality studies have found that animals might help autistic people develop sensory, social skills and early communication skills. Animals might also help people manage problem behaviour and stress. More high-quality research is needed to find out whether animal-assisted therapy is effective.
Autism generally stunts the individual's ability to understand human behavior and social cues, which can often be isolating and hard. These feelings of isolation often result in lashing out and undesirable behavior. Cats, however, do not have such social cues.
Autistic people often have a much stronger fight-or-flight response and we tend to feel emotions, including fear, much more strongly than other people and so are more likely to be instinctively frightened by a large dog.
Children on the spectrum often play act like various animals:- commonly cats and dogs. While parents / teachers may be bewildered by these behaviours, often the child just wants / needs to explore their environments from the perspective of a cat or dog = usually wanting to eat, move and sleep like the animal.
While this is not typically what you think of with tender, romantic love, it may cause a person with ASD discomfort if someone were to kiss them or hold their hand gently. For example, one teenager with autism who didn't like kissing at all, described that he felt it was just like smashing faces together.
Does autism affect sexual interest, behavior, and intimacy? Being autistic doesn't mean a person is uninterested in sex. In fact, most people on the autism spectrum want to have romantic relationships, sexual relationships, or both.
Love and affection may be felt but expressed differently
They may show love, for example, through a practical act, and tidy up for you, or iron your shirt, rather than through a more neurotypical way of looking at you and telling you or using physical affection.