The signs and symptoms of a blood clot include swelling, skin tenderness and warmth, and even chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Blood clot symptoms vary depending on the size and whether it's in a vein or an artery.
Shortness of breath, coughing up blood and feeling faint or dizzy, or passing out are also common symptoms. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in the deep veins of your leg. It's one of the main causes of pulmonary embolisms.
Dizziness has many possible causes, including inner ear disturbance, motion sickness and medication effects. Sometimes it's caused by an underlying health condition, such as poor circulation, infection or injury. The way dizziness makes you feel and your triggers provide clues for possible causes.
Signs that you may have a blood clot
leg pain or discomfort that may feel like a pulled muscle, tightness, cramping or soreness. swelling in the affected leg. redness or discoloration of the sore spot. the affected area feeling warm to the touch.
“Red flag” symptoms should alert you to a non-vestibular cause: persistent, worsening vertigo or dysequilibrium; atypical “non-peripheral” vertigo, such as vertical movement; severe headache, especially early in the morning; diplopia; cranial nerve palsies; dysarthria, ataxia, or other cerebellar signs; and ...
Dizziness Can Be a Symptom of an Anxiety Disorder
Your fight or flight instinct kicks in – your fight or flight instinct is often triggered when you feel anxious, as your body prepares for the dangers that you believe are ahead of you. This can lead to a rush of adrenaline, leaving you feeling dizzy and/or lightheaded.
In most cases, dizziness associated with heart problems is accompanied by other symptoms. These may include shortness of breath, swollen extremities, frequent fatigue or chest pain. In the event heart disease is suspected, you will undergo one or more tests to get to the root of your problem.
Small blood clots in the calf can sometimes go undetected for several days or weeks, especially if they don't show any symptoms. If left untreated, however, DVT can travel up the veins in the leg to the lungs or other major organs in the body, leading to a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism or similar complication.
New swelling in your arm or leg. Skin redness. Soreness or pain in your arm or leg. A warm spot on your leg.
“Blood clot symptoms don't come and go quickly,” says Dr. Tran. “They stay.”
Symptoms to Lookout For
There are a few telltale signs that you may have DVT, which include pain, swelling, tenderness or redness in and around the suspected area. Some other signs include leg cramps, leg pain that becomes more severe when the foot is bent and skin discoloration.
Common causes of dizziness
migraine – dizziness may come on before or after the headache, or even without the headache. stress or anxiety – particularly if you tend to hyperventilate (breathe abnormally quickly when resting) low blood sugar level (hypoglycaemia) – which is usually seen in people with diabetes.
Causes of balance problems include medications, ear infection, a head injury, or anything else that affects the inner ear or brain.
Common causes of dizziness include low blood sugar, changes in altitude, heart failure, dehydration, and certain medications. While weakness can be due to injury or inflammation, the combination of dizziness and weakness may be a more serious condition that requires prompt medical attention.
If you are dizzy right now and have any of the following neurological symptoms along with your dizziness or vertigo, call 911 immediately: New confusion or trouble speaking or understanding speech. New slurred speech or hoarseness of voice. New numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg.
Get emergency medical care if you experience new, severe dizziness or vertigo along with any of the following: Sudden, severe headache. Chest pain. Difficulty breathing.
High blood pressure and dizziness are often associated because a person with uncontrolled hypertension may present with dizziness; indeed, dizziness may be the only symptom of hypertension.
An In-Depth Look At Blood Clots
We can't see or feel these veins, meaning a clot could be “silent” with no symptoms, or it could cause dull, heavy pressure, pain, and swelling. Clots in superficial veins, outside of the muscle tissue, can cause a lump or cord tender to the touch.
Clues of a Clot
They may signal a deep vein clot or pulmonary embolism: swelling of the leg or along a vein in the leg. pain or tenderness in the leg, which you may feel only when standing or walking. increased warmth in the area of the leg that's swollen or painful.
The risk of a blood clot breaking off and traveling around the body is highest within the first 4 weeks after it initially forms. However, healthcare professionals are unsure of exactly how long it takes for a blood clot to travel around the body.
Clotting is a necessary process that can prevent you from losing too much blood in certain instances, such as when you're injured or cut. Blood clots usually dissolve on their own.