The study found that the average IQ of blondes was actually slightly higher than those with other hair colors, but that finding isn't statistically significant, said Zagorsky, who works in the university's Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR).
A recent study published in Economics Bulletin examined survey data from baby boomers and found that among white women, those born with blonde hair tended to have slightly higher IQs than average. Blonde women scored a mean IQ of 103.2, while those with brown hair achieved the second highest score at 102.7.
Being naturally blonde is pretty rare.
Only 2 percent of people in the world are natural blondes. (About one in 20 Americans are.) But that doesn't mean it's not popular. One in three women dyes her locks light enough to be considered blonde.
The international scientific team found a total of 124 genes that play a major role in determining human hair colour and, unexpectedly, discovered that women were twice as likely to be naturally blonde than men. In comparison, they also revealed that men were three times as likely as women to have black hair.
Blondes Are At Higher Risk For Eye Problems & Skin Cancer
On top of that, blondes naturally have less melanin in their bodies, and since melanin is what protects our skin from dangerous UV rays, we're more likely to develop melanoma. So, if you're blonde, don't underestimate the sun.
Why do blondes not age well? Lighter features typically indicate a paler skin tone, which—as previously noted—is more prone to sun damage (the number-one risk factor for fast-tracked aging.) “Having less melanin in your skin may also predispose you to premature aging due to photodamage,” says Dr. Preminger.
Who lived longer, blondes or non-blondes? The researchers showed that the blondes had significantly lower all-cause death. Still, they had a higher mortality from skin cancer. Contrasted and compared to the non-blondes, the blondes had significantly reduced all-cause death.
Finland. Finland has the highest blond hair population by percentage of the total population. Nearly 80% of the population has blond hair, and an astounding 89% of the population has blue eyes. Blond hair and blue eyes are one of the rarest combinations in the world.
Take this 2011 study from dating app Badoo, for example. A couple of thousand UK men were polled and 33.1% of them revealed they found brunettes more attractive than blondes. Though 29.5% found blondes more attractive, brown-haired beauties still edged ahead of the pack.
The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive, meaning both parents must have the genes for them to be expressed in their offspring.
True blonde is also a rare hair color, and the Daily Mail reports that only 12.7 percent of women have pure blonde hair, and only 9.9 percent of men do. Surprisingly, many of the genetic differences identified by the researchers correlated with factors other than pigmentation like hair texture and growth.
Because blond hair tends to turn brown with age, natural blond hair is significantly less common in adulthood; according to the sociologist Christie Davies, only around five percent of adults in Europe and North America are naturally blond.
According to a new study conducted by the University of British Columbia, women with blonde hair are more likely to become the CEO of a company.
Blonde women were slightly more likely to be in the highest IQ category than those with other hair colors, and slightly less likely to be in the lowest IQ category.
Blue: Blue is the color of trust, confidence, and intelligence. Blue encourages intellectual activity, reasoning and logical thinking, and acquires lessons faster. That is the color of intellect.
In fact, it turns out that blondes aren't "dumb" at all—in fact, women with blonde hair are the smartest of all, according to a new study, published in the Economics Bulletin. Ohio State researcher Jay L.
An academic study has found that women with fair hair are more aggressive and confident than brunettes or redheads. This is because blondes attract more attention than other women as they are generally viewed by men as more attractive and so are used to getting their own way, the researchers claim.
According to more recent studies, brunettes are thought to be the more rational and sensible ones, translating to the perception that blondes are more free-spirited (read: more fun). Additionally, 36% of men prefer blondes in the bedroom, while 31% fancy a romp with a brown-haired beauty.
Both lighter brown hair and lighter blonde hair are seen as more attractive than darker or black hair. Lighter hair increases men's ratings for youth, health and attractiveness in a woman. On the negative side, though, lighter hair was linked to worse parenting skills by men.
A breakdown of the Great Australian Sex Survey shows men prefer brunettes to blondes.
Like black hair, brown hair occurs more commonly in certain countries, including Europe, Australia, Canada, and Asia.
As the population grows and people have babies, the genes for less melanin will become more common. That makes the link between lighter eyes, hair, and skin tighter. So that's why you see people with blond hair typically have blue eyes!
While the study concluded that the average age for a woman to go grey is 33, it found redheads lose their colour at 30, brunettes at 32 and blondes at 35. For one in 10 women, those first grey hairs appear by the time they reach 21-years-old, while one in four women find their first grey by the age of 25.
Does Blonde Hair Make You Look Younger? It does indeed! Warm blonde tones such as honey, gold, caramel and strawberry blonde can take years off your face.
But some children with light hair, including towhead blonds, strawberry blonds, dishwater blonds and redheads, see their hair go dark brown by their 10th birthday. The reason for this change is because the amount of eumelanin in your hair increases as you mature, according to some research.